Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5023: Monsters vs. Monsters

On that thick Jiao body is covered with huge black scale armor, shimmering with the cold metal luster, it is particularly strong and powerful! "Senior Mengpo, can you recognize what kind of monster this is?"

Lin Fei stared at the monster and asked Po Meng.

"No, in my impression, in the sea of ​​absolute space, it seems that there is no such monster at all.

I do have a feeling. This monster seems to be pieced together, like a rag doll sewn by hand. You see, his three heads and body, as well as four feet and body, all The connections seem extremely unnatural.

It's not like a natural beast. "

Po Meng looked at the monster and said how she felt.

"Yes! Senior Meng, what you say like this is really true! This guy looks very uncoordinated all over, like a ragdoll made up of improvised pieces. It's weird!"

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move after hearing Po Meng's words, as his divine consciousness carefully sensed the dark weird flood dragon, he couldn't help but be shocked, and said.

"Those who dare to intrude, die!"

The monster had completely surfaced above the pitch-black lake at this time, staring at Lin Fei with weird gazes, motionless.

This incomparably black, huge and hideous monster has three heads in total, and to Lin Fei’s surprise, these three heads seem to have been born with wisdom, and all three heads are using evil and evil spirits. Staring at Lin Fei and Meng Po with bitter eyes, murderous.

"Lin Fei, have you noticed that the three heads of this monster seem to have been born with spiritual wisdom! It is so weird, a monster that was put together temporarily also has spiritual wisdom.

What is even more frightening is that I feel that these three heads have different intelligences among each other, and all three heads seem to have their own disagreement thoughts! This monster is terrible! "

Po Meng said.

"Yes, I have this feeling too! This monster must be very powerful, and we try not to conflict with it.

Let's leave quickly and take a detour. "

Lin Fei was also looking at the monster, nodded and said.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Meng Po stretched out, planning to retreat and take a detour from another direction.

Then, when Lin Fei and Meng Po just moved.

Boom... At this moment, in the pitch-black lake, the monster suddenly floated in the black fog, stirring its boundless black wave, and rushing towards Meng Po and Lin Fei.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei reacted quickly. He stretched out his hand with one hand and used the sword skills of slashing the world with a sword. A dazzling sword energy bloomed, and a dazzling thick sword light slashed out, dragging the mighty dazzling waves of sword energy like fireworks , A splendid and misty, cut off towards that monster.

Rumble...Where the sword light passed, the time and space were torn in an instant, leaving a black and silent trace of time and space.

Roar... The monster seemed to feel the terrible sword light cut out by Lin Fei, and roared up to the sky.

Rumble...The mighty black energy emerged from its large body, erupting.

Boom... The human-like head in the middle opened its mouth and sprayed, and a black three-bladed steel fork flew out, continuously zooming in, and greeted the sword light that Lin Fei had cut past.

When... the thick sword light cut by Lin Fei violently collided with the black three-edged steel fork, making a deafening noise.

"Cut it again!"

Lin Fei yelled, waved his palm, once again cut out the sword light, tearing through the sky, and continuously beheading the monster.

Roar...The monster was also completely angry, and roared up to the sky, and the three heads exploded together, displaying all kinds of weird lore, and blasting at Lin Fei and Meng Po continuously.

"Senior Mengpo, you don't need to move, let me deal with it!"

Lin Fei yelled.

In the next moment, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and thousands of mental worlds were displayed, and the mighty beast enveloped him.

Boom...The terrifying heart energy continuously penetrated into the three heads of this monster.

"Senior Meng Po, this monster really seems to be made up by hand.

Among these three heads, there is only one soul power clone, and these three soul power clones are not left by the same creature, but by three different creatures.

It's no wonder that neither of us have ever heard of which race this monster belongs to, nor does it belong to any race, but it was made by improvisation! "

Lin Fei's mental energy was constantly pouring into the three heads of this monster, and he quickly discovered this, and he couldn't help but yell in surprise.

"Lin Fei, be careful, the power of this monster seems terrible!"

Po Meng reminded Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't worry, it is not my opponent!"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

The next moment, Lin Fei displayed the Fire Control Technique, waved his hand, and a vast sea of ​​fire burned towards the monster.

Roar... immediately the three heads of this monster showed horrified expressions, as if they were particularly afraid of the sacred fire released by Lin Fei.

The next moment, a large amount of sacred fire swarmed up, surrounded the body of this monster, and began to burn.

The monster's body made a sizzling burning sound, bursts of cold black smoke, and a scorching smell.

"Ho..." Ho Ho Ho... This monster began to lose its support.

"Lin Fei, I understand. The energy of this monster belongs to the Yin and Cold attribute, and your divine fire belongs to the Yang attribute. Used to deal with it, it happens to be its nemesis. Just use this trick to suppress it!"

Meng Po was overjoyed when she saw that the sacred fire could suppress the monster, and shouted at Lin Fei.

"Yes, these sacred fires are exactly the nemesis of this beast!"

Lin Fei also said with a smile.

Just now.

Roaring Just as Lin Fei wanted to burn this monster to ashes, it struck fiercely, and the whole body burst out with a dazzling black gold light, and suddenly got rid of the shackles of the raging sea of ​​fire, turned and rushed into the black lake.

"This thing is too slippery!"

Lin Fei couldn't help smiling bitterly. He was about to kill this monster when he saw it, but let it escape.

At this moment, the bottomless black lake suddenly surged violently, and waves rolled upside down.

There seemed to be something terrible about to rush out from below, and the aura released was even more terrifying than the monster just now. There were boundless waves in the black lake, and the black mist was surging in all directions.

"What monster is about to appear again! Senior Meng, let's be more careful."

Lin Fei said to Po Meng with a solemn expression.

"Well, Lin Fei, let's take a step back and be farther away from this lake, so it's safer."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Meng Po stretched out their bodies at the same time, and moved back a long distance.

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