Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5054: I am the Heavenly Spirit Master


Hei Ba stared at Lin Fei! "

After hearing about the other reincarnation alliances, they were all shocked.

"Lin Fei's strength is impossible to deal with the black tyrant! The black tyrant is terrifying and possesses various methods. Once Lin Fei is targeted by him, it may be difficult to escape!"

Huang Zhongnian said.

"Yes, the strength of the black tyrant is much stronger than the three dark masters! Lin Fei can't be his opponent."

The three samsara masters also nodded, very impatient.

"It seems that it's time for me to meet a black bully."

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and said.

"Don't worry, everyone.

I'm going to deal with the black bully.

Without further ado, I will set off now. "

As he spoke, the Master of Heaven showed his starting method and rushed out of the Samsara Palace.

At this time, the Heavenly Spirit Master had basically recovered to his peak strength, and his body skills were very fast.

In the blink of an eye, the Heavenly Spirit Master entered the sea of ​​absolute space, away from the Samsara Palace, and headed in the direction where Lin Fei was now.

"Lin Fei, don't worry, I'm here."

The Heavenly Spirit sent a message to Lin Fei.

"Good news, Master Tianling has received my message and has already set out to help us."

Lin Fei immediately spoke to Po Meng after receiving the voice of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"As soon as the Heavenly Spirit Master comes, we don't need a black bully."

Lin Fei said.

"Senior Mengpo, let's continue to collect the remaining two reincarnation fragments.

After collecting these two pieces, we are done and can go back. "

Lin Fei said.


Po Meng nodded.

So Lin Fei took out the six reincarnation portals, and Meng Po took out the Naihe Bridge, and together sensed the remaining two reincarnation fragments.

"Induced, in that direction, we passed."

Lin Fei said.

So Lin Fei and Meng Po showed off and went in that direction.

At this time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, the black tyrant was tracking Lin Fei's breath while sensing it.

Hei Ba's perception ability is terrible, although Lin Fei has exhausted all methods to hide his traces, but Hei Ba can still track it accurately.

Moreover, it was getting closer and closer to Lin Fei.

"I can feel Lin Fei's breath more and more clearly, this kid can't escape from my palm."

Hei Ba sneered.

"With a master, Lin Fei is of course hard to fly!"

The three dark masters were very excited when they heard what the black bully said.

"Master's ability to perceive is terrible. The three of us can no longer perceive Lin Fei's breath, but Master can still accurately perceive it."

The Third Lord of Darkness couldn't help sighing.

"Of course, our master is amazing!"

The Second Lord of Darkness said with a smile.

At this time, Lin Fei and Meng Po came to a dark clan's lair again.

Lair No. 41! The remaining two reincarnation fragments were all scattered in the lair of the Dark Clan.

To find these two fragments, one must enter the lair of the dark race.

"Well, let's get in in the old way."

Po Meng said.

"No, Senior Meng, let's wait a moment.

I can feel that the black bully is getting closer and closer to us. "

Lin Fei's face was a bit solemn, and said.

Lin Fei knew that with the strength of herself and Po Meng, it was simply not enough to look at it in front of the black bully.

"If the black bully is really coming, what are we waiting for?

What we should do now is to run away immediately! "

Po Meng was shocked when she heard Lin Fei's words, and said.

"Don't run away.

Because I perceive that Senior Celestial Spirit is here too! Therefore, we only entered this lair after Senior Celestial Master stopped the black tyrant. "

Lin Fei said.

"Oh, did Senior Celestial Spirit arrive so soon?"

Po Meng was stunned, because Lin Fei had just sent a message to the Heavenly Spirit Master not long ago.

"Senior Mengpo, the strength of Senior Master Tianling is much stronger than you think.

He had just recovered before, and he has not yet returned to his peak state.

Some time ago, Senior Celestial Spirit Master had been practicing in retreat, just to be able to return to the peak state.

I believe that Master Tianling has now succeeded.

The current strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master will definitely not be worse than that of the Black Tyrant.

Don't worry, the Heavenly Spirit Master can definitely deal with the black bully. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"In that case, let's wait here."

After listening to Lin Fei's words, Po Meng felt relieved.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Meng Po lurked near the No. 41 lair, waiting.

"That kid Lin Fei is right in front, I have locked him! This time, this kid can hardly fly with wings!"

At this moment, the black tyrant was getting closer and closer to Lin Fei, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Haha...Lin Fei, this time I see where you run! Soon, you will know what will happen if you oppose our dark race!"

The three dark masters all laughed.

The three of them want to get rid of Lin Fei too much! In fact, Lin Fei has become one of the three of them. If Lin Fei is not eliminated, it will be difficult for them to improve much in the future! At this point, the three masters of darkness are also fully aware of this.

That's why they are so eager to get rid of Lin Fei! "Haha... I have seen that kid, he is right next to a lair of our dark clan, it seems to be near lair number 41.

He thought I couldn't find him by hiding there, it was useless, with my perception ability, it was too easy to find him! "

The black bully laughed wildly, he was getting closer and closer to Lin Fei, and he was about to rush in front of Lin Fei.

Just now.

An old man appeared suddenly and directly blocked the black bully's path.

"It seems that you should be the black tyrant of the dark clan."

The old man stared at the black bully, and said coldly.

"Who are you?"

Hei Ba saw this old man, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and at the same time his eyes showed a trace of jealousy, because he could perceive that the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him was only stronger or weaker than him! "It's you! It's you old fellow again! You call Master Tianling, right? You saved Lin Fei before, but now you want to rescue Lin Fei again, right!"

At this time, the three Dark Lords also came, and they recognized the Heavenly Spirit Master at a glance. They were shocked and angry, and roared loudly.

"Yes, I am the Heavenly Spirit Master."

Heavenly Spirit Master nodded and said.


You are called the Master of Heaven! how is this possible! If you are really the Heavenly Spirit Master, then your seniority in the sea of ​​absolute space is older than me.

Are you really the legendary Master of Heaven? "

Hei Ba heard the words of the three Dark Lords and the Heavenly Spirit Master, and couldn't help being frightened and shouted.

"Yes, I am the legendary Master Heavenly Spirit, and my generation is indeed older than you."

The Heavenly Spirit said with a smile.

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