Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5017: Look for

Lin Fei and Meng Po used their physical skills to continuously travel through time and space, and soon they entered a nearby sea of ​​space.

This is a very ordinary space sea with three chaos gods.

Entering this sea of ​​space, Lin Fei immediately activated the six reincarnation portals and sensed them.

Meng Po also directly activated the Naihe Bridge, bursting out the energy and laws of reincarnation, and began to sense.

"Lin Fei, in order to be safe, we must enter this sea of ​​space, every plane, even every interface, or every star, and perform close sensing, so as to ensure that our search for work is correct.

Because there are some reincarnation fragments embedded in the depths of time and space, after a long period of time, the reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation will gradually weaken, so we must be close in order to be able to sense their existence. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Senior Mengpo, what you said makes sense.

Fortunately, you came with me. Otherwise, based on my experience, it would be really difficult to collect all the reincarnation fragments. "

Lin Fei could not help but nodded repeatedly after hearing Po Meng's words.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you don't have to be humble, I'm just a bit older than you, and I have more experience than you.

But the strength, you are now much stronger than me.

Even Black was killed by you! I am not Black's opponent. "

Po Meng answered with a smile.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po kept entering and exiting all planes and interfaces in this sea of ​​space, every hour.

Lin Fei activated the six-way reincarnation portal, and Meng Po activated the Naihe Bridge, just like two sensors, always sensing the place she passed.

However, there has been no discovery.

Lin Fei and Meng Po were powerful, and their body skills were too fast. Soon after, they searched most of the world in this sea of ​​space, but they didn't gain much for the time being.

Just now.

In the depths of time and space in this space sea, in a certain small world, there is a Chaos God sitting cross-legged.

This chaos **** is one of the three chaos gods in this sea of ​​space.

He was practicing in retreat, and suddenly seemed to sense something.

"I sensed two very powerful auras, and it seems that two strong men have entered our sea of ​​space.

Strange, who is it? "

The Chaos God said to himself, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Look at it."

This Chaos God stood up, walked out of the small world of his retreat, showed his starting method, and flew towards the location of Lin Fei and Meng Po.

At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po were searching in one of the planes of this sea of ​​space.

"Hey, a guy is coming towards us.

It should be the Chaos God in this sea of ​​space. "

Lin Fei said.

"Just send him away.

Also, don't let him know our identity and whereabouts. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

The next moment, Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged more than a hundred large formations across the distant time and space, and roared towards the chaos god.

The Chaos God was showing his starting method and came towards the position of Lin Fei and Meng Po. Suddenly, more than a hundred formations rolled in, surrounding him from all directions, making him inevitable.

Suddenly, the more than one hundred large formations enveloped him repeatedly and completely trapped him.

"Who is it! Hmph, some formations, do you want to trap me!"

This Chaos God couldn't help being furious.

Boom... Then, he started to attack the formations that were besieged around him frantically.

Rumble...With his shot, this piece of time and space began to boil.

However, these big formations arranged by Lin Fei were too high-level, and he was firmly enveloped in them.

This Chaos God attacked desperately, but his attack had no effect on the more than one hundred large formations around him.

"How is it possible! As a Chaos God, my attacks have no effect on these formations! What kind of formations are these, who arranged them, and how can they be so strong!"

This Chaos God began to become frightened.

"It seems that our sea of ​​space broke into two very terrible guys. If this goes on, it will affect my status! No, I must send a letter to the people on the purple mountain and let them deal with the two outsiders together. The strong come in!"

This Chaos God immediately sent a message to the other two Chaos Gods in this sea of ​​space.

Soon, in this sea of ​​space, the other two Chaos Gods received the information, and immediately walked out of their retreat and practiced, using their body skills to rush towards the position of the Chaos God trapped by the formation.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Meng Po are still going in and out of the world one by one.

"Two more guys here."

How powerful is Lin Fei's divine consciousness, he immediately sensed the two Chaos Gods who were coming, and said in a loud voice.

"Master Sutra, what happened?

Why are you trapped by these formations?

These formations can actually trap you, who arranged it! "

The other two Chaos Gods came to the Chaos God who was trapped by the formation, looked at the Chaos God who was desperately breaking the formation in the formation, and couldn't help asking in surprise.

Just now.

With a sudden wave of his hand, Lin Fei laid out more than two hundred formations, and across time and space, the two Chaos Gods who had just arrived were enveloped in a mighty manner.

"What happened?

! "

The two Chaos Gods suddenly found that time and space was shaking, and couldn't help being shocked.

In the next moment, they saw that more than two hundred large formations were rolling in from a distant space and time.

"Something is not good! Run away!"

One of the Chaos Gods couldn't help being shocked, and fled with his feet.

The other Chaos God also turned around and fled.

However, it was too late.

Rumble...More than two hundred formations came in an instant, and the two Chaos Gods were besieged from all directions.

As a result, the three Chaos Gods were all besieged by Lin Fei's formation group.

The three Chaos Gods desperately tried to break the formation, displayed all kinds of lore, sacrificed all their magic weapons, and desperately bombarded the formation.

However, they have been busy for most of the day and it is of no use at all! Those more than three hundred large formations are simply not their ability, they can crack it! "Damn it! Who are the two intruders and why are they so scared of their formation! Why did they attack us!"

The three Chaos Gods roared.

"Quickly, summon all the forces, all the people and horses under our name, and crack these **** formations together!"

A chaotic **** roared.

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