Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5092: Markup

"It turns out that the so-called dark law does not refer to one law, but refers to all dark laws, including many kinds."

At this time, Lin Fei was earnestly comprehending the law of darkness.

The dark elf queen is very patiently guiding Lin Fei.

At the same time, Lin Fei and the dark elf queen need to keep making moves to crack the banned formations around them.

Fortunately, both Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen are very powerful masters of divine consciousness. Lin Fei is proficient in mental strength, and can be distracted to do multiple things at the same time.

"The law of darkness is really brilliant. Compared with the law of reincarnation, it is only strong but not weak! No wonder the dark race can become the largest superpower in the sea of ​​absolute space!"

As the deeper the understanding of the law of darkness, the more Lin Fei lamented the mystery of the law of darkness.

"Lin Fei, your savvy is too high.

In such a short period of time, he could comprehend the law of darkness to such a point.

It won’t be long before your understanding of the law of darkness will not be much worse than mine! "

The dark elf queen found that Lin Fei had actually begun to comprehend the true core essence of the dark law within a short time, and she couldn't help but be amazed.

"The law of darkness exists as opposed to the law of light.

After all, this world has one yang and one yin, and it exists at the same time.

If there are laws of light, there must be laws of darkness.

Moreover, these two distinct laws have a certain interdependence relationship.

The so-called lonely yin does not regenerate, and the lonely yang does not last, this is the truth.

Therefore, I want to have a deeper understanding of the laws of darkness, and we can use the laws of light to confirm each other, so that we can truly understand the laws of darkness! "

As time passed slowly, Ye Yunfei began to understand the dark laws more and more deeply.

at this time.

The three dark masters and the black tyrant each sent a clone, quietly left the battlefield, and returned to the second dark lair, ready to come back to deal with Lin Fei and the dark elf queen.

"Lin Fei, it's hard to fly with your wings this time."

The three dark masters all sneered.

The three of them have personally sent out to deal with Lin Fei many times, but every time they failed.

It can be said that Lin Fei has become a demon of the three dark masters, a hurdle that cannot be overcome! They will never be reconciled if they don't kill Lin Fei! "This time, Lin Fei must be completely wiped out to eliminate the biggest variable in this war! As long as Lin Fei is killed, I believe that our dark race will win this war sooner or later!"

The First Dark Lord said.

While speaking, the three Dark Lord clones all rushed back in the direction of the second dark lair at full speed.

The speed of the Hei Ba avatar is even faster, constantly traveling through time and space, as fast as a dream.

At this time, the black tyrant's body and his five friends were surrounding the Heavenly Spirit Master, fighting fiercely.

This battle has been fought for a long time, but the two sides have not been able to tell the victory or defeat.

Hei Ba and his five friends are truly top masters with terrifying combat power.

However, the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Master was only stronger than theirs.

And with the help of the reincarnation circuit, every move has a large number of reincarnation shadows appearing, from all directions, blasting towards the black bully and others with great power.

"Damn it, how could this cycle of reincarnation be so powerful.

When the six of us joined forces, we could only barely play against each other.

Without this circuit of reincarnation, we would have killed this guy a long time ago! "

At this time, the five friends of Heiba ​​have long been impatient.

"Everyone, hold on.

I have good news for you.

Our dark race also has a very powerful magic weapon, which is about to be born.

The mages of my clan are fully deducing the method of controlling that magic weapon. Once we successfully control the magic weapon, we can use it to deal with the reincarnation circuit.

When the time comes, I want to kill this guy, but I will turn my back! "

Hei Ba quickly comforted.

He was afraid that these five friends would turn around and leave, not participating in the war.

At that time, on his own, it would be impossible to beat the Heavenly Spirit Master, and things would be troublesome.

"Hei Ba, since your Dark Clan has such a magic weapon, why don't you take it out earlier to confront the enemy.

But let us play so hard here.

Are you deliberately playing with us! "

A white and miserable creature said coldly.

"Don't get me wrong! Based on the relationship between me and you, how could I play with you?

That magic weapon was left by the dark ancestor of our dark clan, and it has always existed in the form of an ancestral temple.

In the future, the origin of this ancestral temple is just a legend, even I don't know whether it is true or false.

Not long ago, it was the mages in our clan who discovered that the legend about that ancestral temple was actually true! So, the masters of my clan entered the ancestral temple, conducted deduction and research, and finally found a way to manipulate the ancestral temple.

Now, the wizards of our clan have activated part of that ancestral temple.

Although it was only partly activated, the power it exerted was already very powerful! I believe that it will not take long for the mages of our clan to completely control the ancestral temple.

At that time, they will bring that ancestral temple to the battlefield.

At that time, it is time for us to win! "

Hei Ba quickly explained.

"Well, in that case, we believe you for the time being.

It's just that, black bully, we participated in this war and fought so hard, and I was injured.

Therefore, the reward you promised to us before will be doubled. "

"Yes, not only was I injured, I was almost blown up by that guy just now, and it was dangerous. This is just a fight for my life! You told us before that there is no suspense in this war, and we will definitely feel lighter. Win easily.

Who knows how hard it is now.

Hei Ba you lied to us.

Therefore, the remuneration is doubled, otherwise, we will leave immediately.

Fight with him yourself. "

Heiba's five friends all spoke up one after another, demanding double rewards.

"You...we are good friends.

You can't sit down and raise the price. "

Hei Ba is a bit angry.

Because the reward he promised before is already huge.

If it doubles again, it would simply lay his blood and take his life! "Huh! Black bully, brothers must also settle accounts! What's more, you deceived us, this is a punishment for you.

If you don't agree, then forget it.

let's go. "

A creature sneered.

"Okay, let's go."

The other four creatures also stopped, preparing to leave.

"No, dear friends, if you have something to say.

Okay, I promise you! "

The black bully was shocked.

He knew that once these five friends left, he would not be able to beat the Heavenly Spirit Master himself.

In desperation, he had no choice but to agree.

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