Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5047: Want to stop them

"Master Black Bar, do you mean that the reason why Lin Fei was walking around in the sea of ​​absolute space during this time was to find the circuit of reincarnation?"

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"It's not the cycle of reincarnation, but the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation! The three masters, have you forgotten that the cycle of reincarnation was broken by our dark people, and it has long since turned into countless fragments and splashed into time and space. , It is estimated that it has been scattered into countless different worlds.

I suspect that Lin Fei might be looking for the fragments of these rebirth circuits! "

The black bar master said.

"Lin Fei looks for the fragments of these reincarnation circuits, could it be..." The First Dark Lord was stunned for a moment.

next moment.

"Could it be that the reincarnation line wants to reorganize the reincarnation circuit!"

The First Lord of Darkness suddenly wanted to understand and yelled.

"Reorganize the cycle of rebirth!"

The other two dark masters were also shocked.

"Yes, this possibility is very high! I believe that the three masters also know how important the cycle of reincarnation is to the reincarnation line.

It can be said that half of the strength of the cycle of reincarnation back then was above the cycle of rebirth! The reincarnation line definitely wants to reorganize the cycle of rebirth and reproduce the glory of the year.

Therefore, I guess that when Lin Fei was walking around in the sea of ​​absolute space during this time, the greatest possibility was to find and collect the reincarnation fragments scattered in different worlds, and then take it back to the reincarnation palace to reorganize the reincarnation circuit.

Otherwise, Lin Fei would not walk around in this tense situation. "

The black bar master analyzed and said.

After the three dark masters heard the words of the Great Master Heba, they all fell into silence, and the faces of all three were very ugly.

"Master Black Bar, your analysis is very reasonable.

Moreover, this should be true.

Lin Fei must be looking to collect the reincarnation debris, the purpose is to reorganize the reincarnation! "

The First Dark Lord nodded and said.

"Once the cycle of reincarnation successfully reorganizes the cycle of rebirth, it will become even more powerful. They must be prevented from reorganizing the cycle of rebirth!"

The Second Dark Lord said solemnly.

"Yes, if the reincarnation line successfully reorganizes the reincarnation circuit, their overall strength will skyrocket in an instant.

At that time we want to defeat the cycle of reincarnation, it will be very difficult. "

The black bar master said.

"At present, it seems that if you want to prevent the reorganization of the cycle of reincarnation, you must first start with Lin Fei.

Because it was Lin Fei who was looking to collect the reincarnation debris.

If we can find Lin Fei, kill Lin Fei, get the reincarnation fragments he has collected during this period, and then destroy it.

In this way, it is possible to prevent the reorganization of the cycle of reincarnation in one chakra. "

The black bar master said.

As the mage with the highest generation of the dark clan and the strongest deduction ability, there are many major events in the dark clan, and the black bar master will make suggestions.


As long as Lin Fei can be found, things will be easier. "

The three dark masters nodded.

"Speaking of speaking, the focus is on Lin Fei! This kid is really the biggest confidant of our dark people! If Lin Fei is not eliminated, we will simply sleep and eat!"

The First Dark Lord couldn't help sighing.

In fact, in the minds of these three dark masters, Lin Fei would have long been wishing to get rid of them.

However, in order to deal with Lin Fei, the three of them have personally dispatched many times, but they have never been able to get rid of Lin Fei.

It is too difficult to get rid of Lin Fei! Lin Fei seems to have become one of their demons! "I feel that without removing Lin Fei, my strength will not be improved!"

The Third Lord of Darkness couldn't help sighing.

"The three masters, don't worry, the mages in our clan are already trying their best to determine the exact position of Lin Fei.

Believe, there will be results soon.

After deducing the exact location of Lin Fei, we can find a way to kill Lin Fei. "

The black bar master said.

"I think this matter should be reported to Master."

The First Lord of Darkness thought for a while, and said suddenly.

"Report to Lord Black Bull?

Master Heiba ​​seems to have been in retreat for this period of time.

Do you need to report to Master Hei Ba to kill a junior boy like Lin Fei? "

The black bar master was taken aback and said.

"Lin Fei can no longer be regarded as a junior kid.

Even Black died in his hands. Although Lin Fei’s strength is not as strong as the three of us for the time being, with his terrifying growth rate, it is estimated that it will not take long to catch up with the three of us, and even there will be May surpass the three of us.

If we still treat him as a junior kid, we will be very passive! Think about it, in order to get rid of Lin Fei, the three of us and the four old hosts of Suiyuelou have personally dispatched several times together, but none of them succeeded in getting rid of Lin Fei! This time, if the three of us were to deal with Lin Fei, would Lin Fei be eliminated?

Therefore, I think it is necessary to report this matter to Master. "

The First Dark Lord said.

"This is indeed the case. Even if the three of us are dispatched together personally, there is no guarantee that Lin Fei will be eliminated.

Still report that Master is more secure. "

The Second Dark Lord nodded.


The Third Lord of Darkness also nodded in agreement.

"I will report to Master now."

The First Dark Lord said.

"Master Heba, you go back and work with the mages in the clan to try to quickly figure out Lin Fei's current position."

The First Dark Lord said to the Heba Archmage.

"Okay, I'll go back and concentrate on deduction now."

The black bar master nodded.

So, the black bar master turned and left.

Then, the first dark lord also moved towards the first lair where the black tyrant was.

After the return of the black bully, he has been in retreat for this period of time, seeming to be recuperating.

In fact, Heiba ​​is waiting for several of his friends.

He intends to wait until those friends arrive, and immediately launch a thunderbolt-like offensive against the Samsara Alliance, and completely wipe out the Samsara Alliance in a short time! "See Master."

The First Lord of Darkness came out of the black tyrant's closed chamber and said respectfully.

"What's up?"

Hei Ba's voice came out, as if hundreds of thousands of thunders exploded together.

"Master, there is one thing I want to report to you. It's like this..." The First Dark Lord told the black bully about Lin Fei's situation.


In the line of reincarnation, there was such an enchanting junior boy.

Is this kid still a man of great luck?

He is walking everywhere in the sea of ​​absolute space, collecting debris from the cycle of rebirth? "

Hei Ba was a little surprised after hearing the words of the First Lord of Darkness.

"In this way, the reincarnation line intends to reorganize the cycle of rebirth.

No, we have to stop them, and we can't let them rebuild the cycle of rebirth. "

Hei Ba thought for a while and said.

"Master, the mages in our clan are trying their best to deduct Lin Fei's whereabouts.

Once the whereabouts of Lin Fei is deduced, we will find a way to get rid of Lin Fei. "

The First Dark Lord said.

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