Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4868: Quality improvement

Rumble... That monster is still displaying more of its mental power, and it keeps crashing towards Lin Feibao.

These mental power worlds are very hard, constantly shattering those mental power worlds that Lin Fei showed.

Lin Fei was forced to retreat continuously, very embarrassed.

However, Lin Fei understood that this was a very rare opportunity for him to practice.

Lin Fei carefully studied the mental power that the monster showed.

Gradually, Lin Fei began to understand more and more about the mental power that the monster had shown.

Compared with Lin Fei, this monster's mental energy level is actually about the same.

Moreover, the number of mind-power worlds he displayed was less than the number of mind-power worlds that Lin Fei could display, about five or six hundred! It is equivalent to half of Lin Fei's mental power world! However, every one of the world of mental power displayed by this monster is like a gathering of the essence of mental power! "Fuse as many mental energy and mental laws as possible into one mental power world.

Instead of pursuing a large number of mental worlds! Seek refinement, not more! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

In the course of the fight, the more than 1,000 mental powers that Lin Fei displayed could not beat the five to six hundred mental powers displayed by that monster! Lin Fei gradually realized the beauty of seeking refinement but not more! Then, Lin Fei began to comprehend carefully how that monster would integrate as much of its mental energy and its laws as possible into a mental world.

Lin Fei understands that this must also be a kind of inheritance of Xinli School! Slowly, finally, Lin Fei began to figure out some methods of how the monster condensed the world of mind and power.

"I will try it too."

In the next time, Lin Fei also began to follow the monster's method to try to condense the mental power world, integrating as much mental power energy and mental power laws as possible into one mental power world.

At the beginning, it was more difficult.

However, as time went by, the number of attempts increased, and the quality of Lin Fei's condensed mental world began to get better and better.

Compared with the previous mental power world, it has become harder and harder! Lin Fei found that as the mental power world he condensed, the quality became better and better, but the quantity became less and less.

"fair enough.

Pursue quality first, then quantity later. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

With Lin Fei's condensed mental power world, the quality became better and better, and Lin Fei began to become more and more relaxed in the face of the monster's attack.

It's no longer as embarrassed as it was at the beginning.

"Outsiders, you can actually support such a long time, and you have become stronger and stronger."

In the distance, the monster couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Thanks to your teaching."

Lin Fei smiled.

The monsters in the heart tower are all sparring roles.

Therefore, Lin Fei's mental energy level can continue to be improved, and I really want to thank these monsters.

With the passage of time, the quality of Lin Fei's condensed mental power became better and better.

At the same time, the number is becoming less and less.

Finally, afterwards, the number of mental powers that Lin Fei could condense was only more than 500! However, every mental power world condensed is many times harder than the previous mental power world! The world of mental strength condensed with that monster is already a fight! Boom... Lin Fei's condensed mind power world, and the mind power world condensed by that monster, constantly collide with each other, and the fight is fierce, making this piece of time and space sway.

However, both sides are invincible and undefeated! "If I want to defeat this monster, the condensed mental power world must be stronger than his mental power world!"

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Lin Fei was not satisfied with just a tie. Lin Fei hoped that he could defeat this monster, so that he could make great progress.

Therefore, Lin Fei continued to study carefully the method of condensing the mental power of the monster, while thinking and researching on his own, how to make the condensed mental power more rigid! "very nice.

Lin Fei has learned a kind of inheritance of our mind-power school.

He learns things really fast.

Moreover, in the process of learning and practicing, he will think independently, which is the most rare. "

Outside the Xin Li Pagoda, the white-robed old man was paying attention to Lin Fei's behavior, and he couldn't help nodding his head in satisfaction, admiring him greatly.

"How is Lin Fei's cultivation."

Heavenly Spirit Master has been meditating cross-legs in the distance, closing his eyes and resting. At this time, seeing the white-robed old man constantly admiring him, he couldn't help but curiosity and asked in a loud voice.

"The situation is very good, exceeding my expectations of him.

Lin Fei is very talented in mental energy, and he will surely be able to carry forward the inheritance of our mental energy in the future. "

The white-robed old man replied.

"That's good.

I knew that Lin Fei would not let you down. "

The heavenly spirit master listened to the white robe old man's words and relaxed.

In the heart tower.

The battle between Lin Fei and the monster was still going on.

The two sides are still showing the world of mind and strength one after another, and they are constantly confronting each other.

Lin Fei discovered that the monsters in this heart force tower would generally not disappear unless they were defeated.

If you want these monsters to disappear and stop attacking, you must defeat them! Over time.

Under Lin Fei's constant attempts, the condensed mental power world began to become harder and stronger.

Finally, Lin Fei discovered that the world of mental power condensed by him was harder and stronger than the world of mental power condensed by that monster! Bang... During the battle, a world of mental power displayed by that monster was directly shattered! "I can beat him now!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but refreshed when he saw this.

Next, Lin Fei continued to display more of the world of mind and power, and bombarded the monster with all his strength.

That monster also quickly displayed one world of mind and power one after another to resist.

Bang Bang... As the attacks of the two sides collided violently, the world of mental power displayed by that monster continued to explode.

The monster was also forced to keep retreating.

The situation is completely reversed! "Outsider, I am no longer your opponent."

Finally, the monster stopped attacking completely, retreated to the distance, and said in a loud voice.

Then, the body of this monster disappeared.

"This battle has greatly improved my mental power world cultivation base.

Although there are only more than 500 left in my current mental power world, my combat effectiveness is much stronger than before! "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"Well, Lin Fei, your level in the world of mental power has improved a lot compared to the past.

In the next time, you can increase the number of your mental world. "

The voice of the white-robed old man resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

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