Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5035: Black creature

"We entered one of the small worlds."

Lin Fei said.

"The scale of this small world is very large, at least equivalent to a sea of ​​space in the outside world!"

Po Meng looked at the vast land in front of her and couldn't help but say.

"It's really huge."

Lin Fei nodded.

I saw that the surface of this land was filled with countless black mists, and it was vast.

Lin Fei and Meng Po descended on the earth and looked at the desert world around them.

"We follow the guidance of the six reincarnation portals and the Naihe Bridge."

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei and Meng Po carefully perceive the surrounding situation, while cautiously walking forward.

After all, this is an unknown world, and neither Lin Fei nor Meng Po knows what exists here.

Huhuhu...On this piece of land, there are many large cracks in the ground, and a lot of black ice and cold mist emerge from these cracks.

These black icy mists are all composed of strong dark energy and dark laws! "Hey! Look! Two foreign creatures have broken in! Our world has been around for a long time, without any external creatures breaking in. I can't think of it now, but finally there!"

...Suddenly, a curious voice came from a crack in the ground.

Then, a large amount of black ice and cold mist continuously spewed out from this crack in the ground.

These black icy mists continue to gather together to form black creatures.

In a moment, dozens of black creatures appeared. The eyes of these black creatures were Lin Fei and Meng Po who were looking at the distant horizon.

"These two creatures who broke in from the outside world seem to be very powerful.

Let's try them! "

One of the black creatures said.

"Good! Try their strength!"

The other black creatures agreed.

Boom... In the next moment, these black creatures turned into a billowing black icy mist, like a Yangtze River, sweeping in the direction of Lin Fei and Meng Po.

Lin Fei and Meng Po were walking on this land, both cautiously.

"I feel like something is spying on us.

It seems that there are certain creatures in this small world. "

Lin Fei spoke to Po Meng.

"Yes, I feel it too."

Lin Fei nodded.

Just now.


Lin Fei turned abruptly and looked in a direction in the distance, and saw that a black icy air current was rolling towards him.

It looks like a black cold wind! However, Lin Fei could feel that this black cold wind seemed to contain hostility! "Huh! I want to see what it is, dare to mess with me!"

Lin Fei let out a cold snort and waved.

Rumble...More than a thousand large formations were arranged, blocking the direction that the black cold wind had hit in the distance.

Boom... Soon, that black cold wind arrived, and it violently collided with the more than 1,000 large formations arranged by Lin Fei.

More than a thousand large arrays were swayed, but finally held on! "So strong! This alien creature turned out to be proficient in formations!"

There was a cry of surprise in the black cold wind.

"Sure enough, there are creatures hidden inside!"

How powerful is Lin Fei's divine consciousness, coupled with the profound attainments of his mental strength, he can clearly perceive any movement around him, and he heard that cry.

"Call on everyone to work together to deal with these two alien creatures!"

In the black cold wind, there was a cry.

Rumble... Soon, in all directions, black cold winds continued to appear, smashing into the positions of Lin Fei and Meng Po violently.

Boom...Lin Fei stepped out and waved his hand to set up thousands of large formations, tightly protecting herself and Meng Po in these large formations.

Boom...a black cold wind continuously rushed above the large formation arranged by Lin Fei.

Every big array was shaken.

But Lin Fei's current formation level is very high and deep, how can these formations be easily broken.

Boom... the black wind around me kept hitting it.

However, under the protection of thousands of formations, Lin Fei and Meng Po did nothing, and they appeared to be very leisurely. Standing in the middle of these big formations, they didn't have to make a move.

"There are many creatures hidden in these black cold winds.

These creatures possess strong dark energy and dark laws, and it looks like they should be the dark clan! It seems that we did break into the lair of a dark race. "

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.


Po Meng was also watching carefully, and nodded after hearing Lin Fei's words.

Rumble...Next, the surrounding black cold winds continued to dash against the formations that Lin Fei had arranged, but until a few days later, these black winds were still unable to crack these formations.

"The formation level of this alien creature is too high! We can't crack the formation he set up! Forget it, let's stop."

Suddenly a voice came out from one of the black cold winds.

"Okay, stop, we will be exhausted if we go like this again."

"In just a few days, we haven't broken a single formation, and it doesn't make much sense to continue to toss like this."

…The voices continued to ring.

Then, the black cold wind ceased to stop, no longer hitting Lin Fei's formation.

Next, Lin Fei and Meng Po saw that in the black cold wind, black creatures began to appear, and these creatures exuded rich dark energy and dark laws! "Sure enough, it's the Dark Clan! If that's the case, let's kill it."

Lin Fei said coldly.

"However, I always feel that they are a little different from the dark race."

Po Meng said suddenly.

"A little difference?

what differences are there? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Although these creatures have strong dark energy and dark laws, have you noticed that their eyes are much purer, and compared with the dark people we have seen before, they are not so hostile."

Po Meng pointed to the black creatures and said to Lin Fei.

"Is there such a thing?"

After hearing Po Meng's words, Lin Fei couldn't help but froze for a moment. At the same time, he released his divine consciousness to carefully perceive the black creatures around him.

"Senior Mengpo, what you said is really true.

These creatures are really a bit different from the dark races we have encountered before! "

Lin Fei observed carefully, and couldn't help blurting out.

The dark races that Lin Fei had seen before were all hostile, giving people an evil taste!

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