Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5020: Falling into the sea

"What is this place?"

Lin Fei looked at the undulating sea in front of him, and couldn't help being very shocked.

"This is the Sea of ​​Falling Boundary! Unexpectedly, we came to the Sea of ​​Falling Boundary!"

Po Meng looked at the scene in front of her, and she was also very shocked.

"Falling into the sea?"

Lin Fei really heard of this place for the first time.

"I am also the ancestor who occasionally listened to our reincarnation line, and the master of reincarnation mentioned the sea of ​​falling into the world.

It is said that the Sea of ​​Fallen Boundary is a very magical place. There are many planes, interfaces and stars in the Sea of ​​Absolute Space, which will automatically be absorbed into the Sea of ​​Fallen Boundary after being broken and abandoned.

These desolate planes, interfaces, and stars will slowly melt in the falling world, and after decomposition, they will return to nothingness.

There is a saying that the Sea of ​​Falling Boundary is the recovery place of all the worlds large and small in the Sea of ​​Absolute Space.

Unexpectedly, we actually came to the sea of ​​falling circles. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"There seems to be a mysterious power that summons us here."

Lin Fei said.

"Not a mysterious force.

It's because you have six reincarnation portals on your body, and the Naihe bridge on my body.

There must be fragments of the cycle of reincarnation in this sea of ​​falling, so it attracted us here. "

Po Meng said.

"Yes, it should be so."

Lin Fei couldn't help nodding after hearing Po Meng's words.

Rumble...The next moment, Po Meng presented the Naihe Bridge, which was directly activated, exposing the mighty energy and laws of reincarnation.

"Lin Fei, you also know the six portals of reincarnation, we enter into the sea of ​​falling circles, looking for fragments of reincarnation."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei activated the six reincarnation portals.

Rumble...Six portals trembled at the same time, shaking the sky.

Sure enough, after Lin Fei activated the six portals of reincarnation, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be reincarnation fragments in the sea of ​​falling in front of him.

"Okay, let's go in.

However, be careful. We don't know anything about this sea of ​​falling worlds, and we don't even know if there is any danger in it. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Okay, I understand."

Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Meng Po carefully entered the sea of ​​falling world.

Rumble... In the sea of ​​bounds, billowing waves ups and downs, the mighty monstrous waves rolled upside down, I don't know how many billions of miles they shot up in the sky.

Not long after Lin Fei and Meng Po entered the sea of ​​falling, they felt the pressure.

Because at any time there will be terrifying waves rushing towards you.

"All the seawater here is heavy water! Every drop weighs more than ten million catties!"

Lin Fei said in a deep voice, his face solemn.

Of course, Lin Fei and Meng Po are both gods, and they don't have much feeling for these heavy waters.

If the creatures in the world who have not yet reached the realm of gods face these sea waters composed of heavy water, they will be crushed to pieces by the terrifying gravity in an instant.

Even with Lin Fei and Meng Po's strength, entering this sea of ​​falling worlds, their actions became slow, and they moved forward cautiously under pressure.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's face moved and looked in one direction.

I saw that there was a big red ship in that direction.

The big ship is very huge, there are surging waves but steady as Mount Tai, slowly moving forward.

Both Lin Fei and Meng Po were shocked, but also very jealous.

Because, a very obvious dangerous aura radiated from that ancient ship.

The huge hull seemed to be stained with blood, giving people a very depressed feeling, red and cripple.

Rumble...The ancient ship was mighty, slowly passing in front of Lin Fei and Meng Po, and finally sailed far away.

Lin Fei actually wanted to enter this ancient ship and take a look. However, the aura emanating from the big ship was terrifying, and Lin Fei instinctively felt that there was a huge danger in this big ship that he could not handle.

"Lin Fei, don't be curious, just ignore it.

This big ship is terrible, and it seems that the two of us can't handle it. "

Po Meng also felt the terrible danger conveyed from the big ship, and said solemnly to Lin Fei.

"Senior, please rest assured, I know this ship is very dangerous, and I won't venture in and explore it."

Lin Fei replied.

Soon, the big red ship disappeared from the sight of Lin Fei and Meng Po.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po moved on.


what is that? "

Suddenly, Lin Fei narrowed his eyes and saw a huge unmatched corpse lying in the middle of the billowing waves ahead.

The shape of this corpse is the same as that of a human, but it is huge and terrifying.

A finger is as big as an interface! The whole body is much larger than a plane! Lin Fei made an estimate and found that this corpse lying horizontally in the rolling waves is at least equivalent to a few hundred planes in size! Boom... horrible energy coercion radiated from this corpse, suppressing Lin Fei and Meng Po so far away that they turned pale and didn't dare to approach them.

The energy coercion remaining from this corpse alone is even more terrifying than the energy coercion possessed by the three reincarnation masters and the three dark masters! Because even if it were the three reincarnation masters and the three darkness masters, Lin Fei dared to approach.

However, the corpse in front of him actually gave Lin Fei a sense of awe, and he didn't dare to approach it! "This corpse doesn't look like the corpse of the Chaos God!"

Lin Fei stood in the distance, observing the huge corpse, a little surprised.

"It's really a heaven. The strength of this corpse during his lifetime must be much stronger than the strength of the three reincarnation masters!"

Po Meng looked at the corpse and said with a sigh.

"This corpse doesn't look like the corpse of the Chaos God, but it's not the corpse of the Creation God either."

Lin Fei felt it carefully, and said in a loud voice.

In fact, Lin Fei had seen the body of the God of Creation.

That is the body of the old man Chuangshi! The corpse in front of him was still one level worse than the old man's corpse.

"It is estimated that this corpse was about to break through to the creation **** before his death, but I don't know why, it hasn't really made a breakthrough yet, because of some reasons, it fell directly."

Lin Fei guessed.

"I felt a lot of vitality inside this corpse.

How is this going?

Could it be that this corpse still has vitality and is not really dead? "

Po Meng said suddenly.

"Do not.

The corpse has fallen.

The vitality in his body is because there are many worlds in his body, and those worlds already have many creatures inhabiting and cultivating.

Therefore, we can feel the vitality passing from the inside of this corpse.

This corpse is infinitely close to breaking through the creation god, and even a real world that can be inhabited by creatures has been gestated in the body. "

Lin Fei felt it for a while and said.

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