Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 827: People from Zhongtian Temple

Next, Lin Fei and Xiaoyu's father walked out of the secret room. .ん.

Outside the secret room, a large group of people were waiting.

There are those servants of Lin Fei, Fei'er and her grandfather, and more than a dozen disciples of True Demon Sect.

Xiaoyu's father, directly leading the disciples of the True Demon Sect, left the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters and drove back to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Although, Lin Fei repeatedly asked, the sect master of the True Demon Sect, what on earth did he want to see himself, and why it was more related to his cultivation than his life.

It's just that Xiaoyu's father never answered positively.

In Lin Fei's heart, helpless, it seems that if you want to know the answer, you have to go and see it in person, then the master of the real magic gate.

And until now, Lin Fei didn't know that Xiaoyu's father was a deputy master of the true magic gate.

"Lin Fei, are you all right."

After Xiaoyu's father left with the disciples of the True Demon Sect.

Mayfair immediately rushed to Lin Fei and asked.

"Mayfair, do you think I'm alive and well, it seems something is going on."

Lin Fei replied with a smile.

"Lin Fei, when did you become so strong!

You were so cool yesterday! "

Mayfair shouted.

"Little girl, my master is indeed getting more and more handsome, why, you shouldn't be a fan of my master, right?"

At this moment, Azi also came out of the magic beads and joked beside him.

She used to tease Mayfair this way.

"Azi, what nonsense are you talking about, see I can't spare you."

Fei'er flushed, rushed to Azi, up and down his hands.

Fei'er's grandfather, looking at Lin Fei next to him, recalled yesterday, when Lin Fei held a waste weapon in his hand, and beheaded the scene of two experts in the tribulation realm in succession, still very shocked.

It was really hard for him to imagine how, in just two years, how could this young man in front of him grow from a small disciple of the nine-layer condensing qi to the point where he could kill a strong person in the Ying-Ji realm.

This is simply a mythical legend!


"Master, are you all right."

Lin Fei's servants also stepped forward and asked.

"Don't worry, it's all right."

Lin Fei replied lightly.

"Master, the man from the real magic door is really strong."

The Supreme Master exclaimed to Lin Fei that he meant Xiaoyu's father.

Indeed, Lin Fei could not help but secretly admire the power displayed by the giant that Xiaoyu's father had turned into. The power of more than ten million catties was much stronger than himself.

"He took you back to the secret room of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters and drove everyone out, leaving him in the secret room to protect you.

He really cares more about you. "

The Supreme Master said.

So that's the case.

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little grateful.


"Report to the pavilion master, a dozen people came outside the mountain gate, saying that they were from the Zhongtian Palace, named Taoist surname, and look for the pavilion master!"

Suddenly, a member of Tiancang Pavilion hurriedly reported.


Are the people from Zhongtian Temple here? "

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and when he recalled, he immediately faintly guessed what was going on.

"the host."

The pavilion owner of Tiancang Pavilion looked at Lin Fei and asked.

Lin Fei is now the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, the real master.

"Let's go and meet the people in Tiancang Pavilion."

Lin Fei waved his hand and took it to the mountain gate.


At the gate of Tiancang Pavilion.

"It's too presumptuous, I actually want the people from the Heavenly Palace to wait here.

Where is Li Cang, come out soon to meet him! "

A middle-aged man with a black shirt and a face full of arrogance, with a face to the sky, full of arrogance, lifted his vitality, and shouted loudly into the gate of the mountain, and the sound was rolling, and it has been passed from the gate to the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion go with.

At the gate of the mountain, all the disciples of the Tiancang Pavilion who guarded the gate had their cheeks swollen high, their mouths full of blood, hiding aside, covering their faces, and looking at the man in black clothes in horror.

Behind the black-clothed man, there stood a dozen arrogant people, all of them in the virtual realm.

"You people in the Temple of Heaven are too rude.

In front of our mountain gate, the loud noises affected our disciples Qingxiu and wounded our people. "

Inside the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, a group of figures flew out towards the gate of the mountain.

Lin Fei was the first one.

The Supreme Master and the others also continued to fall beside Lin Fei.

Lin Fei slowly landed in front of the gate, glanced away, and saw the five or six disciples guarding the gate.

Obviously, these disciples were beaten by those in Zhongtian Palace.

With a wave of Lin Fei's hand, a dozen high-level healing pills fell in front of the five or six disciples guarding the mountain gate.

"Take it."

Those five or six disciples took a look at the spirit pill, and couldn't help being shocked by the extremely strong pill energy.

Six-Rank Healing Pill!

These five or six disciples who guarded the mountain gate were nothing more than celestial cultivation bases, and they suddenly received a sixth-rank healing spirit pill, and couldn't help being ecstatic.

For the martial artist of the Heavenly Realm cultivation base, the Sixth-Rank Healing Pill is not only as simple as healing, but it can also greatly improve their vitality cultivation base, and even breakthrough upgrades!



who are you? "

Seeing Lin Fei's behavior, the man in the black shirt in the Zhongtian Palace was taken aback.

"Excess nonsense, I don't want to say.

Kowtowing an apology to the injured disciples of my Tiancang Pavilion.

Then, get out of me! "

Lin Fei said coldly with his hands on his back and face up to the sky.


The expression on the face of the black-colored man in the Zhongtian Palace stiffened first.


"Arrogant! Arrogant!

A Tiancang pavilion in a mere mere dare to use such an attitude to talk to the people in the Tiancang Palace, you are not afraid that my Tiancang Pavilion will be destroyed immediately! "

The man in black clothes suddenly fell into a rage and roared.

Before he came to Tiancang Pavilion Mountain Gate, he originally had a sense of superiority.

With the strength of Zhongtiangong, a small Tiancang Pavilion was indeed not in his eyes.

He could not imagine that in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, someone dared to speak to him with this attitude.


"I'll say it again, kowtow and apologize, then, get out!

Otherwise, die! "

Lin Fei said coldly, with some impatience in her tone.

"Too presumptuous, I will kill you first, and then I will settle accounts with Li Cang!"

The man in black clothes spread out the high-level vitality fluctuations of the virtual realm all over his body, and suddenly condensed a giant vitality palm.

When he saw Lin Fei, he was only a high-level vitality cultivation base, so he didn't use any vitality martial arts. He directly planned to use his strong vitality to forcefully kill Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's mind moved, a devil with divine consciousness and twenty flying spears of divine consciousness simultaneously attacked the sea of ​​consciousness of the black-clothed man.

Then, with a move, he unfolded in a thunderous step, and he came to him, and his power was released.

Hit it with a punch!

"Impossible, how can your divine consciousness be so powerful."

The black-clothed man screamed in horror. In his sea of ​​consciousness, a demon with a demon and twenty flying spears were constantly bombarding his soul body.

His soul body, running everywhere, could not resist at all.

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