Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5033: Key person

"Everyone, I know you don't believe it very much.

However, this result is the result of repeated deductions by those mages in our clan.

Therefore, this is probably possible. "

The Second Dark Lord said in a deep voice.

"The wizards of your dark clan have always been very powerful in deduction. Since it is the result of their repeated deduction, we must pay attention to it."

An old host suddenly said.

"Yes, after dealing with Lin Fei for so long, I can confirm one thing now, Lin Fei is a person with great luck.

A person with great luck, even if his strength is not very strong, will be very terrifying.

We must not underestimate a person who has air transportation. "

Another old host said in a deep voice.

The four old posters of the Years Tower have dealt with Lin Fei many times, participated in hunting down Lin Fei many times, and have deeply realized Lin Fei's extraordinaryness.

Therefore, the four of them heard the First Lord of Darkness, and immediately realized that the results deduced by the wizards of the Dark Clan were mostly true! "Yes it is.

After deduction, the masters of my clan have confirmed one thing, Lin Fei is indeed a person with great luck! There is nothing to doubt about this.

The Great Master Heba repeatedly urged the three of us that we must pay attention to Lin Fei! "

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

People who have air luck! After hearing the words of the Lord of the Third Darkness, all the high-level faces of the Thirteen Dark Alliance became serious.

These masters naturally know one thing, the creatures with great fortune are very terrifying! The creatures with great fortune, their abilities, often far exceed their strength! "In this way, we must put Lin Fei first! A key figure that can affect the final outcome of this war, we must get rid of him in advance, otherwise, the consequences will be bad."

"Yes, Lin Fei must be eliminated! He must not be allowed to affect the outcome of this war!"

"A creature with great luck is terrible, Lin Fei must be killed!"

…All the top people are talking about it.

"Yes, we must find a way to get rid of Lin Fei.

However, I think everyone has known for a long time that it is not so easy to kill Lin Fei.

The three of us, and the four old posters of Suiyuelou, had gone out in person several times, but they were all unable to kill Lin Fei.

I have summarized that there are three main reasons why Lin Fei is so difficult to be killed. First, he is highly valued by the senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance and is closely protected by those senior leaders.

Every time we go to kill Lin Fei personally, those senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance will be dispatched to stop it.

Especially the old guy called Master Tianling, he seemed to value Lin Fei very much, and he was doing all he could to protect Lin Fei.

The second reason is that Lin Fei is too cunning. He has practiced a lot of special techniques for hiding his breath, and his body speed is also very good. Most of the time, it is difficult for us to know his exact location and do not know where to find him.

The third reason is that Lin Fei's own strength is also relatively strong. Sending a general Chaos God is not his opponent at all. Only when our top-notch masters are dispatched in person can it be possible to deal with him.

Lin Fei is so difficult to be killed because of these three reasons. "

The First Dark Lord said.

"The Lord Master summed it up very well!"

The four old posters of the Years Tower heard it and couldn't help nodding their heads.

"So, if we want to kill Lin Fei, we must conduct research on these three reasons, and then discuss a thorough plan to deal with Lin Fei."

The First Dark Lord continued.

"Master number one, you make a lot of sense.

So let's study these three reasons together and discuss how to deal with Lin Fei! "

Those other senior leaders nodded in agreement.

Then, the three dark masters, four old posters, and other high-level officials began to discuss together how to deal with Lin Fei.

At the same time, the Heba Great Master also led the Dark Clan's masters, trying their best to deduct Lin Fei.

Now, Lin Fei has become the number one must kill target of the Thirteen Dark Alliance! at the same time.

A certain location in the sea of ​​absolute space.

"Senior Mengpo, so far, the sum of the reincarnation fragments we have collected has probably reached four-fifths of the total!"

Lin Fei and Po Meng walked out of a sea of ​​space and said excitedly.

In that sea of ​​space, Lin Fei and Meng Po got another piece of reincarnation fragment! "Yes! The number of reincarnation fragments we found has reached four-fifths! If we find the remaining ones, the merits will be fulfilled.

Lin Fei, your contribution is the greatest in finding the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation! A long, long time ago, you began to consciously search for reincarnation fragments, and to this day, you are still the main force looking for reincarnation fragments! "

Po Meng said.

"Senior Mengpo, you have been rewarded, and you have paid a lot to find the reincarnation fragments. How can you give me all the credit."

Lin Fei said quickly.

"Haha, Lin Fei, I know it well.

In the past, I was just a remnant soul. Although I followed you very early and accompany you to find the reincarnation fragments, you were the main force. Without you, I would not be able to act alone.

Now, your strength is much stronger than mine. During this period of time, you are still the main force looking for fragments of the reincarnation circuit. "

Po Meng said.

"Lin Fei, your importance is irreplaceable in the matter of searching for the reincarnation fragments.

The three reincarnation masters also understand this truth, so this time they specifically asked you to come out to find the reincarnation fragments.

Before we set off, the three reincarnation masters all once told me a point in private, that is, it may be doomed in the dark, and whether the reincarnation circuit can be successfully rebuilt depends mainly on you, Lin Fei! Lin Fei, you will be the most important core figure in rebuilding the cycle of rebirth.

The three reincarnation masters all have this feeling, and they shouldn't be wrong. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.


Am I the core figure in rebuilding the cycle of rebirth?

No way. "

Lin Fei was taken aback after hearing Po Meng's words and couldn't believe it.

"Senior Mengpo, in the line of reincarnation, I am just a younger generation, how could I become the most central figure.

The core characters should be the three masters and you old seniors. "

Lin Fei said.

"Haha, Lin Fei, the three masters have said so, most of them are true."

Po Meng said.

"I believe the words of the three masters."

Po Meng said again.

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