Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5064: The first step was successful

As time passed, everyone discovered that the fragments of the circuit of reincarnation that had been fragmented had begun to merge slowly with each other.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very excited.

"With the ancestors' hands, we can rebuild the cycle of rebirth. Now, we can be completely relieved!"

The three reincarnation masters spoke to each other, their bodies trembling slightly with excitement.

In fact, even the three of them did not dare to be 100% sure before that they would be able to successfully rebuild the cycle of rebirth.

But now, they finally understand that the cycle of rebirth can be successfully rebuilt! Of course, the main reason is that the remnant soul left by the ancestor of reincarnation! Except for the ancestor of samsara, there is no other person in this world who knows how to rebuild the cycle of samsara! At this time, the ancestor of the reincarnation was sitting in this space and time, constantly chanting ancient mantras in his mouth.

At the same time, various weird seals were formed on his hands from time to time.

The fragments of the cycle of rebirth, the fusion between each other, is getting closer and closer.

Slowly, the reincarnation circuit began to take shape! "Look! The cycle of reincarnation is about to be successfully rebuilt! Great, our cycle of reincarnation is about to reappear in the world!"

"Haha... As long as the reincarnation circuit is successfully rebuilt, the strength of our reincarnation line will skyrocket in an instant!"

"I finally waited for this day! I think back then, during that great battle, the cycle of reincarnation was broken. At that time, it was the darkest moment of our cycle of reincarnation. Unexpectedly, after such a long time, our cycle of reincarnation was broken. You can see the sun again!"

…All the members of the reincarnation line burst into tears with excitement, especially the reincarnation **** who personally experienced the war that year was even more agitated and unable to control himself.

"Reincarnation, finally rebuilt successfully!"

Lin Fei looked at the reincarnation circuit that was gradually taking shape and felt very pleased.

At the beginning, one of the main reasons why Lin Fei left the boundless sea of ​​chaos and stepped into the sea of ​​absolute space was to find the debris of the cycle of reincarnation.

For a long time, Lin Fei has also found many fragments of the reincarnation circuit. What he hopes is that one day he can successfully rebuild the reincarnation circuit. Now, this wish is finally fulfilled! Lin Fei felt a sense of relief in his heart.

From then on, finally there is no need to search everywhere for reincarnation fragments! "Lin Fei, the reincarnation circuit can be successfully rebuilt, and the biggest credit is you! It can be said that half of the reincarnation fragments were recovered by you."

The master of the first round suddenly spoke to Lin Fei.

"Master, you overwhelmed.

As a member of the reincarnation line, this is what I should do. "

Lin Fei replied.

"No, so many reincarnation fragments can be collected. Only you can succeed in this matter.

The three of us have repeatedly calculated.

In the entire cycle of reincarnation, only you can have this kind of luck, and can collect so many reincarnation fragments.

Moreover, you have already consciously done the task of collecting debris from the cycle of rebirth a long time ago.

At that time, our three old guys have not returned yet.

As a junior, you take the initiative to do this thing that is most meaningful to our reincarnation. It's so rare! In a word, the rebirth of reincarnation can be successfully rebuilt, and you have the greatest credit! "

The master of the first round said.

"Lin Fei, don't be humble! Our reincarnation line can successfully rebuild the cycle of reincarnation, and your contribution is indeed the greatest."

The other two reincarnation masters also spoke to Lin Fei separately.

Facing the praise of the three reincarnation masters, Lin Fei was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Hehe, unexpectedly, the cycle of reincarnation will finally reappear in front of the world.

I think back then, in the sea of ​​absolute space, as long as you mention the cycle of rebirth, you don’t know which one, everyone doesn’t know. It wasn’t until later that it was beaten to pieces in that great battle, and this was gradually forgotten by the world, but from now on, Reincarnation is about to return to the sight of the world again! "

The other senior leaders in the Reincarnation Alliance are all sighing.

Of course, everyone is very excited.

Because, successfully rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation can greatly enhance the overall strength of the reincarnation alliance! It is a great thing for everyone in the Reincarnation Alliance! Just at this time.

"Don't think about it one by one! Half of the work of rebuilding the cycle of rebirth has not been completed yet, so concentrate on it!"

At this time, the ancestor of the reincarnation suddenly began to speak, like a thunderbolt, shaking everyone's eardrums.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Don't be distracted! Follow the ancestors' orders!"

The master of the first round said quickly.

As a result, all the reincarnation gods became attentive and did not dare to think any more.

This ancestor in the reincarnation line in front of him, no one dared to mess around in front of the ancestor! Time passed slowly.

I saw that the pieces of reincarnation fragments were getting closer and closer to each other, and the cracks at the joints gradually disappeared.

A complete cycle of rebirth began to appear in front of everyone.

Rumbling... the entire cycle of reincarnation began to release a mysterious aura.

Just at this time.

The ancestor of Samsara suddenly waved his hand, and a white disk flew out of his sleeves, constantly zooming in and spinning, like a white whirlpool.

"All of you, please transfer your energy into this reincarnation disk and transform it into reincarnation energy, helping us to reinforce the cycle of reincarnation!"

The ancestor of reincarnation shouted in a deep voice.

"Let's do it."

The Heavenly Spirit Master said, stretched out his palms, and took the lead in transmitting his energy into the white whirlpool.

Then, other people also started to transfer their energy into the white whirlpool.

Boom... After all the energy is transmitted into the white vortex, it is transmitted from the other side of the vortex and converted into reincarnation energy! These reincarnation energies are transported to the cycle of rebirth, and are finally absorbed by the cycle of rebirth! In this way, everyone is working hard to help rebuild the cycle of rebirth! As time passed, everyone found that all the reincarnation fragments had completely merged with each other, and there were no cracks between the fragments.

Rumble...The cycle of reincarnation trembles rumblingly, blooming with a dazzling light.

"Well, everyone, the first step in rebuilding the cycle of rebirth is integration, which has been successful.

Now, proceed to the second step! The cycle of reincarnation is integrated into the time and space of the absolute space sea, and the cycle of reincarnation is projected in countless large and small worlds in the absolute space sea. "

The ancestor of reincarnation suddenly said loudly.

"The first step is finally successful!"

Those reincarnation gods are all refreshed.

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