Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5091: Study the law of darkness.

The First Dark Lord immediately sent a message to the Black Bar Grand Master.

At this time, inside the Dark Ancestral Temple.

Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen broke through the formation while earnestly studying the small forbidden formations in front of him.

With Lin Fei's level of formation, gradually, Lin Fei began to have a little clue.

"The energy source for the operation of these small forbidden formations is dark energy, and the rules of operation are the law of darkness.

In other words, the foundation of these small banned formations is dark energy and the law of darkness.

Although I have conducted in-depth research on the laws of the world, I have not studied the laws of darkness.

But if you want to crack these banned formations, you must study the law of darkness. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

For a long time, Lin Fei didn't have any good feelings about the law of darkness, so he never studied it.

Unexpectedly, in order to break the formation, the law of darkness must be studied.

"Well, study the law of darkness first.

After I have an understanding of the law of darkness, based on my level of formation, it shouldn't be difficult to crack these banned formations. "

Lin Fei thought about it.

"Lin Fei, are there any problems encountered? Are these formations difficult to crack?

I heard from those wizards just now that this dark ancestor temple was left by the dark ancestor, and these formations were probably arranged by the dark ancestor himself.

The strength of the dark ancestor is terrifying, and the array he personally arranged is naturally terrifying.

You don't need to rush, study slowly.

Although we can't get out of trouble for the time being, these formations can't hurt us either. "

At this time, the dark elf queen saw Lin Fei's brows frown, and asked.

"If you want to crack these banned formations, you must understand the dark laws of the Dark Clan.

I have never studied the Law of Darkness. Now, I spend a while to study the Law of Darkness.

We will have to wait until I have studied and understood what the dark law is about before we can break these forbidden formations and get out of the trap. "

Lin Fei replied.

"I see.

It is very easy to study the law of darkness. Have you forgotten that our dark elves also belong to the dark creatures, and the law of our main cultivation is also the law of darkness.

My understanding of the law of darkness is definitely no worse than the three masters of darkness.

In this way, I will guide you now how to understand the law of darkness. I believe that with your talent, you can definitely study it thoroughly in a short time. "

The dark elf queen couldn't help laughing when she heard Lin Fei's words.

"Yes! I almost forgot, the main law of dark elves cultivation is also the law of darkness!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

As the queen of the dark elves clan, the Dark Elf Queen must have a very deep research on the law of darkness. With her guidance, Lin Fei wanted to study the law of darkness, but she turned her back! "Lin Fei, I now pass on to you my experience and experience of the Law of Darkness, and I will understand it."

Said the dark elf queen.

Then, she stretched out her hand and punched a piece of spiritual knowledge into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

This is her experience of the Law of Darkness in her life, which is extremely precious.

Next, the dark elf queen kept talking, instructing Lin Fei in detail how to understand the law of darkness.

Under the guidance of the dark elf queen, Lin Fei soon began to understand the law of darkness.

At this time, in the distance, the dark wizards sitting on the stone pillars looked at Lin Fei and the dark elf queen who were trapped in the forbidden formation and couldn't come out. They were very excited.

"Haha, these banned formations personally arranged by the dark ancestors are really too powerful.

Lin Fei's formation level is so high, it is actually impossible to crack. "

"No matter how high Lin Fei's formation is, it is impossible to compare with the dark ancestor old man.

You know, the dark ancestors created our dark race! His strength is so strong that no one in the world can match it! "

The mages were talking excitedly.

"Everyone, Lin Fei's formation level is definitely much better than the three reincarnation masters.

Since these forbidden formations can trap Lin Fei, then they can definitely trap the three reincarnation masters.

If we can bring this ancestral temple to the battlefield and use it to deal with the three reincarnation masters, we will definitely be able to exert tremendous power. "

A mage said.

"I just received the voice of the three masters, let us seize the time to deduct this ancestral temple, and strive to completely activate this ancestral temple, and then take it to the battlefield."

The black bar master said loudly.

"Well, everyone seize the time to deduct and try to master the method of activating this ancestral temple."

The other mages nodded.

So, one by one, these mages began to seize the time to deduct this dark ancestral temple.

at this time.

On the battlefield.

The three masters of darkness and the three masters of reincarnation are still in battle.

Since the strength of the two sides is almost the same, although this battle has been fought for a long time, there has been no victory or defeat.

"Everyone, I suddenly have an idea."

The first dark ruler suddenly communicated to the other two dark rulers.

"what idea?"

The other two dark masters were both taken aback and asked.

"Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen are now trapped by the banned formation in the Dark Ancestral Temple. This is the best time to kill this pair of dog men and women.

It's better, we each separate a clone, and go back to deal with Lin Fei and the dark elf queen.

Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen are the two most powerful masters in the Reincarnation Alliance. Except for the Heavenly Spirit Master and the three reincarnation masters, if they can take this opportunity to get rid of them, then the Reincarnation Alliance will lose. heavy.

Especially Lin Fei, the mages of my clan deduced many times that Lin Fei might become a variable in this war.

If Lin Fei can be killed, it will be equivalent to eliminating the variables of this war, which will be of great benefit to us. "

The First Dark Lord said.

"It makes sense."

The other two dark masters were all refreshed.

"It's just that Lin Fei and the dark elf queen are both very powerful.

If the three of us only sent clones back, we might not be able to kill them.

That way, immediately contact Master and ask Master to send a clone to go back and kill Lin Fei together, so that you can be sure of everything. "

The Second Dark Lord said.

"Okay! If the master also sends a clone back, he will definitely be able to deal with Lin Fei and the dark elf queen.

I will contact Master immediately! "

The First Dark Lord was overjoyed upon hearing this.

So he immediately sent a voice transmission to the darkness.

At this time, Hei Ba and his five friends were besieging the Heavenly Spirit Master.

The Heavenly Spirit Master stood on the circuit of rebirth, and cooperated with the circuit of rebirth to make a powerful attack.

"Separate a clone and go back to deal with Lin Fei and the dark elf queen?

Can. "

Hei Ba received the voice of the First Dark Lord, thought about it, and agreed.

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