Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5016: set off

"These six realms are the core part of the cycle of reincarnation, which manifested in countless worlds of large and small, and led countless creatures to the next cycle of reincarnation."

The master of the first round said.

"It turns out that the six realms of reincarnation really exist."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"For most of the weak and small creatures in the world, the six realms of rebirth certainly exist.

However, for those powerful masters, especially for Chaos God, there is no need for reincarnation and six reincarnation portals to carry out reincarnation.

Because in any world, the Chaos God is almost immortal, and there is no need for reincarnation. "

The master of the first round said.

"Yes it is."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei is also a Chaos God now, and of course understands what the first reincarnation ruler said.

"Master Number One, why did you give me these six reincarnation portals?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"You bring these six reincarnation portals with you. Whenever you approach any piece of reincarnation fragments, these six reincarnation portals will reflect, so that you immediately know where around the reincarnation fragments exist.

Therefore, it will be much easier for you to take these six portals of reincarnation to find the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation at that time. "

The master of the first round said.

"So that's it! That's great!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words of the first reincarnation ruler.

Indeed, when looking for reincarnation fragments, the biggest headache is not knowing where the reincarnation fragments exist.

Because, after the annual cycle was broken, there was a big explosion, which exploded into pieces, splashed and scattered everywhere.

If you want to collect all the reincarnation debris again, this is not a small project.

"Lin Fei, I will go with you too! Because I can control the Naihe Bridge.

Naihe Bridge was also a very important part of the cycle of rebirth.

When Naihe Bridge is activated, it can also very sensitively sense the location of the other reincarnation fragments.

What's more, I was a resident **** on the cycle of reincarnation back then, and I am much more familiar with the cycle of reincarnation than you.

I follow you and can be of great help. "

At this time, Po Meng came suddenly and said to Lin Fei.

Since returning to the line of reincarnation, the three reincarnation masters have taken action together and collected a large number of amazing treasures to help Meng Po reshape her body. Therefore, the current Meng Po is not in the state of remnant soul, but has been resurrected and returned to the year. Peak state! Meng Po in her peak state is a very powerful Chaos God master.

The current Po Meng is already a master in the Reincarnation Alliance! "Okay, Po Meng, you have a point, you can follow Lin Fei to collect the reincarnation fragments!"

The first round dominator nodded and said.

"Well, Lin Fei, without further ado, you can leave right away.

Whether the cycle of reincarnation can be rebuilt has a huge effect and influence on the outcome of this war.

You strive to collect all the reincarnation fragments as soon as possible. "

The master of the first round said to Lin Fei.

"Ok, got it.

I will start right now. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Of course, Lin Fei also knew how much impact the rebuilding of the cycle of reincarnation had on this war.

Moreover, if the cycle of reincarnation can be rebuilt, the combat power of the cycle of reincarnation will quickly return to its peak.

At that time, with the strength of the reincarnation line alone, you can fight the Thirteen Dark Alliance alone, not to mention the powerful allies such as the desolate beast clan and the Buddha world! "Lin Fei, remember to leave a few copies of you.

Also, in the process of searching for the cycle of rebirth, you must hide your whereabouts closely and try not to let the people of the Thirteen Dark Alliance know.

Otherwise, the Thirteen Dark Alliance will definitely send someone to chase you down. "

Heavenly Spirit Master once again exhorted.

"Okay, Senior Tianling, I will split a few clones now."

Lin Fei nodded.

As a result, Lin Fei immediately sat down cross-legged, displayed his magical powers, and separated into four clones on the spot.

These four clones all possess very powerful combat power, which is equivalent to a general Chaos God.

You know, Lin Fei had taken the fruit of the ninety-nine-eighty-one road before, so each of the clones that Lin Fei separated was very powerful.

"Lin Fei, I will personally take action and perform a special secret technique to perform a sacrificial practice on your four clones, so that your four clones look exactly the same as the main body, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

At that time, even the three dark masters and the four old posters will be hard to recognize. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"That's great!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Then I will set out now to collect the reincarnation fragments.

Don't worry, everyone, I will try my best to collect all the debris of the cycle of reincarnation, and then the cycle of reincarnation can be reorganized. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, with your current strength, I believe you will be able to complete the task."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Lin Fei, be careful about everything.

As soon as there is any change, send it to us immediately.

We will keep an eye on your whereabouts. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Master, don't worry, I will be careful."

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

Next, Lin Fei used a secret technique to change his spirit body aura and appearance, and then quietly left the base camp of the Reincarnation Alliance with Po Meng.

Po Meng also used a core secret technique of reincarnation, changing her appearance and spirit body aura.

Lin Fei and Meng Po changed into two strangers, quietly traveling through the time and space of the Absolute Space Sea, and soon left the base camp of the Reincarnation Alliance.

"Senior Mengpo, you said, where should we start."

After leaving the base camp of the Reincarnation Alliance, Lin Fei quietly asked Meng Po through a voice message.

"After the cycle of reincarnation was broken, there was a big explosion, which turned into many fragments and splashed everywhere, scattered in a wide range.

It’s just that, I guess the scope of the scattered fragments of the cycle of reincarnation is mainly in the various large and small worlds in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Therefore, from now on, we must enter and exit the sea of ​​absolute space at the fastest speed, and carry out a carpet-like search for all the large and small worlds that exist.

Only in this way can it be possible for us to find out all the fragments of the cycle of rebirth. "

Po Meng pondered for a moment, and said to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

"Well, Senior Meng, this method you mentioned is cumbersome, but from the current point of view, it is indeed the best and effective method.

Well, we will use this method for the time being to find the reincarnation fragments. "

Lin Fei listened to Po Meng's words, thought about it, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's go, just start from these nearby seas of space."

Po Meng said.

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