Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5042: do not be afraid

Boom...In the sea of ​​absolute space, the black tyrant strode towards the direction of the first dark lair.

Every step taken shakes hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space.

Some of the surrounding seas were shaken by the shock, and the creatures inside were terrified, crawling on the ground, afraid to move.

Even many weak creatures were stunned on the spot.

Some of the weak creatures who were close to the black bully were even more directly shaken to death! Suddenly, everyone was shocked at the position that the black bully passed.

He was deliberately establishing his prestige, and in this way announced to the entire Absolute Space Sea that he was back! Finally, Hei Ba returned to the first dark lair.

Then, he stood still and looked at the distant time and space.

"The three little guys are here."

Hei Ba smiled.


"Master, your old man is finally back!"

The three dark masters rushed over from the distant time and space, and then knelt down in front of the black tyrant one by one, giving the big bow of three knees and nine knocks.

"See Master Hei Ba!"

A large group of dark masters followed closely behind the three dark masters, all knelt down and collectively bowed to the black bully.

At a glance, this time and space is full of densely packed dark masters, which is very spectacular.

"Get up all."

Hei Ba said lightly.

While speaking, he waved his hand gently.

Rumble... an unimaginable force rolled forward.

Immediately, including the three dark masters, all the masters of the dark clan stood up straight involuntarily, unable to bow down half an inch.

"Master's strength has increased again!"

The three dark masters are very excited.

The stronger the strength of the black bully, the better for them naturally! "Members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance, meet Master Black Lord!"

In the distance, the other high-level members of the Thirteen Dark Alliance rushed over one by one, saluting the black bully.

"Thirteen Dark Alliance?"

Hei Ba frowned slightly and looked at the three dark masters.

The First Dark Lord hurriedly stepped forward and briefly told the black tyrant about the formation of the Thirteen Dark Alliance and the war with the Samsara Alliance.

"Well, it is a very wise thing for you to choose to follow our dark race.

In this sea of ​​absolute space, all creatures who dare to confront our dark race, no matter who they are, will only end up with one death. "

The black tyrant glanced at the high-levels of the Thirteen Dark Alliance with a compelling gaze, and said loudly.

"Follow me in."

Hei Ba turned around and walked into the first dark lair.

The three dark masters quickly led the crowd, followed behind, and walked into the first dark lair.

at the same time.

The news of the return of the black tyrant shook the entire sea of ​​absolute space! In the reincarnation palace.

Inside a conference palace.

"Unexpectedly, the black tyrant will return so soon! As soon as the black tyrant comes back, the balance between our reincarnation alliance and the thirteen dark alliance will soon be broken.

In our reincarnation alliance, no one is the opponent of the black tyrant at all.

Unless our reincarnation master returns. "

A reincarnation **** second only to the three reincarnations, said.

The other masters of the Reincarnation Alliance are also worried.

Because everyone knows that the strength of the black bully is terrible.

Moreover, it is said that the black tyrant who came back this time is stronger than before! "Master of Samsara, when will you come back?"

A high-level person looked at the three samsara masters and asked.

"We have received a letter from Master before, and he said that when it is appropriate, he will come back.

As for the specific time, I am not sure.

It's just that now that Hei Ba is back, I think Master should be back soon. "

The first round dominates replied.

"A black bully, we can no longer deal with it.

If the black bully really brings back a few friends, then we will be even more unable to deal with it. "

Suddenly, a senior sighed.

When everyone heard it, their hearts sank.

Indeed, according to the message sent back by the Master of Reincarnation last time, the black tyrant will return with a few friends.

It is a terrifying character that can make a black bully a friend, without asking.

In this way, the disadvantage of the reincarnation alliance is even greater! "Don't worry, since Master already knows that the black bully will bring back a few friends, there must be a countermeasure."

The first reincarnation dominates and comforts.

However, having said that, everyone's heart is still heavy.

Because the black bully has returned.

But the Master of Samsara is still missing! Who knows when Master Samsara will come back.

Just now.

"Good news, everyone, Master Tianling is out!"

The master of the first round suddenly said loudly.

During this period of time, the master of the first reincarnation has been paying attention to the movements of the master of the sky, so as soon as the master of the sky has left the customs, the master of the first reincarnation immediately knows.

"Let's go, let's meet the Heavenly Spirit Master!"

The master of the first round said excitedly.

Because, the master of the first reincarnation once heard Ye Yunfei say that the generation of the heavenly spirit master may be older than the black tyrant! Therefore, even if the Heavenly Spirit Master is not stronger than the black tyrant, it should not be weaker than the black tyrant! Now that the black bully has returned, the greatest hope in the reincarnation alliance is the heavenly spirit master! As a result, the three samsara masters immediately rushed towards the position of the Heavenly Spirit Master's retreat and practice.

The other senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance also rushed over.


Under the leadership of the three reincarnation masters, everyone came to the closed chamber of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

The Heavenly Spirit Master just walked out of the secret room.


Are you all here? "

As soon as Venerable Heavenly Spirit walked out of the secret room, he saw the high-level collective of the Reincarnation Alliance arrive, which was a bit surprised.

"Senior Sky Spirit Master, is your body okay?

Has it returned to its peak state? "

The master of the first round asked anxiously, even disregarding politeness.

"My body is fine, and my strength has almost returned to its peak state."

Heavenly Spirit Master replied with a smile.


After listening to the words of the Heavenly Spirit, everyone was overjoyed.

"What happened?"

Seeing everyone's expressions, the Heavenly Spirit Master knew that there must be a cause, and asked.

"The black bully is back."

The master of the first round said.

"so it is."

Only then did the Heavenly Spiritual Master suddenly know why everyone cares so much about their own strength.

"It's okay, Hei Ba is back, I'm so good to meet him.

Even if you can't win, you will never lose. "

Heavenly Spirit Master said with a smile, his words full of confidence.

"That's great!"

After hearing the words of the Heavenly Spirit Master, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I felt very shocked by the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

This is a real master at the same level as the black tyrant! "Haha, with the Master of Heaven, we don't have to be afraid of the black bully!"

The master of the first round laughed and said.

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