Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5063: Rebuild begins

Everyone understands that the imaginary giant figure that appeared on the altar must be the legendary ancestor of reincarnation.

Such a character actually appeared in front of everyone now, which was so shocking.

"It turns out that this is the ancestor of our reincarnation line. It seems that his strength should have surpassed all Chaos Gods.

The three samsara dominate in front of him, seemingly vulnerable and very weak.

Could it be that the ancestor of our reincarnation line is not the realm of the chaos god, but a creation god! "

Lin Fei thought of an astonishing possibility.

At this moment, the huge figure on the altar began to gradually become solid from illusion.

Finally, a man with a huge white robe appeared in front of everyone.

This man's appearance is relatively ordinary, no different from ordinary human men.

The only shocking thing is that his body is terribly huge, standing in this space and time, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

"See the ancestor of reincarnation!"

The three samsara masters saluted at the same time and said loudly.

"See the ancestor!"

All members of the reincarnation line, including Lin Fei, also followed the three reincarnation masters and saluted the ancestor of the reincarnation together.


The ancestor of Samsara glanced lightly at the members of the Samsara family in front of him, and nodded.

"Reincarnation, is it finally broken?

When I built the cycle of reincarnation back then, I had already realized that the cycle of reincarnation had suffered such a catastrophe. Unexpectedly, things have happened now.

Now, it's time to rebuild.

The strand of remnant soul I left behind finally came in handy. "

The ancestor of Samsara looked at the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation, took a look, and said.

At the time of construction, it was even considered that the cycle of reincarnation would have such a catastrophe! What a magical power this is! After hearing the words of the ancestor of reincarnation, everyone couldn't help being shocked, and they admired and admired the ancestor of reincarnation.

"You three little guys, you can't even guard the cycle of reincarnation, let others break it.

The three of you disappointed me a bit. "

The ancestor of reincarnation glanced at the three reincarnation masters and said.

In the eyes of the ancestor of this cycle, the three reincarnation rulers are just three little guys.

"It's the three of us that are useless and can't protect the cycle of reincarnation. We also asked the ancestor to condemn it! The three of us are willing to be punished!"

The three samsara masters all knelt down at the same time and said loudly.

"Fine, I already counted that there would be such a catastrophe in the cycle of reincarnation. This is the aura of the cycle of reincarnation, and the three of you can't control it.

Now that it has been broken, let's rebuild it now. "

The sleeves of the ancestor of reincarnation directly pulled up the three dominators of reincarnation, and said lightly.

"All right.

All the reincarnations, take their place, go back to the section of reincarnation that you are guarding, sit cross-legged, and then display your reincarnation energy and laws of reincarnation, and transmit them into these reincarnation fragments. "

Said the ancestor of reincarnation.

Shoo...As soon as the voice of the ancestor of reincarnation fell, the reincarnation gods jumped onto the reincarnation fragments one after another, sat down, released their reincarnation energy and laws, and began to transmit to the reincarnation fragments on their bodies.

Rumble... After these reincarnation fragments absorbed the reincarnation energy and laws transmitted to them by the reincarnation gods, they immediately burst into bright lights and began to tremble.

"Four of you, two sit at the beginning of the cycle of reincarnation, and two sit at the end of the cycle of reincarnation, releasing your energy and laws of reincarnation and transmitting it to the cycle of rebirth.

Young man, your age is the youngest and represents a new life. So, sit down at the beginning of the cycle of rebirth. "

The ancestor of reincarnation looked at the three reincarnation masters and Lin Fei, and said.

Although the three reincarnation masters hadn't told him Lin Fei's role, he knew at a glance the role that Lin Fei played in the line of reincarnation.

"Unexpectedly, we reincarnate in the same line, and we have such a wicked young man, which is very good.

Young people, work hard. In the future, our reincarnation line will flourish. It depends on you. "

The ancestor of the reincarnation looked at Lin Fei and encouraged a few words.

"Thank you for your encouragement!"

Lin Fei hastily saluted respectfully.

"Young people, maybe we will have the opportunity to meet in the future and get together.

Well, the most important thing at the moment is to rebuild the cycle of rebirth. "

The ancestor of Samsara nodded and said.

As a result, the three samsara masters and Lin Fei sat huddled at the beginning and the end of the cycle of samsara, respectively.

Lin Fei and the first reincarnation ruler sit at the beginning of the cycle of rebirth.

The second and third reincarnation masters sit at the end of the cycle of rebirth.

Therefore, on this cycle of reincarnation, at intervals, there is a reincarnation **** sitting cross-legged, continuously transmitting his reincarnation energy and laws to the reincarnation circuit.

Rumble...With the continuous transmission of a large amount of reincarnation energy and laws, all the reincarnation fragments vibrated more and more violently, and there was a roaring sound.

These reincarnation fragments began to move closer and closer together.

Then, the ancestor of Samsara also sat cross-legged, and saw him sitting cross-legged next to Samsara, his already huge body began to grow bigger.

In the end, the ancestor of the reincarnation became an unimaginably large giant, sitting cross-legged in this space and time.


Seeing him gently beckoned, all the reincarnation fragments were suspended and hovered around his body.

His body is too large, and those reincarnation fragments look like specks of dust.

Lin Fei and the Three Great Samsaras dominate these reincarnation gods, and they are so small that they can't even compare with dust! I saw the ancestor of the reincarnation sitting crouched in this space and time, his hands were knotted, and there were words in his mouth, as if he was chanting a very ancient mantra.

Every word that came out of his mouth was like a heavy sledgehammer, slamming on those reincarnation fragments, seeming to be tempering.

Boom...As the ancestors of reincarnation continued to chant mantras, an invisible heavy hammer was constantly beating the fragments of reincarnation.

Gradually, the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation began to move closer to each other and continue to merge.

"Reincarnation chain, condensate!"

At a certain moment, the ancestor of reincarnation suddenly shouted.

Wow...A thick chain of the law of reincarnation keeps appearing, floating above the circuit of reincarnation.

Then, the ancestor of reincarnation stretched out his hand, and the chains of the law of reincarnation began to melt into those reincarnation fragments, connecting the reincarnation fragments together.

Lin Fei, the ruler of the three reincarnations, and the other reincarnation gods are sitting wholeheartedly on the reincarnation circuit, continuously transmitting their own reincarnation energy and laws to the reincarnation circuit.

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