Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5053: Staring at Lin Fei

"You did very well.

Get out quickly, I'm in a hurry. "

Lin Fei said.

"Thank you for the master's praise! I should do it for the master!"

Once again praised by Lin Fei, the shadow trembled with excitement, so he immediately rushed out of the entrance and exit of this lair and came into the sea of ​​absolute space outside.

"Quick! Leave quickly, the sooner the better, and the farther you can leave this lair, the better!"

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly sensed a very terrifying aura coming from far away from this lair, and couldn't help being startled, and immediately said to the black shadow.

This breath is terrible, stronger than the breath of the three masters of darkness! "Okay, Master, I will stay away from this lair as quickly as possible!"

Hearing Lin Fei's anxiety, the black shadow immediately showed off and rushed towards the distant time and space.

"It's weird, among the Dark Clan, there is a master who is stronger than the three Dark Lords, is it a black tyrant?"

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

"A master who is better than the three masters of darkness?

Don't ask, it must be a black bully! There has always been a legend that the black tyrant is about to return. It seems that the legend is true, and the black tyrant has returned! "

Po Meng was shocked when she heard Lin Fei's words. After thinking about it, she replied.

"Among the dark clan, apart from the black tyrant, no one can be stronger than the three dark masters, it must be the black tyrant!"

Po Meng emphasized.

"Lin Fei, if the black bully is looking at us, things will be in trouble.

Hei Ba is the master of the three dark masters, and his strength is much stronger than the three dark masters.

With the two of us, we simply couldn't see enough in front of the black bully. "

Po Meng was a little worried.

"I immediately notify Master Tianling."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

Lin Fei knew that in the current reincarnation alliance, the only one who could deal with the black tyrant was the Master of Heaven.

Because, the seniority of the heavenly spirit master is greater than that of the black bully! "Senior Sky Spirit Master, can he deal with the black bully?"

Po Meng said.

"Senior Mengpo, don't worry, Senior Heavenly Spirit Master will definitely be able to deal with the black bully."

Lin Fei smiled.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately took out the jade slip of the communication and sent a message to the Master of Heaven.

"Senior Mengpo, I have already sent a message to Senior Master Tianling. As soon as he receives my message, he will definitely rush to help us.

Now, there are the last two reincarnation fragments. We can't give up halfway. We must collect all the fragments in order to rebuild the reincarnation circuit in the future to exert the strongest power. "

Lin Fei said.

"I know this naturally. Okay, go ahead and find the remaining two reincarnation fragments."

Po Meng nodded.

at the same time.

Hei Ba has entered Lair No. 66.

The three Dark Lords also rushed into Lair No. 66.

"See the three masters!"

The leader of Lair No. 66 immediately rushed to the three Dark Lords and bowed down to salute.

The leader of an ordinary lair is nothing in front of the three masters of darkness.

"This is Lord Black Bull."

The First Dark Lord said coldly.


Black... Lord Lord! "

The leader of Lair No. 66 heard the words and almost collapsed to the ground in fright.

All the dark clan know that the black tyrant is the true leader of the dark clan! How could the leader of this Lair No. 66 think about it? Hei Ba suddenly came to the lair he was in charge of himself.

"See Master Hei Ba!"

The leader of Lair No. 66 tremblingly climbed up to Hei Ba's body, crawling on the ground, and said cautiously.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the kid named Lin Fei!"

Hei Ba said impatiently.

"In response to Lord Heiba, I have ordered this lair to be sealed tightly..." the leader of Lair No. 66 replied.

"I'm asking you, where is Lin Fei! Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

Hei Ba angrily said.

"Master Heiba, I also just received the news that I learned that Lin Fei was in this lair. I don't know where he is..." The leader of Lair No. 66 was frightened and hurriedly replied.

"Trash! Get out!"

The black tyrant slapped and slapped the leader and threw the leader far away on the spot.

"Give me an order to change to a leader in Lair No. 66!"

Seeing the black tyrant's anger, the First Dark Lord immediately said loudly.

"What did I do wrong... I really just received the news, only to know that Lin Fei is in this lair, I really don't know where he is!"

In the distance, the leader of Lair No. 66 crawled on the ground, covered in blood, and struggled desperately to get up.

"It's over. I have struggled for most of my life. I finally climbed to the leader of Lair No. 66. I am the king and hegemony in this world. The scenery is infinite. I can't imagine that today is a catastrophe and everything is over."

The leader of this Lair No. 66, hearing the words of the First Dark Lord, suddenly fell into despair.

"Search! Search now! Find out Lin Fei!"

The three dark masters led a large number of masters of the dark clan and began to search for Lin Fei's whereabouts in this lair.

Hei Ba directly sat down cross-legged, released his divine consciousness, and instantly perceives all the time and space of the entire lair.

After a while.

"Keep the change, please.

Lin Fei is gone! And he walked out from the entrance and exit of this lair.

Hasn't this lair been sealed off?

Why can Lin Fei walk out of the entrance and exit without realizing it? "

Hei Ba suddenly stood up and said coldly.

"A group of wastes that have not succeeded in success and failed in failure, all go to death."

The black bully stared at the people of the Dark Clan who were responsible for guarding the entrance and exit of this lair, and said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, the black tyrant slapped it out, and the terrifying energy instantly enveloped the people of the dark race.

next moment.

These dark people who were responsible for guarding the entrances and exits of the lair were all killed by the black tyrants, not one left.

Seeing this scene, the other dark races were frightened to the sky.

There has long been a legend among the dark clan that this black bully has a violent personality and is cruel and easy to kill. Once an attack occurs, even his own will be killed.

It is said that many dark races have been killed by black tyrants in a rage state before! "I felt Lin Fei's breath, and he fled in that direction.

We chase! "

Hei Ba said, and then his body flashed, rushed out of lair No. 66, and chased in one direction.


The three masters of darkness led a large number of masters of the dark clan and followed them out.

at the same time.

Reincarnation Palace headquarters.

Master Tianling received the message sent back by Lin Fei! "No, the black bully is actually looking at Lin Fei!"

The Heavenly Spirit was taken aback.

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