Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5057: The last piece

"Dare to move our master, first asked if we agreed!"

"Death to protect the master!"

Before Lin Fei and Meng Po officially appeared, the slaves behind Lin Fei were already so angry that they rushed forward desperately.

"What do you want to do?"

Those dark people who came to Lin Fei and Meng Po to besieged and killed saw that these members of their own clan actually stood in front of Lin Fei and wanted to do something with them, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Where are you?

That is Lin Fei, the enemy of our dark race! "Dare to move our master, first asked if we agreed!"

"Death to protect the master!"

Before Lin Fei and Meng Po officially appeared, the slaves behind Lin Fei were already so angry that they rushed forward desperately.

"What do you want to do?"

Those dark people who came to Lin Fei and Meng Po to besieged and killed saw that these members of their own clan actually stood in front of Lin Fei and wanted to do something with them, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Where are you?

That is Lin Fei, the enemy of our dark race! You call him the master, is your brain broken?

The three masters of darkness have an order, let us work together to deal with Lin Fei! If you mess up like this again, let the three masters of darkness know that you will never escape to death! "

Those dark people who came to Lin Fei besieged and slain, shouted at Lin Fei's slaves.

"Huh! My master's talent is the most important thing! For the safety of my master, we are willing to throw our heads, sprinkle our blood, and there are three dark masters.

Even if the three of them are face to face, I am also on my master's side! "

"Yes, what **** dominates the darkness, is it more important than my master.

Let them die! "

"If those three dark masters dare to hurt my master, I will be the first to let them go!"

Lin Fei's slaves roared one by one, frantically rushing towards the dark people who had been besieging them.

"On the contrary, you are rebelling!"

"Crazy, all crazy!"

…Those dark races who came to besieged and slew them one by one.

It's just that when the slaves and the dark clan were constantly scolding, Lin Fei continued to use the secret technique of the puppet's thread, releasing more puppet lines, and continuously throwing it at the dark people.

Therefore, with the passage of time, more and more dark races were repaid by Lin Fei and became slaves.

As Lin Fei conquered more and more slaves, Lin Fei's divine consciousness became stronger and stronger.

As the divine consciousness became stronger and stronger, Lin Fei's speed to conquer those dark people became faster and faster! Therefore, Lin Fei conquered more and more slaves! "It is incumbent to work for the master!"

"Whoever dares to move the master is our enemy!"

"Kill, win honor for the master!"

...In this lair, more and more dark races gathered beside Lin Fei, protecting Lin Fei and Meng Po, and headed towards the direction of the reincarnation fragments.

"What happened?

Why do these members of our dark clan call Lin Fei their master and play for Lin Fei?

What did Lin Fei move? "

The high level of this lair, especially the leader, looked stunned.

"Lin Fei, the secret technique of Puppet Thread has been transformed by you, it's too domineering!"

Po Meng couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Lin Fei, die!"

The leader of this lair rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Does it depend on you?"

Lin Fei smiled coldly, waved his hand, arranged more than a thousand mental power worlds, and besieged the leader of this lair.

The strength of this leader is not very strong, far inferior to Black, so he cannot be Lin Fei's opponent.

After being besieged by more than a thousand mental worlds, this leader began to be attacked by endless illusions and mental energy. He could only stand in place, unable to move! "Lin Fei, stop!"

In this lair, more and more Dark Clan Chaos appeared continuously, and they besieged and killed Lin Fei and Meng Po.

Lin Fei directly arranged a large number of formations, or the world of mental strength, and surrounded all the chaotic gods of the dark race, struggling desperately there, unable to get out of the trap.

However, Lin Fei and Meng Po were swaggering, surrounded by a large number of slaves, moving toward the location of the reincarnation fragments.

Finally, Lin Fei and Meng Po came to the location of the reincarnation fragments.

This is a dense primitive jungle.

In the center of this primitive jungle, there is a fragment of the cycle of reincarnation, bursting out with a dazzling light.

Lin Fei flashed into the primordial jungle and came to that piece of reincarnation fragment.

"Lin Fei, hurry up and collect it."

Po Meng urged.


Lin Fei nodded.

Next, Lin Fei began to use magical powers to collect this piece of reincarnation fragments.

After a while, Lin Fei successfully collected this piece of reincarnation fragments! "There is one last piece left! We're done!"

Both Lin Fei and Meng Po were very excited.

"Lin Fei, collecting the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation is a great undertaking for us in the cycle of reincarnation. Unexpectedly, it will be done by me and you in the end! We are proud of it!"

Po Meng said excitedly.

"After collecting all the reincarnation fragments, you can rebuild the reincarnation circuit! As long as the reincarnation circuit is rebuilt, from now on, our reincarnation line can be restored to its former glory!"

Po Meng continued.

"Senior Mengpo, things shouldn't be too late, while the upper spirit master is blocking the black bully, the three reincarnation masters are blocking the three dark masters, let's collect the last piece of reincarnation fragments!"

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

"Yes, we just take this opportunity to collect the last piece!"

Po Meng nodded.

So Lin Fei and Meng Po immediately left this lair and headed for the next lair.

Of course, Lin Fei will take away all the slaves conquered in this lair! Taking these slaves of the dark clan to the next dark clan lair is easier to get in.

Soon after, Lin Fei and Meng Po came to the 35th Lair of the Dark Clan.

"The last piece of reincarnation is in this lair!"

Lin Fei stood in front of Lair No. 35, took a deep breath, and said.


Po Meng also nodded.

Just now, Lin Fei and Meng Po took out the six reincarnation portals and Naihe Bridge respectively, and made some sense.

The last piece of reincarnation fragment is in this lair! "Get in!"

Lin Fei released all the slaves of the Dark Clan, waved his hand, and said.


Following Lin Fei's order, all the slaves rushed towards the entrance and exit of Lair No. 35.

"Hey, what do you want to do?

Which lair are you members? Why did you come to our lair 35 to make trouble? "

At the entrance and exit of Lair No. 30, those dark people who were responsible for guarding the entrance and exit, watched so many members of the clan rush over, for a moment, they were a little dazed, not knowing what happened.

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