Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5046: Think of something

"Yes, the result I deduced was the same. Lin Fei was in one of our dark clan's lairs! And, to be accurate, Lin Fei was in lair No. 67!"

"What I deduced is the same result!"

…The other mages all spoke.

At this moment, Heba Master suddenly changed his expression and took out a piece of jade slip from his body.

He received a message from the three masters of darkness.

After the Great Master Heba read the contents of the jade slip, his face changed drastically in an instant.

"Everyone, there is bad news. One of our dark lairs has been destroyed.

It's Lair No. 67! "

Heba Master said in a deep voice.


! Nest 67, isn't that the one we just deduced, the nest where Lin Fei is located! This lair was actually destroyed? "

After hearing the words of the Great Master Heba, the other mages were shocked.

"Lin Fei appeared in Lair No. 67, and then Lair No. 67 was destroyed.

Could it be that Lin Fei killed Lair 67? "

A mage said.

"You don't need to guess this anymore.

Lin Fei must have done it.

Don't forget, everyone, even Master Black died in Lin Fei's hands.

With Lin Fei's strength, he definitely has the strength to destroy Lair No. 67. "

Another mage said.

"Yes, Lin Fei does have such strength.

In this way, Lair No. 67 must have been wiped out by Lin Fei, without a doubt. "

The black bar master nodded and said.

"Everyone, I must go to meet the three masters in person immediately and tell them this situation."

The black bar master thought for a while and said.

"We should tell the three masters of this situation immediately.

Since Lin Fei can destroy one of our dark clan's lairs, next, he will have the possibility to destroy more lairs.

We have to guard! "

The other mages nodded.

"Master Heba, go and report to the three masters immediately.

We continue to deduce Lin Fei's whereabouts, and strive to deduce Lin Fei's current location.

I guess that after the three masters learn about this, they will be furious, and they will definitely want to find Lin Fei to settle accounts immediately. "

An older mage said.

"Okay, I will report to the three masters now."

The black bar master said.

Then he turned and walked out of this dark palace, and soon came to the place where the three masters were, and saw the three masters.

"Master Heba, the No. 67 lair of our Dark Clan has been destroyed! What is going on? You immediately organize the mages in the clan and deduct it together to see who did it! Dare to provoke it! Come to the head of our dark race, this enmity must be reported!"

The First Dark Lord roared.

"Three masters, I'm here for this.

In fact, we have deduced who did it. "

The black bar master said.


Have you deduced the murderer? Come on, who is it! "

The three dark masters all looked at the black bar master.

"It's Lin Fei."

The black bar master said.


Is it Lin Fei again! Master Heba, are you sure? "

The First Dark Lord asked.


We all deduced that Lin Fei had entered Lair No. 67 not long ago.

Therefore, Lair No. 67 must have been destroyed by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei has this strength. "

The black bar master said.

"In that case, Lin Fei must have done it! This little beast! Too bad! The damage he caused to our dark people is too great! This **** guy has become our dark people must be eliminated. The number one enemy to fall!"

The Third Dark Lord roared.

"Yes, if you don't get rid of Lin Fei, he will definitely cause more damage to the dark race!"

The Second Dark Lord also roared.

"Master Black Bar, have you deduced to the exact location where Lin Fei is now?"

The First Dark Lord asked.

"Please don't worry, Master Master, the mages in the clan are doing their best to deduct them, and I believe they will find Lin Fei's accurate position soon."

The black bar master said.

"By the way, the three masters, Lin Fei's whereabouts during this period is a bit strange.

He has been walking around in the sea of ​​absolute space.

I feel that he must be doing something purposefully. "

The black bar master suddenly said.

"To do something?

What is Lin Fei doing? "

The three masters of darkness frowned upon hearing the words of the Great Master Heba.

These three dark masters did not dare to slight Lin Fei at all, but attached great importance to them.

Therefore, they are very concerned about Lin Fei's movements.

"Now, our two major camps, the Thirteen Dark Alliance and the Reincarnation Alliance, are facing each other nervously, and new battles may break out at any time.

Under this situation, Lin Fei, as a master of the reincarnation alliance, does not sit in the base camp, but walks everywhere in the sea of ​​absolute space. What is he doing? "

The Third Lord of Darkness said suspiciously.

"I feel that what Lin Fei did must have something to do with this war.

What he did is estimated to be of great benefit to the Reincarnation Alliance.

Perhaps he was looking for someone, looking for a certain peerless master, to enhance the strength of the Reincarnation Alliance. "

The second master of darkness guessed.

"Impossible! If Lin Fei was looking for a certain peerless master, how could he break into the sixty-seven lair of our dark clan.

In Lair No. 67, there is no possibility that Lin Fei is looking for the person.

I feel that he should be looking for or collecting certain things, such as some special cultivation resources, some kind of treasures. "

The First Dark Lord guessed.

After hearing the words of the three masters of darkness, Master Heba didn't say a word, his hands kept forming mysterious seals, and he began to deduct them on the spot.

After a while.

"Three masters, I remembered one thing, if Lin Fei walked around in the sea of ​​absolute space, in order to find something, then it is very likely that it will be the circuit of rebirth."

Heba Archmage stopped the deduction and spoke.


The three dark masters couldn't help being shocked when they heard the words of the Great Master Heba.

They are naturally very familiar with the cycle of rebirth.

Back then, the cycle of reincarnation was able to dominate the world, and no one dared to provoke it. One of the big reasons was the cycle of reincarnation! Even the dark people are extremely afraid of rebirth.

Back then, if it weren't for the dark clan secretly wooing a large number of masters, launching a surprise attack and breaking the cycle of reincarnation, the dark clan would not dare to go to war with the reincarnation line!

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