Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5022: Scary monster

Entering the interface, Lin Fei and Meng Po saw an ancient continent, quietly suspended in the void.

It can be seen that the scale of this continent was huge, but now it is in shattered condition. It seems that only a part is left, and there are other fragments missing.

"The reaction of the portal of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is getting stronger and stronger. There must be fragments of the cycle of reincarnation on that continent."

Lin Fei said.

"Yes, Niheqiao also reacted.

Po Meng nodded.

"Go, let's go and see."

Lin Fei took the lead and walked towards the dilapidated continent.

Po Meng followed Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, be careful, the atmosphere of this continent seems a bit weird."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't worry, just follow me."

Lin Fei nodded.

In terms of seniority and experience, Meng Po is better than Lin Fei, but in terms of strength, Lin Fei is better than Meng Po! Soon, Lin Fei and Meng Po landed on the mainland.

I saw that there was a piece of black soil in front of me, and the undulating mountains looked ancient and mysterious.

Lin Fei and Po Meng walked forward, and there were large black mountains, lush and lush, standing above the ground.

Each one looks very majestic and majestic, magnificent, giving people a sense of oppression.

Moreover, this continent has a weird and quiet atmosphere. Lin Fei and Meng Po were walking on the continent, only to feel a silence, as if this was a dead world without life.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei stopped and reminded.

Po Meng stopped immediately.

I saw that thick lines were engraved on the hard ground in front, and the vertical patterns were staggered, exuding a weird atmosphere.

"These seem to be formations!"

Lin Fei carefully looked at the lines on the ground in front of him, a little surprised.

"These lines look very rough and disorderly. In fact, they are arranged and combined according to the mysterious law to form a complex array."

Lin Fei watched for a while and said in a loud voice.


These lines form a large complex array?

But, why can't I feel any fluctuations in the array energy? "

Po Meng couldn't help being surprised when she heard Lin Fei's words.

"This large array is very clever. Although it is composed of some simple lines, the arrangement is very mysterious and contains a very clever array principle.

The level of this big formation is very high, and with my current level of formation, it is impossible to arrange it. "

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei, the level of this big formation can't be arranged based on your formation level? "

Po Meng couldn't help being shocked when she heard Lin Fei's words.

In Meng Po's mind, Lin Fei's formation level is rare in the world, and it is even better than the three reincarnation masters.

However, even Lin Fei couldn't even arrange the large array formed by these simple lines.

"Yes, the level of this big formation is very high. With my current level of formation, it is indeed impossible to arrange it."

Lin Fei said with a wry smile.

"However, although I can't arrange it, there is no problem walking through it.

Senior, you see where I stand, follow me forward, don't make mistakes, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. "

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

"Okay, don't worry, I don't want to confess this old bone here."

Po Meng smiled.

Therefore, Lin Fei stepped forward, step by step carefully, stepping on the key knots of the formation.

Po Meng also stared at Lin Fei's footsteps, followed behind, cautiously, not daring to take a half step.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, there were no rough lines on the ground.

Lin Fei successfully passed the big formation with Po Meng.

"This continent is really weird, we must be careful."

Po Meng said, still not daring to relax.

"Let's just fly forward."

Lin Fei thought for a while, and flew up into the sky with a movement.

However, Lin Fei soon discovered that if he wanted to fly over this continent, he couldn't do it at all! Once vacated, it will be affected by two powerful forces.

One force was to repel Lin Fei from leaving this continent.

Another force is to pull Lin Fei back to the ground.

These two forces were opposite, and they kept pulling Lin Fei's body in opposite directions.

Lin Fei couldn't move half an inch forward at all.

Finally, Lin Fei landed on the ground again.

"Senior, flying is forbidden on this continent, we can only walk forward."

Lin Fei said with a wry smile.

"The law of no air on this continent is too terrifying, even you can limit it.

Then let's walk forward honestly. "

Po Meng nodded.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po kept moving forward.

Soon after.

Wow... a **** lake suddenly appeared in front of him, and the lake in the lake was pitch black and strangely quiet, making people shudder.

"The smell of this lake is weird, let's take a detour."

Lin Fei sensed the dark lake ahead and said in a loud voice.

So Lin Fei took the lead and walked in the other direction, intending to bypass the large black lake in front of him.

Just now.

Wow...the lake in the dark big lake unexpectedly moved, and there was a sound, and there were large splashes of water, and there seemed to be unknown creatures alive in it.

"Could it be that there are creatures in this lake?

If it does, ask him to find out what's going on in this continent. "

Lin Fei stopped and looked at the center of the lake.

Wow...Following Lin Fei's words, waves of water appeared in the black lake again, and the water began to roll continuously. Looking at the formation, it seemed that there was something out of the ordinary, floating up from the depths of the lake.

At the same time, a large amount of black mist began to float in this black lake. The temperature of these black mist was terribly low, and the surrounding time and space began to freeze.

It can be seen to the naked eye that layers of black profound ice continue to form, continuously covering the surrounding time and space.

"We stepped back.

Something in this lake is coming out.

It may be our arrival that disturbed them, so we came out to check. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei and Meng Po both moved their bodies and backed away quickly, leaving a long distance from the **** lake.

Rumble... Suddenly, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the center of the black lake, and a hideous weird beast slowly emerged from the whirlpool.

This is a pitch-black flood dragon, as if cast from black gold, with a weird aura.

This dragon has three heads, the middle one is a human head, the one on the left is a flat snake head, and the one on the right is a black dog head! "What kind of monster is this?"

Lin Fei and Meng Po looked at the monster slowly rising from the middle of the lake, very surprised and full of fear.

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