Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5058: Collected

"We are on the orders of our master to attack this lair. If you don't want to die, just get out!"

Lin Fei's slaves were fierce and evil one by one, rushing up and rushing towards the entrance and exit of this lair.

Lin Fei brought too many slaves! The Dark Clan guarding the entrances and exits of this lair were few in number, and they couldn't resist it at all.

In a moment, the entrance to this lair was breached by Lin Fei's slaves! kill! A large number of Lin Fei's subordinates rushed into the 35th lair.

"Let's go in too."

Lin Fei and Meng Po followed behind the slaves, looking very leisurely, they didn't even have to act.

Soon, Lin Fei and Meng Po walked into Lair No. 35.

Lin Fei immediately took out the six reincarnation portals, and Meng Po immediately took out the Naihe Bridge, directly activated it, and began to sense the specific location of the reincarnation fragment in this lair.

Soon, the six reincarnation households and the Naihe Bridge all pointed in the same direction.

"Over there, Senior Po Meng, let's go!"

Lin Fei took the lead and rushed in that direction.

Po Meng quickly followed.

Then, a large number of slaves flocked around Lin Fei and Meng Po, appearing loyal and loyal.

Along the way, I encountered many dark races who came after hearing the news. Lin Fei was not polite and directly displayed the secret technique of the puppet's thread, shrouded the dark races, and subdued them into slaves.

As a result, the slaves of the Dark Clan under Lin Fei began to increase again.

"That's Lin Fei, come on, catch Lin Fei!"

After a while, there was a roar in the distance, and a chaotic **** of the dark race rushed towards Lin Fei with an angry face.

The leader of this lair! There are dozens of Chaos Gods behind this leader, murderous.

The overall strength of this No. 35 Lair is relatively strong, so there are many Chaos Gods.

Lin Fei smiled coldly, waved his hand, arranged thousands of formations, and rumblingly shrouded the dozens of Chaos Gods.

Then, Lin Fei showed thousands of mental power worlds, and also shrouded the dozens of Chaos Gods.

With Lin Fei's current strength, using the formation and mental power to deal with the dozens of chaotic gods of the dark race is simply a sledgehammer! Soon, those dozens of Chaos Gods couldn't move, and they were suppressed by Lin Fei's formation and mental power.

Lin Fei and Meng Po did not pay attention to the chaotic gods of the dark race, and continued to move toward the direction of the reincarnation fragment.

After a while.

Finally came before a vast grassland.

In this vast grassland, there is a place where billowing gods rise to the sky.

Lin Fei and Meng Po were very excited, showing their bodies, and at the same time came to this position.

A piece of reincarnation fragment is embedded in the dense grass! "Finally found the last piece of reincarnation fragment!"

Lin Fei looked at the fragment of the reincarnation circuit in front of him, his body trembling slightly with excitement.

This is the last piece of reincarnation! As long as this fragment is collected, all the reincarnation fragments will be collected! "Lin Fei, get it quickly!"

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's figure flashed, and when he came to this piece of reincarnation fragment, he began to use magical powers to collect.

After a while.

Successfully received! "Senior Mengpo, we have finally collected all the reincarnation fragments!"

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

"Yes! The great work of collecting reincarnation fragments, the two of us are finally done!"

Po Meng said excitedly.

"Lin Fei, next, for us, it is to return to the samsara palace safely at the fastest speed! As long as the two of us can safely return to the samsara palace, then we can use the ones we collected The reincarnation of reincarnation fragments has begun to rebuild! Once the reincarnation circuit is successfully rebuilt, then the overall strength of our reincarnation line will skyrocket in an instant!"

Po Meng said.

"Yes, we will go back immediately!"

Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei and Meng Po immediately left the grassland and rushed out to the entrance and exit of the nest.

Lin Fei and Meng Po had no need to hide their traces, and used their speed to the fastest extent. In a moment, they returned to the entrance and exit of this lair, and then rushed out directly to the absolute sea of ​​space outside.

"Lin Fei, Meng Po, have you collected all the reincarnation fragments!"

At this time, the three reincarnation masters immediately sensed the actions of Lin Fei and Meng Po, and the first reincarnation master asked Chuanyin.

"Yes, we have collected all the reincarnation fragments!"

Lin Fei replied.

"Great! You two are the great heroes of our reincarnation line! Lin Fei, Meng Po, you two will go back to the reincarnation palace as quickly as possible, and get ready to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation. We will return later! "

The master of the first round said.

"Okay, we get it."

Lin Fei answered.

Lin Fei and Meng Po show the starting method, constantly traveling through time and space, and rushing back in the direction of the Samsara Palace.

Just now.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, there are four concealed figures, which are quickly traveling through time and space, quietly rushing towards the positions of Lin Fei and Meng Po.

The four old posters of Years Tower! It turned out that the black tyrant was blocked by the Heavenly Spirit Master, and the three dark masters were blocked by the three reincarnation masters. This situation made the three dark masters very anxious.

In desperation, the three dark masters suddenly thought of the four old masters of Suiyuelou.

So they immediately transmitted voice to the four old posters, asking them to come quietly to deal with Lin Fei.

The four old posters hated Lin Fei deeply. After receiving the news, they did not hesitate and rushed over immediately.

Therefore, in the sea of ​​absolute space, Lin Fei and Meng Po moved forward at full speed, heading back in the direction of the Samsara Palace.

The four old posters were also advancing at full speed, rushing in the direction of Lin Fei and Meng Po.

The strength of the four old posters is stronger than Lin Fei.

Their speed is also faster than Lin Fei and Meng Po.

So, gradually, the four old posters were getting closer and closer to Lin Fei.


"Not good! The four old posters of Suiyuelou are heading towards Lin Fei!"

The Heavenly Spirit Master first perceives the four old posters who are quietly hurrying on their way.

The perception ability of the Heavenly Spirit is very powerful.

Although the actions of the four old posters were hidden, they were still perceived by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

As a result, the Heavenly Spirit Master immediately sent a voice transmission to the three reincarnation masters and Lin Fei.

"What, the four old posters are here again!"

After the three reincarnation masters received the voice of the Heavenly Spirit Master, they couldn't help being shocked.

"Never let Lin Fei have an accident!"

The master of the first round said anxiously.

"Immediately give the high-level voices of our reincarnation alliance, let them respond to Lin Fei!"

Said the second round master.

"Yes, I immediately knew that I would come to meet Lin Fei!"

The first round dominates nodded.

"The four old guys are here again!"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning after receiving the voice from the Master of Heaven.

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