Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5052: go out

"No way!"

Po Meng's face changed drastically when she heard Lin Fei's words.

"Lin Fei, we must leave this lair immediately! Although your strength is very good, you are definitely not the opponent of the three dark masters! Moreover, you have so many reincarnation fragments on your body. Once the three dark masters find us, They will definitely destroy the reincarnation fragments on your body.

In this way, we will never have a chance to reorganize the cycle of reincarnation! "

Po Meng knew the seriousness of the matter and said to Lin Fei anxiously.

"Okay, let's leave immediately!"

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Fei also knew that he was not the opponent of the three dark masters.

So Lin Fei and Meng Po immediately rushed out from under the seabed.


Hundreds of ordinary high-ranking gods of the Dark Clan rushed over, surrounded by Lin Fei, one by one looked very anxious.

This is the overbearing part of the secret technique of the puppet's thread. Once controlled by the puppet's thread, as a slave, you will think about the master wholeheartedly, and everything will be centered on the master! "Go, you follow me, ready to cover me from this lair!"

Lin Fei said.

After finishing talking, Lin Fei sent Po Meng and the hundreds of ordinary high-level gods of the Dark Clan into one of his own human worlds, and then set off to show off, a road exuding a strong atmosphere of reincarnation appeared at his feet, and kept moving towards this. The entrance and exit of the nest stretched away.

This is the rebirth method! During this period of time, Lin Fei collected a large number of reincarnation fragments. For each reincarnation fragment, Lin Fei took time to understand the law of reincarnation contained in it.

Because there is the deepest law of reincarnation in the cycle of rebirth! By comprehending those reincarnation fragments, Lin Fei's reincarnation law level has advanced by leaps and bounds, and now the reincarnation method that Lin Fei has displayed is much faster than before! Boom... The avenue under Lin Fei's feet supported Lin Fei through time and space, and instantly came to a place not far from the entrance and exit of this lair, and stopped.

"You come out!"

Lin Fei directly teleported all the hundreds of ordinary high-ranking gods of the Dark Clan just now.

"Master, you enter my space magic weapon.

I have a very good brother who is now guarding the entrance and exit of this lair.

I can take you out of this lair without knowing it! "

One of the dark people said.

"Okay, move faster."

Lin Fei nodded, and then directly entered a space magic weapon of the dark race.

"You will stay in this lair for the time being. If I have any orders in the future, I will send someone to contact you."

Lin Fei said to the other upper gods of the dark race.


The other dark people answered in unison, and then dispersed one by one.

"Well, you take me out quickly."

Lin Fei said to the dark clan.

"Okay, Master."

The dark clan showed its starting method and rushed towards the entrance and exit of this lair.

Soon, this dark clan came to the entrance and exit.

"Stop! The big leader has ordered to block the entrances and exits. No one can enter or leave without permission!"

Immediately, a group of dark people appeared, blocking the way of this dark people.

"Brother Black Five, don't you recognize me? It's me."

The dark clan looked at one of the dark clan members of the team and said hello.

"So it was you, Brother Sombra, are you going to go out?"

The dark clan called Heiwu came forward and said.

"Yes, I urgently need to go to Lair No. 67 to find my master.

Therefore, I hope that the Black Five can be accommodating. "

Said the shadow.

"Brother Sombra, the chieftain personally ordered us to seal the entrances and exits so that no one can enter and exit at will.

Brother Sombra, you might as well go back first, wait until the blockade is lifted, and then go to Lair No. 67. "

Black Friday said.

"Brother Black Five, I know it's hard for you, but I'm really in a bit of a hurry to go to my master.

Moreover, the chief leader blocked this lair, the purpose is to deal with that Lin Fei.

I'm not Lin Fei, even if you let me out, it won't have any effect.

You don't think I am Lin Fei. "

Said the shadow.

"Brother Sombra, I have known you for thousands of years, and of course I know that you are not Lin Fei.

However, I dare not violate the order given by the chieftain himself. "

Black Friday is very embarrassing.

"Black five brothers, aren't you? Our two brothers have such a good friendship, you won't really want to stop me."

Sombra was a little upset.

"Brother Sombra, you don't know.

Even if I agree to let you out, there are still so many people here, if they report the matter to the big boss, I am afraid we will both be punished by then! "

Hei Wu said secretly to the shadow.

"Well, I have some property here, so I will take out all of them, and you will divide them equally.

I am really in a hurry to find my master.

You must be accommodating.

Brother Black Five, I will repay your love in the future. "

Sombra took out a few space rings and slipped them into Heiwu's palm.

"That's it... well, I'll give it a try and see if they agree.

If they don't agree to let you out, there is nothing I can do. "

Hei Wu took a few space rings and turned and walked towards the other dark races.

"Black Five Brothers, please!"

Said the shadow.

"Master, don't worry, these space rings contain my savings for most of my life. They will definitely be moved!"

The shadow said to Lin Fei secretly.

"You did very well."

Lin Fei praised.

"It's my duty to do things for the master!"

Sombra was praised by Lin Fei, and was extremely pleasantly surprised in an instant, almost crying with gratitude.

Sure enough, the Heiwu held the space ring given by Hei Ying, and discussed it with the other dark races. The other dark races sensed a few space rings with divine consciousness, and they all showed greed and nodded one after another.

So, Black Friday walked back.

"Dark brother, they all agreed.

You go out now.

However, you have to remember that we are all taking great risks to let you out.

Afterwards, you must not tell any clansman, otherwise, once it reaches the big leader, we will all be finished. "

Hei Wu said solemnly to Black Shadow.

"Brother Black Five, don't worry, I'm afraid too.

How dare I say it.

If you let the chieftain know about it and investigate it, I will have something wrong.

Therefore, I will be tight-lipped and will not tell anyone! "

Sombra replied immediately.

"that's OK.

You go out quickly.

Be low-key. "

Black Five nodded.

"Master, let's go out now."

The shadow said to Lin Fei's voice transmission.

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