Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 5093: Almost enlightened

"Damn it, it's going to bleed again!"

Hei Ba agreed to the demands of the five friends, and his heartache was almost bloody.

"I blame the Reincarnation Alliance! I swear, I must kill all the creatures in the Reincarnation Alliance! There will be no one left!"

The black tyrant's killing intent is overwhelming.

"Especially this abominable Heavenly Spirit Master, if it weren't for him, there would be no creatures in the Reincarnation Alliance as my opponent. Our dark race would have won this war long ago.

There are three reincarnation masters, that Lin Fei, and the **** of the dark elf queen, all damned! Wait, I will kill you one by one! "

Hei Ba roared in his heart.

"Master of Heaven, I want you to die!"

Under the anger of the black bully, he rushed to the heavenly master madly.

"Haha, black bully, you can't kill me.

Maybe I killed you in the end. "

The Heavenly Spirit said with a laugh.

"The cycle of reincarnation is really not famous."

The Venerable Heavenly Spirit was very satisfied with the power of the cycle of rebirth at this time.

The Celestial Spirit knew that if it were not for the reincarnation, he alone would not be the opponent of the black bully and his five friends.

"I don't know how Lin Fei is now."

The Master of Heaven suddenly thought of Lin Fei.

As a result, he released his divine consciousness and perceives other battlefields, looking for Lin Fei's figure.

However, his divine consciousness perceived one battlefield after another, and Lin Fei could not be found.

Only a few clones of Lin Fei were found.

Before Lin Fei set out to deal with the wizards of the Dark Clan, he left a few clones to participate in this war.

These avatars left by Lin Fei possess all the memories of Lin Fei, are proficient in formations and mental energy, and can exert tremendous combat power and can deal with Chaos Gods of ordinary strength.

"It's strange, what about Lin Fei's body?

I have searched almost every battlefield, why didn't I see Lin Fei's whereabouts? "

Heavenly Spirit Master’s divine consciousness repeatedly perceives every battlefield, but Lin Fei still cannot be found.

"Could it be that something happened to Lin Fei?"

The Heavenly Spirit could not help but frown.

"It shouldn't be.

With Lin Fei's strength, only the black tyrants in the Dark Alliance, the three Dark Lords could deal with Lin Fei.

Now, the black tyrant is fighting with me, and the three dark masters are fighting with the three samsara masters.

Lin Fei will definitely be fine! But where did he go? "

The Heavenly Spirit Master was a little anxious, thinking in his heart.

Lin Fei is his benefactor and his most promising junior. It can be said that the reason why he participated in this war is because of Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei seems to be gone, where did he go?

Look for it right away. "

The Celestial Spirit immediately sent a message to the three reincarnation masters and the other senior leaders of the reincarnation alliance.

"Lin Fei is missing?"

Many high-level officials in the Reincarnation Alliance were shocked when they received the voice of the Heavenly Spirit Master.

As a result, all the senior leaders of the Reincarnation Alliance began to look for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"Not only is Lin Fei missing, but also the Dark Elf Queen!"

Soon, the senior officials of the Reincarnation Alliance discovered that the dark elf queen had disappeared.

"Before, Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen joined forces to kill the enemy, beheading many Chaos Gods in the Dark Alliance.

But why did they suddenly disappear? "

The master of the first round said.

"We the dark elves have a secret way of contacting each other. Even if we are separated from time and space, we can quickly establish contact and exchange information.

I will contact the queen now! "

An old man from the dark elf clan said immediately after learning that the dark elf queen was missing.

After speaking, the old man waved his sleeves and an ancient altar flew out and hovered in front of him.

"Help me protect the law!"

The old man said to the people around the reincarnation alliance.

Immediately, a group of experts from the Reincarnation Alliance gathered around to help the old man protect the law.

at this time.

Tear... Hei Ba's clone kept traversing time and space, tearing one place after another with his own hands, moving forward at an astonishing speed, leaving behind him a series of black time and space cracks, shocking.

"Soon back to the second dark lair.

Lin Fei, this kid, I will tear him to pieces with my own hands.

As for the dark elf queen, she belongs to our dark creatures, and she has a good appearance. Okay, I will take her as a harem and let her serve me from now on! "

Hei Ba sneered.

"We are going to speed up.

The master is about to return to the second dark lair. "

At this time, the three dark masters were also rushing at full speed, getting closer and closer to the second dark lair.

at the same time.

In the depths of the second dark lair, in the dark ancestral temple.

Lin Fei is comprehending the law of darkness.

The Dark Elf Queen is constantly cracking down on the small banned formations that have repeatedly appeared around her.

The most powerful part of these forbidden formations is that they can be continuously regenerated and endlessly broken.

Therefore, although Lin Fei and the Dark Elf Queen have cracked a large number of formations, the small banned formations around them have repeatedly appeared, and the number is not less than that! "Lin Fei, how do you understand the law of darkness?

If you have any questions, just ask me.

We must hurry up. I have a bad feeling that something bad is about to happen.

I suspect that a master from the Dark Alliance is coming to deal with the two of us. "

The dark elf queen said to Lin Fei.

"There are experts in the Dark Alliance, who are rushing to deal with the two of us?

Yes, it is possible.

The wizards of the Dark Clan are not very powerful, so although they can encircle us, they can't kill us.

Under this circumstance, most of them will notify the masters of the Dark Alliance to deal with the two of us. "

Lin Fei was taken aback after hearing the words of the dark elf queen, then his face changed slightly, knowing that the dark elf queen's premonition was mostly true.

"If someone from the Dark Alliance rushes back to deal with us, it will probably be the three Dark Lords, or the three posters of the Years Tower.

Because only they have the strength to deal with the two of us. "

The dark elf queen guessed.

"It could also be Hei Ba and his five friends."

Lin Fei said.

"Yes! With the strength of Hei Ba and his five friends, even if they send a clone back, they may be able to deal with the two of us."

The dark elf queen couldn't help but her face changed.

"I have almost understood the law of darkness.

Now, I began to try to use the law of darkness and the energy of the formation to crack these banned formations. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei knew that he must seize the time to crack these banned formations.

"Really, that's great."

The dark elf queen was overjoyed upon hearing this.

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