Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5019: A piece of sea

"From the current point of view, in this war, our Thirteen Dark Alliance does not seem to have any advantage."

A senior sighed.

"Originally, the overall strength of our Thirteen Dark Alliance is a level stronger than their Reincarnation Alliance.

However, the Reincarnation Alliance has many very powerful masters, which offset our advantages.

Especially the old fellow named Heavenly Spirit Master, he can actually tie the clone of the Dark Ancestor.

If it weren't for this old guy who suddenly appeared, the clone of the dark ancestor alone would be able to suppress many of the top masters of the Reincarnation Alliance. "

The executive continued.

"And that Lin Fei! Even Black Fang died in his hands. It is estimated that in our Thirteen Dark Alliance, apart from three dark masters and four old posters, no one dared to fight with Lin Fei. beated.

There are also several veterans in the Buddhist world, and their combat power is also amazing.

There are these top players in the Samsara League. We want to beat the Samsara League. It's not easy! "

Another senior also said with a sigh.

For a while, all the upper floors in the hall were silent.

The defeat not long ago dealt a big blow to the Thirteen Dark Alliance, and even these high-level leaders felt dejected and couldn't lift their energy until now.

"Everyone, I understand your feelings.

But now I have good news to tell you.

I just received a message, this message was sent by Master Hei Ba. "

At this moment, the First Dark Lord suddenly said.


! Hei Ba sent a message! "

After hearing the words of the First Dark Lord, in the hall, all the high-level members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance were surprised and happy, looking at the First Dark Lord at the same time.

"The first ruler, so to speak, the black tyrant, the former tyrant, is still alive!"

An old poster asked immediately.

Even the four old posters of the Suiyuelou have never known whether the highest leader of the dark clan is dead or alive.

Regarding the life and death of the black tyrant, the three dark masters have been kept secret.

Unexpectedly, but suddenly heard the news about the black bully, how are these thirteen dark alliance high-level leaders not surprised! "Master Hei Ba of course is still alive.

In fact, all these years, Mr. Heiba ​​has been sending messages back to contact the three of us.

It's just that the Master Hei Ba never let us reveal anything related to him, so the three of us can only be tight-lipped.

Just now, Master Hei Ba suddenly sent back a message telling us that he will return to the Sea of ​​Absolute Space soon! Therefore, the three of us don't have to hide things about Master Hei Ba. "

The First Dark Lord said in a loud voice.

"It turns out! The old black bully is still alive! Haha, when the old black bully comes back, where do we have to fear the reincarnation alliance! With the combat power and means of the senior black bully teacher, it is very simple to deal with the reincarnation alliance!"

"Yes, there is an old black bully who sits in our thirteen dark alliances. We will win this war!"

... After hearing the words of the First Dark Lord, all the other high-levels were very excited and screamed one after another.

"Furthermore, Master Hei Ba said that when that happens, he will bring back a few powerful friends to help us in the Thirteen Dark Alliance and fight the Reincarnation Alliance together.

With the strength of Master Hei Ba, his friend must also be very powerful.

At that time, we want to defeat the reincarnation alliance, it is indeed an easy thing! "

The First Dark Lord began to speak again.

"Really! That's great! In this way, our Thirteen Dark Alliance will win this war!"

Those high-level executives became more excited when they heard the words, and laughed one by one.

at the same time.

In the base camp of the Reincarnation Alliance.

"I am going to retreat.

My body has not been restored to its peak state, and there is no way to exert the strongest combat power.

Therefore, I plan to spend a period of time in retreat to see if I can restore my body to its peak state. "

The heavenly spirit master suddenly found three reincarnation masters and said.

The three reincarnation masters are all a little surprised.

The Heavenly Spirit Master’s current combat power is already very strong. If you are fighting alone, none of the three samsara dominates will have the confidence to beat the Heavenly Spirit Master.

But this is not the peak state of the Heavenly Spirit Master! So, how strong is the peak state of the Heavenly Spirit! "Senior Tianling, don't worry, go to retreat. I think the Thirteen Dark Alliance has lost a battle and will not send troops to fight again in a short time."

The master of the first round said.

"Senior Tianling, I have some cultivation resources. If you use them to refine and absorb, it should be good for your recovery."

In the first round, the master took out a space ring and handed it to the Heavenly Spirit Master.

The internal volume of this spatial ring is very huge, equivalent to an interface, which is full of various top-level training resources.


The Heavenly Spirit Master took the space ring.

He really needs these top-level training resources now.

Then, the Heavenly Spirit Master returned to the camp, opened up a small world, entered into the small world, and began to retreat and recover.

"Pass the order on and let everyone have a good rest.

Also, send out spies to keep an eye on the movement of the Thirteen Dark Alliance. "

The first round dominates the order.

As a result, most of the senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance entered a state of recuperation.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​absolute space began to calm down.

"The war seems to be suspended!"

"This is only a temporary calm period, wait and see, there will be more terrifying battles next!"

In the sea of ​​absolute space, countless creatures are paying attention to this terrible large-scale war. Seeing that the two camps are recuperating, they can't help but talk.

At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po were still in the sea of ​​absolute space, looking for fragments of the cycle of reincarnation everywhere.

On this day, Lin Fei and Meng Po came to a very remote time and space.

Rumbling... Suddenly, there were horrible roars in front, like a roaring ocean wave.

"It seems like a sea!"

Lin Fei looked forward, a little surprised.

I saw that the waves ahead were ups and downs, and the waves were boundless! The area of ​​this sea is too vast, with Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it is actually impossible to perceive the end.

What is even more surprising is that among the waves, there are broken planets, cracked interfaces, and continents that are torn apart, all of which are ups and downs with the waves.

Lin Fei could see that those planets, interfaces, and continents were all real. There used to be creatures living and cultivating in them, but now they are exhausted and become ruins. They are abandoned in the sea and become waves of waves. .

Looking around, I saw huge waves surging into the sky, and countless planets, interfaces and continents concealed there, giving people a shocking feeling.

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