Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4867: quality

As time went by, Lin Fei's mental energy level continued to increase.

Lin Fei's battle with those monsters became more and more relaxed.

This time the battle lasted a long time.

Lin Fei is always immersed in the battle of heart energy and energy, and has completely forgotten the passage of time! at last.

Later, Lin Fei became more and more relaxed against those monsters.

You can throw a large number of monsters into the air by simply displaying a secret technique of mental power and energy.

Moreover, the various mental power and energy secret techniques cultivated in the heart power tower are becoming more and more proficient.

Lin Fei estimated it himself, Lin Fei entered the Pagoda, and so far, his mental energy level has increased by a thousand times! "With my current level of mental energy and energy, I can easily crush the young posters who meet the time.

I can already kill the 9th floor master easily within a few moves! "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Meeting this white-robed old man and becoming the heir of the Xinli school gave Lin Fei a qualitative leap in his energy level! "I just don't know, with my current mental energy level, I can deal with that ghost tribe."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Lin Fei understood that the Yingui clan would definitely find himself in the future, so to speak, he was one of his number one enemy.

A battle with the Yinguizu is definitely unavoidable! "My current mental energy, even if I can't beat that Yingui clan, it should be able to form a great influence on him."

Lin Fei is a little confident.

Because, in the space in the depths of the Valley of Eight Fires, Lin Fei’s mental energy had a little effect on the Yingui tribe. Now, Lin Fei’s mental energy level has increased so much, and it is above the law of mental power. He also has a very high level of attainments, and when he confronts the Yin Ghost Clan, he will definitely have a greater influence on that Yin Ghost Clan.

"However, I don't know if I can kill that Yingui clan with my current mental energy level. I guess it's still a bit difficult to kill him.

In terms of mental energy, I still need to continue to practice. "

Lin Fei thought about it.

"All right.

This battle can be over.

Your mental energy has been greatly improved, and you have reached a bottleneck, and if you fight those monsters, you may not be able to increase it in a short period of time.

In the future, you can practice more on your own. "

Lin Fei suddenly received the legend of the white-robed old man.

"Okay, Master."

Lin Fei nodded.

next moment.

All the monsters in the time and space around Lin Fei disappeared.


"Okay, Lin Fei, from now on, you have to concentrate on cultivating the mental power world.

Our mind-power school has a lot of inheritance about the world of mind-power, and you have to practice seriously. "

The white-robed old man said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.


Lin Fei nodded.

Boom...In the distant time and space, a short monster appeared, with white skin all over, exuding a weird aura.

"Outsider, next, you have to face me.

If you are not confident, leave early.

I'm not easy to deal with.

If you don't make it right, you will lose your life here. "

The dwarf monster stared at Lin Fei and said coldly.

"I'm sick of hearing your words along the way.

Let's get started. "

Lin Fei said.

"Huh, outsider, you are so arrogant.

Then don't blame me for being impolite. "

The little monster's face sank, and his eyes became cold.

next moment.

Rumble...One after another mental power world, one after another, appeared continuously in the time and space around Lin Fei, roaring to the sky, and suppressed it towards Lin Fei.

"Sure enough, this monster came out to accompany me to cultivate the mental power world."

Lin Fei smiled as he looked at the mental power world that was crushing towards him one by one.

Lin Fei understood that after he entered the Xin Li Pagoda, all the monsters that appeared had actually come to accompany him in his cultivation.

According to the white-robed old man, this Xin Li Pagoda was specially designed for Xin Li Sect disciples to cultivate in ancient times! Those monsters are all companions! "Okay, next, we have to cultivate the mental power world!"

In Lin Fei's heart, there was a little expectation.

Rumble...Lin Fei began to show off his mental power, and blasted against that monster's mental power.

Now, Lin Fei has been able to condense a thousand or so mental worlds, so of course he would not be afraid of this monster.

Boom... Lin Fei and the monster's mental power world constantly blasted and fought fiercely.

But soon, Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

The mental power displayed by that monster is much harder than Lin Fei's mental power! Often after a few hits, the mental powers that Lin Fei showed off began to be full of cracks, and finally exploded with a loud noise.

And the mental power world that the monster displayed was very strong, constantly withstanding impacts, but it didn't suffer any damage, it was extremely hard.

"How can this be?

The quality of the mental power that it has displayed seems to be much better than my mental power! "

Lin Fei was stunned.

Boom... The world of mind and power that Lin Fei showed off, one after another, was constantly being hit and blew up.

And the world of mental power displayed by that monster, only after being hit many times, some cracks appeared.

None of them were blown up! "Lin Fei, now you understand that there are many mental powers you can condense.

However, the quality is really a bit poor.

So, in the next time, you don't want to pursue the quantity of the mental power world, but rather cultivate the quality of the mental power world, do you understand?

Otherwise, no matter how large the number of mental power worlds you have condensed, it will always be a poor mental power world, and it is difficult to be elegant. "

At this time, the words of the white-robed old man sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Master, thank you for your advice.

I don't really know, it turns out that the quality of my mental power world is so poor.

Master, you can rest assured that from now on, I will try my best to cultivate the quality of the mental world.

Strive to improve the quality first, and then increase the number of mental worlds. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Ah That's good."

The white-robed old man nodded.

In the next time, Lin Fei slowly began to experience the mental power condensed by that little monster.

Investigate why the mental power condensed by this monster is so good in quality.

Lin Fei has greatly improved both the energy and the laws of the mind, so after studying it, he soon has his own mind.

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