Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5055: You are not rivals


This Heavenly Spirit Master is older than Master? "

The three dark masters were shocked when they heard the conversation between the black tyrant and the heavenly spirit master.

"Even if this old guy is older than Master, so what? His strength is only stronger than the three of us, and he is not Master's opponent at all! The three of us can block him and let Master chase Lin Fei. NS!"

The First Lord of Darkness thought for a while and said.

"Yes, the three of us have played against this old guy before, knowing how much he has, he is just stronger than the three of us, don't be afraid!"

When the other two dark masters heard the words, they both lifted up their spirits and said in unison.

"Master, it's up to the three of us to deal with this old guy, your old man will chase and kill Lin Fei!"

The First Dark Lord immediately said to the black bully.

"No! If he really is the Heavenly Spirit Master, the three of you will not be his opponents at all."

Hei Ba shook his head and looked at the Master of Heaven with fearful eyes.

When he was still young, he had already heard of the name of the Heavenly Spirit Master, how dare he despise the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Master, the three of us have already fought against this old thing. We know exactly how many catties he has.

Master, rest assured, the three of us can work together to deal with him! "

The First Dark Lord said.

"The three of you, have played against him?

Can you deal with him? "

Hearing the words of the First Lord of Darkness, the black bull couldn't help showing his doubts.

"How is it possible that this Heavenly Spirit Master used to be in the sea of ​​absolute space, with a great reputation, and his reputation is only above me, not below me, how can you three deal with him?"

Hei Ba shook his head and said.

Heiba ​​is suspicious and will not easily believe other people's words.

What's more, to him, the Master of Heaven is a senior, so how dare he despise it.

"it is true.

Master, if you don’t believe it, now the three of us will immediately take action against him. Master, you will know when you look at it.

Let's do it! "

The First Dark Lord said.

"Okay, let's do it!"

The other two dark masters nodded.

Boom boom boom! The three dark masters shot at the same time, releasing terrifying dark energy, like black Yangtze Rivers, sweeping across time and space, violently rushing toward the heavenly master.

Shoo! The three masters of darkness displayed the starting method at the same time and rushed towards the heavenly spiritual master.

"Three overpowered guys."

The Heavenly Spirit smiled faintly.

After a period of retreat and healing, the Heavenly Spirit Master has now returned to the peak strength of the year, and these three dark masters are not in sight at all.

Booming...The Heavenly Spirit Master simply slapped it out with a single palm. The palm of his hand carried terrifying energy, constantly zooming in, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant palm spanning time and space, and new worlds continued to appear on the palm of his palm.

After his strength was restored to its peak state, Master Tianling was able to open up new worlds at an astonishing speed. A dozen new worlds have been created on the palm of his palm.

Rumble...More than a dozen new worlds linger on the giant palm, like superstars, bombarding the three dark masters.

"How is it possible! How did this old guy become so strong!"

The three dark masters felt the energy coercion transmitted from the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master, and immediately turned pale with fright. The three of them discovered that they could not resist the palm of the Heavenly Spirit Master at all.

Bang bang bang! The next moment, Master Tianling spit out his palm, shaking the three Dark Lords on the spot and threw them back.

"Only with the three of you, dare to do it with me. Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

The Heavenly Spirit Master sneered, and stepped forward, a horrible energy that could not be described came out and suppressed the three dark masters, causing the three dark masters to sink their bodies, making it difficult to act.

Boom... Master Tianling punched towards the Third Lord of Darkness.

Among the three Dark Lords, the third Dark Lord was relatively weak, so the Heavenly Spirit Master took him first.

boom! The Third Lord of Darkness was blown away with a punch, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and he was already injured! "How is it possible! This guy's strength has become so strong!"

The three Dark Lords all stepped back and looked at the Master of Heaven with fearful eyes, and at the same time they felt very puzzled.

"I said, you can't be his opponent."

At this moment, the black bully said.

"It seems that you really are the natural master of heaven."

Hei Ba stared at the Heavenly Spirit Master, slowly speaking.

"Yes, it's me."

The Heavenly Spirit nodded.

"It's just that, as far as I know, you and our dark clan have never had a holiday. Why do you want to take action against our dark clan."

Hei Ba asked.

"You dark clan and I did not have a festival, but you and Lin Fei had a festival.

And Lin Fei is my savior.

I say this, do you understand? "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"That kid Lin Fei is your savior?

How is it possible that your strength is far stronger than him, how can he be your savior?

You saved him almost. "

Hei Ba was taken aback.

"Lin Fei is indeed my savior.

Sometimes, it doesn't have to be strong to save people.

As long as there is love and righteousness and a chivalrous heart, it is possible to save people. "

The Heavenly Spirit Master said.

"Huh! What kind of shit, chivalry, we dark people don't pay attention to this.

In that case, you must help that kid Lin Fei? "

Hei Ba couldn't help his face sinking when he heard the words of the Heavenly Spirit Master.


I helped fix Lin Fei.

If you want to deal with him, just pass me first. "

The Heavenly Spirit nodded and said.

"If that's the case, well, I'll learn about your brilliant tricks.

Just look at how powerful the Heavenly Spirit Master in the Megatron world was in the past! "

Hei Ba said slowly, his eyes sharpened.

"Bring your horse here."

The Heavenly Spirit smiled faintly.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the field became tense.

"I'll stop this old guy, you go kill Lin Fei!"

The black bully said to the three dark masters.

"Yes! The three of us are going to kill Lin Fei!"

The three dark masters couldn't help but feel refreshed after hearing the words of the black bully.

"Let's have a good fight!"

At this time, the black tyrant rushed towards the Heavenly Spirit Master with murderous aura.

In the next moment, the two super masters began to fight fiercely.

"Let's go quickly, this level of fighting is terrible, we stay here, it is easy to be affected!"

The three dark masters quickly retreated far away.

"Go, the three of us will kill Lin Fei!"

The First Dark Lord said, and then he took the lead in Lin Fei's direction.

Just now, the black bully had locked Lin Fei's position and told the three dark masters.

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