Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5034: Oval sphere

"Perhaps, but no matter what, as a member of the cycle of samsara, I will definitely go all out to rebuild the path of samsara."

Lin Fei smiled.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po continued to walk in the sea of ​​absolute space, looking for debris in the cycle of reincarnation everywhere.

this day.

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt that the six reincarnation portals on his body seemed to react.

"Lin Fei, but Heqiao seems to be reacting!"

At this time, Po Meng also said aloud.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei released the six portals of reincarnation, floating in front of him.

Boom...The six reincarnation gates vibrated at the same time, pointing in the same direction.

Then, Naihe Bridge also rushed out of Po Meng's body and pointed in that direction.

"It seems that there must be fragments of reincarnation in that direction. Senior Mengpo, let's go and see."

Lin Fei looked in that direction and said to Po Meng.


Po Meng nodded.

Then, Lin Fei and Meng Po rushed in that direction.

After a while.

Lin Fei and Meng Po came to a dead starry sky.

"This position seems to be the edge of the absolute sea of ​​space."

Po Meng said suddenly.

"It seems that in this position, there is a strong law of reincarnation."

Lin Fei's figure flashed and came to a place in the starry sky, releasing his soul power and perceiving it earnestly.

Po Meng also came to Lin Fei's side, carefully perceiving it.

"It seems that there must be a hidden space in this location, and the reincarnation fragments are in this hidden space."

Lin Fei felt for a while and said.

"Yes it is."

Po Meng nodded.

Rumble...Lin Fei released his own laws of time and space and carefully searched for the position in front of him.

Another moment passed.

"it's here!"

Lin Fei's figure flashed and came to a place.

Rumble...Lin Fei released the energy of time and space and rushed towards that place.

Boom... The next moment, a tall black space-time portal appeared in that place.

"Sure enough, there is a hidden time and space!"

Lin Fei and Meng Po are both overjoyed.

This time and space portal is too concealed. If Lin Fei and Meng Po did not own the six reincarnation portals and Naihe Bridge, they would definitely not be able to find it here! Who can imagine that in an unremarkable and dead time and space, there will be such a hidden time and space portal hidden.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Lin Fei was a master of art and bold, rushed to this time and space portal in one step, and said in a loud voice.

Po Meng also followed Lin Fei's side.

Lin Fei took the lead and stepped into this black portal.

Rumbling... The mighty energy pressure rushed toward the face.

"It's weird, there are a lot of dark energy and dark laws in this time and space portal! Could it be that this space is related to the dark race?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"In my impression, the Dark Clan doesn't seem to have such a lair."

Po Meng said.

"Anyway, let's go in and take a look.

Even if it is really the lair of the dark clan, so what, as long as the three dark masters are not here, don't be afraid! "

Lin Fei sneered.

With Lin Fei's current combat power, only if he encounters three Dark Lords, he will have life worry, and when he encounters other masters and men of the Dark Clan, there is no need to be afraid.

"Yes! Even Black was killed by you. The ordinary dark people are vulnerable to a blow in front of you. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Po Meng smiled.

So Lin Fei and Meng Po went directly into this black space portal and disappeared.

After entering the portal, there is a space-time passage straight ahead.

Lin Fei and Meng Po were walking forward in this space-time passage.

I don't know how long it took. Finally, a void space dominated by dark tones appeared before my eyes. At first glance, everything was dim, confused, and boundless.

"This space is full of dark energy and dark laws!"

Lin Fei and Po Meng entered this space, released their divine consciousness, and felt a little surprised in all directions.

"It's just that there doesn't seem to be any creatures in this space!"

Po Meng said.

"Could it be that this space is a lair abandoned by the Dark Clan?"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning and said in a loud voice.

"However, we are here to find the reincarnation fragments, whatever it is."

Lin Fei continued.

"Yes, let's look for the reincarnation fragments."

Po Meng also nodded.

Then, Lin Fei took out the six portals of reincarnation, and Meng Po took out the Naihe Bridge.

The six reincarnation portals and Naihe Bridge point forward at the same time.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Po Meng walked forward in this dim space.


Lin Fei, look, what is that! "

Suddenly, Po Meng pointed to the front, and a certain space cried out.

I saw that in the endless darkness ahead, there was an oval sphere glowing with light! It looks a bit like a star, but it's not a star.

Because this sphere does not have the origin of stars.

"What is that?"

Lin Fei and Meng Po slowly approached and watched carefully.

After a while.

Lin Fei and Meng Po approached the oval sphere.

"In this sphere, there are many small worlds, overlapping and overlapping, and the shape is similar to a honeycomb!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed for a moment, and said in a surprised voice.

In this sphere, there are arranged small worlds, and these small worlds are close to each other, which is the same as a honeycomb! Moreover, this sphere also exudes rich dark energy and dark laws! "According to the guidance of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Portal and Naihe Bridge, there is a fragment of the cycle of reincarnation in it, and we must enter."

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, we must go in."

Lin Fei nodded.

If you want to rebuild the cycle of rebirth, you must find all the fragments of the cycle of rebirth, so that the rebuilt cycle of rebirth is the most perfect and can exert the most powerful power.

"Go, let's go in."

Without hesitation, Lin Fei took the lead and walked towards the oval sphere ahead.

This sphere has an entrance.

Entering this entrance, there will be many forks, each of which leads to a different small world.

Lin Fei and Meng Po walked into the entrance and exit of the sphere, and then proceeded along one of the forks under the guidance of the six reincarnation portals and Naihe's bridge.

The fork road was filled with black mist, which was composed of dense dark energy and dark laws, and it came to suppress Lin Fei and Meng Po in a mighty force.

Rumble...Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the majestic energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation burst out of his body, immediately dispelling the black mist and forcibly advancing.

I don't know how long it took. Finally, Lin Fei and Meng Po passed through the heavy black fog and saw a piece of land appearing in front of them!

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