Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5090: Stuck

At this moment, looking at Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen who were trapped in the dark time and space forbidden formation, the wizards of the dark clan felt very happy one by one, all laughing out loud.

Originally, these mages were more afraid of Lin Fei and the dark elf queen.

But now with the help of the dark ancestral temple left by the dark ancestors, they can easily deal with Lin Fei and the dark elf queen! "Heiba ​​Master, you see, Lin Fei is constantly breaking the formation, and if this continues, the banned formation left by the ancestors will probably be cracked by him sooner or later."

One of the mage suddenly said a little worriedly.

"Don't be afraid! According to the information left by the dark ancestors, this banned formation is composed of many small banned formations.

These small forbidden formations are inexhaustible, because every time one is broken, another small forbidden formation will be born automatically, repeating and repeating! Do you really think that the big formation left by the dark ancestor old man is so easy to crack! I guess that this big formation can keep Lin Fei and the dark elf queen here, they want to leave, no way! "

Heba Master smiled triumphantly.

The divine consciousness of the Great Master Heba penetrated into the depths of this ancestral temple, and he sensed more and more information.

"Really, that's great! If Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen can be completely trapped here, it will be of great significance to this war! Because Lin Fei is a variable in this war!"

"Haha, the ancestors are mighty, and there is such a powerful banning formation left behind!"

After hearing the words of the Great Master Heba, all of them became excited and laughed out loud.

"Look! What the Great Master Heba said is right. Every time one of those small forbidden formations is broken, another will be born immediately! It is simply inexhaustible!"

A mage pointed to the banned formation in front and exclaimed excitedly.

"Lin Fei, it seems a bit bad.

Every time we break a formation, it seems that another formation will appear immediately. "

At this time, the dark elf queen also found that something was wrong, and couldn't help but speak.


This large forbidden formation is composed of many small forbidden formations, and these small forbidden formations can be born in cycles. "

Lin Fei discovered this a long time ago and is thinking about how to crack it.

"Doesn't that mean that these **** banning formations are inexhaustible?"

The dark elf queen couldn't help but her face changed when she heard Lin Fei's words.

Although her strength is strong, she doesn't study the formation method deeply, far inferior to Lin Fei.

"Relax, every formation is like a world, with its operating rules. As long as I understand the operating rules of these formations, I want to crack them, it will be easy."

Lin Fei said.

After all, Lin Fei had a very high level above the formation. Under this situation, he did not panic, but his mind was very clear.

"Next, as we break the formation, I understand the operating rules of these formations.

Believe me, I can definitely find a way to crack these formations. "

Lin Fei said to the dark elf queen.

"Okay, Lin Fei, don't worry, I will cooperate with you."

The dark elf queen nodded.

Next, Lin Fei calmed down, and while breaking through the formation with the queen, he seriously analyzed these small banned formations.

"Master Heba, although we trapped Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen with a banning formation, it would be difficult to kill them.

We should report this news to Lord Black Bull and the three masters immediately so that they can know. "

A mage suggested.

"In fact, it is not Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen that we should report to the Black Lord and the three masters, but we have the news to activate this dark ancestral temple!"

Another mage said.

"Yes! I immediately contacted Master Hei Ba and the three masters."

Heba Master Hearing the words of these two masters, he nodded and replied.

So the black bar master immediately took out a specially-made jade slip of communication and sent a message to the black bully and the three dark masters.

This transmission jade slip is specially made by the black tyrant, and the sound transmission effect is particularly good.

Soon, the black tyrant and the three dark masters who were fighting fiercely on the battlefield all received the voice of the black bar master, and they were very pleasantly surprised.

"The space magic weapon left by the dark ancestors was actually activated! This means that our dark clan has one more powerful weapon! Haha, great.

The cycle of reincarnation has reincarnation, and we dark people have dark ancestral temples! With this space magic weapon left by the dark ancestors, the odds of our dark race have greatly increased in this war! "

Hei Ba knows a lot about the dark ancestral temple, and when he hears this news, he is extremely excited.

"When I get the Dark Ancestral Temple, I can use the Dark Ancestral Temple to deal with the cycle of reincarnation! At that time, the Heavenly Spirit Master will be dead, and dare to fight against my dark clan, he is destined to have no good end!"

Hei Ba laughed in his heart.

Hei Ba and a few friends besieged the Venerable Heavenly Spirit together, originally occupying a numerical advantage, but I didn't expect the Venerable Heavenly Spirit to use the reincarnation circuit to exert powerful combat power, and the two sides were overwhelmed! "what?

Those wizards in the clan actually mastered the method to activate the Dark Ancestral Temple, and trapped Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen with the Dark Ancestral Temple! Good, good, great! "

After the three dark masters received the message from the black bar master, they were extremely excited and shouted in chants.

"Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen are both one of the core forces of the Reincarnation Alliance. Before killing so many masters in our Thirteen Dark Alliance, I didn't expect retribution to come!"

"Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen are trapped. For our Dark Alliance, we can take a sigh of relief."

"We the dark race have those mages, it's just as powerful as a tiger!"

The three dark masters communicate with each other and are extremely excited.

"The legend says that the Dark Ancestral Temple is a magic weapon left by the Dark Ancestor. Once activated, its power is terrifying.

It turns out that this legend is true! The dark ancestral temple is activated, our dark clan is equivalent to one more powerful magic weapon. "

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"Just trapping Lin Fei and the dark elf queen is not enough.

It's best to think of a way to take the opportunity to kill them, and it's a hundred. "

The Second Dark Lord said.

"Yes, if there is a way to kill Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen, it would be best."

The First Dark Lord nodded.

"According to the message sent to us by the Great Master Heba, the mages in the clan now only master a part of the way to control the Dark Ancestral Temple.

I feel that this space magic weapon left by the dark ancestors will never be so powerful, and immediately send a message back, so that the wizards in the clan will continue to deduce and comprehend the method of completely controlling the dark ancestral temple.

I believe that if you can fully control the Dark Ancestral Temple, you can definitely kill Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen easily.

Hmph, if you can really control the Dark Ancestral Temple completely, let alone killing Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen, even if you win this war, it won't be difficult! "

Said the Third Lord of Darkness.

"Yes! I immediately sent the message to the Black Bar Master, so that the masters of the clan will do their best to deduct the enlightenment, and strive to be able to completely control the Dark Ancestral Temple.

Then let them bring the Dark Ancestral Temple to the battlefield and let us control it.

At that time, it is time for our dark race to win! "

The first darkness dominates the spirit and nodded.

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