Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 826: Powerful Zhongtian Palace

Boom boom boom!

In Lin Fei's dantian, the big flame stone tablet also seemed to be induced, and a powerful force of suppression suddenly burst out. . Δ.

These powerful and unparalleled forces of suppression, along Lin Fei's body, the limbs, bones, muscles, veins, and odd meridians, dispelled the blood-red killing intent that had invaded Lin Fei's body.

But Lin Fei's consciousness completely returned to the soul tree, and he was vague about the outside world.


Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness, a piece of turquoise leaves, kept circling, cutting, and decomposing the blood-red killing intent that invaded the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

It's just that those strong and extremely monstrous killing intents are very tenacious, and it is difficult to get rid of them all at once.


Lin Fei's consciousness appeared in surprise.

At the roots of the soul tree, dozens of crystal-clear roots the size of a little finger suddenly waved gently.


More than a dozen tree roots, with shining luster, rolled out suddenly, and swept away toward the blood-red killing intent in the sea of ​​consciousness.


A dozen tree roots produced a powerful suction force at the same time, like a whale sucking the Yangtze River, and the blood-red killing intent was sucked in by the crystal-clear tree roots.

Then, Lin Fei realized that the energy of the soul tree was increasing and slowly growing.

Divine consciousness is also slowly growing.

The soul tree can absorb these blood-red killing intent!

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

The soul tree is too strange, as Lin Fei imagined.

Lin Fei remembered that Lu Zhen said that the soul tree can absorb all kinds of energies and auras between heaven and earth, and convert them into divine consciousness energy, which can be absorbed and used by the martial artist to become the martial artist's divine consciousness.

These blood-red killing intents should also be a kind of special energy between heaven and earth, so the soul tree can also absorb it.

Finally, within Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, all the blood-red killing intent was absorbed.

Lin Fei felt that his divine consciousness had improved a bit.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Fei was that in his divine consciousness, a dreadful killing intent was faintly born!

Lin Fei believes that the power of using his own martial arts skills is definitely stronger than before!

At a certain moment.

Lin Fei, who had been in a faint state, suddenly opened his eyes, and the clearness and clarity in his eyes, the previous rich blood red color had disappeared.


"Lin Fei, you are awake!"

Lin Fei, who had just opened his eyes, saw Xiaoyu's father.

However, at this time, Xiaoyu's father had returned to his normal appearance, a middle-aged man with an unusually tall body, thick eyebrows and big eyes, thunder and lightning in both eyes, and a bare-faced body.

Then, Lin Fei found that he was in a secret room.

With divine consciousness, Lin Fei realized that he had returned to the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion.

"Lin Fei, are you all right?"

Xiaoyu's father asked Lin Fei.

"Thank you senior for your concern."

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

This time, when Lin Fei was invaded by the blood-red killing intent of the Slaughter Sword, not only did Lin Fei not suffer any harm, but instead called for the blood-red killing intent to take away, greatly enhancing his divine consciousness.

"Well, because the waste weapon carries too much energy, generally speaking, only the martial artist with a level of cultivation above the catastrophe can barely use the waste weapon.

If a martial artist with a respectable cultivation base wants to force the use of the waste tool, he will explode and die because he cannot bear the huge energy of the waste tool.

Unexpectedly, you drove the waste and killed two people in a row, except for a day of drowsiness, you actually survived, as if nothing happened. "

Xiaoyu's father stared at Lin Fei and praised it. From his eyes, he could see it naturally.

Lin Fei is doing nothing right now, but instead has his aura, which seems to be stronger than before.


"Lin Fei, in the past two days, something serious happened in the triangle.

Do you want to listen. "

Xiaoyu's father suddenly said to Lin Fei.

"What's the big deal?"

Lin Fei's heart moved. After these two days' experience, Lin Fei naturally knew that Triangle Land seemed to be in chaos.

"In the past few days, there have been three news that have spread to Nanda 6 in the Yuanwu Realm.

The first news is that after the Black Rock City auction, all those who participated in the Black Rock City auction were intercepted.

In Nanda 6th Middle School of Yuanwu Realm, all sects and factions had elder-level figures, and many core elite disciples were killed.

The second news is that all the 6 schools of Nanda University in the Yuanwu Realm have communicated with each other, and they are ready to send troops to the Triangle Land to question the Zhongtian Palace.

The third news, Zhongtian Palace, has threatened all the big and small forces within the triangle.

It is required that all forces and organizations in the Triangle Area must take refuge in the Zhongtian Palace within five days, otherwise they will be destroyed! "

Xiaoyu's father said.

"What is the origin of this Zhongtian Palace?

Such a move is to be an enemy of the entire Yuanwu world, Nanda 6! "

Lin Fei was a little shocked.

"Yes, the Zhongtian Temple's move is indeed the enemy of the entire Nanda Sixth.

This Zhongtian Palace has always been entrenched in a triangle, and it seems extremely mysterious, with little contact with the outside world.

No one can guess its true power.

However, in the past two days, the strength of the Zhongtian Palace is unfathomable. "

Xiaoyu's father said slowly, with a trace of fear on his face.


"Yes, the strength of Zhongtian Palace is indeed very powerful."

For this, Lin Fei also has a deep understanding.

In the first two days, among the people in the Zhongtian Palace that Lin Fei had seen with his own eyes, there were already five strong men in the tribulation realm.

And the people who cultivate in the virtual realm and respect the realm are even more batches.

This time I came to Triangle Land, and there were many sects and forces participating in the Black Rock City Auction Conference.

Moreover, almost all elder-level strongmen from the Ying-Ji Realm led the team to participate in those martial arts.

So, Zhongtian Palace, to intercept and kill any of the martial arts, large forces, must send a strong person to the robbery realm.

In this way, the Zhongtian Palace must send a large number of strong men in the catastrophe realm.

This shows that the Zhongtian Palace has a large number of experts in the catastrophe realm!

This kind of strength, it is estimated that compared with the 6th National University, any large-scale faction, big power, is only strong, not weak!

"It seems that Triangle Land is going to be in chaos!"

Lin Fei sighed.

"Well, Lin Fei, since you are okay, I have to leave Sanjiao and go back to Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

However, it may not be long before I return to the triangle.

This account of Zhongtian Palace, we are the real magic door, and will not stop there. "

Xiaoyu's father said.

"Oh, senior, won't you stay for a few more days?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"No, Paizhong has a lot of trouble.

Lin Fei, thank you. This time, if it weren't for you to take action, I and those disciples would probably be more ill-fortuned. "

Xiaoyu's father said sincerely.

"Haha, the predecessor is serious."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Lin Fei, your potential is the most enchanting young man I have ever seen.

Being a human being is good or evil, but in fact it only exists between one thought. I hope you can reach a higher level in the future. "

Xiaoyu's father stared at Lin Fei meaningfully and said.

Lin Fei's heart moved, knowing that he was in the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Kingdom, with a very bad reputation, and he was simply a cruel murderer.

Xiaoyu's father, this is reminding himself.

"Oh, thank you senior for reminding me."

Lin Fei smiled faintly, Lin Fei has his own way, as long as he is worthy of his original mind, whether it is evil or good.

"By the way, our sect master, knows that you have entered the sacred tomb of our true magic door."

Xiaoyu's father suddenly looked at Lin Fei with a smile, and said.


Lin Fei's heart moved, and his face appeared somewhat embarrassed. Not only did he enter the sacred tomb of the True Demon Sect, but also the sacred tomb of others, which was completely messed up and almost never demolished.

"Don't worry, our sect master didn't mean to pursue you. He just hopes that you will meet him.

Moreover, this matter is related to your cultivation level and your life.

Lin Fei, I hope, if you have time, you can meet the master. "

Xiaoyu's father suddenly said seriously.


Is it related to my cultivation base and life? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

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