Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 838: Array genius

Then, over the square, the group of demons that had just emerged from the black hole all flew towards this side. .ん.

After a while, all the demons came to this stand.

"Devil King Sha 椤, with five hundred demons, report to the two demons!"

A demon with two curved horns on its head came out more and more, and bowed before the two demons beside the purple-robed man.

"Well, it's hard work, get up."

One of the demons nodded.

"Two Demon Kings, Lord Black Demon, let me bring a message.

This person's name was Lin Fei, who had killed the enchantment of Lord Black Demon many times. Lord Lord asked the two demon kings to pay attention and kill Lin Fei! "

The devil with two curved horns on his head stretched out his hand and waved in front of him, and a figure appeared, exactly what Lin Fei looked like!

"Master said that Lin Fei is good at changing appearances, but Master Venerable has used magic to analyze his most primitive appearance, and the characteristics of his spirit, so that he can be killed."

The demon continued.

"Since the Lord has an order, well, search for the whereabouts of this person with all your strength and punish Lin Fei!"

A Demon Race beside the purple robe man ordered.

"Lin Fei?"

Suddenly, the human, the purple-robed man said two verses.

"Could it be Lin Fei who got the four waste tools?!"

It turned out that this purple-robed man had also heard of Lin Fei's name.


Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

On a certain green hill, Lin Fei stood quietly on a slightly sloping hill, his eyes closed tightly, and he fell into a certain state of cultivation.

At this moment, Lin Fei's divine consciousness moved along the ground, perceiving it, covering a large area of ​​land nearby.

With Lin Fei's current divine consciousness, he could feel that he was tens of thousands of meters away.

The whole land, the height of the terrain, the direction of the mountains, the distribution of the rivers.

Even on the flat ground, the ups and downs of a certain hill, the place where animals live, and the distribution of plants all fell into Lin Fei's sense of consciousness.

At the same time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was also deep under the ground, sensing the direction of the soil, rocks, and underground rivers beneath the ground.

For most of the day, Lin Fei remained motionless, completely immersed in this state of cultivation.

Now, what Lin Fei is practicing is the first level of Xuan Huang Jue, the enlightenment.

It is to feel the power of the earth.

Cultivation at this level is an introduction to the Xuanhuang Jue, which is closely related to the power of divine consciousness and the ability of soul understanding.

Only by comprehending the power of the earth and touching the certain mysterious power that exists in the earth can you continue to practice the deeper level of Xuan Huang Jue.

If you can't feel the power of the earth, there is no way to continue practicing this Xuan Huang Jue.

In Lin Fei's heart, he faintly guessed that the mysterious figure under the ground had imparted the Xuan Huang Jue to him, probably because of his very powerful divine consciousness.

After a whole day passed, Lin Fei still did not realize the existence of the power of the earth.

However, Lin Fei also knows that desire is not attainable, and the journey of cultivation requires slowly understanding.

Therefore, Lin Fei suspended the practice of Xuan Huang Jue.

From the state of cultivation, wake up.

The figure moved.


"the host."

Master Supreme Master flew away and landed in front of Lin Fei instantly.

For this period of time, Lin Fei has been in a state of cultivating, the Supreme Master Teacher has never dared to disturb Lin Fei.

Now seeing Lin Fei withdraw from the state of cultivation, he flew over quickly.

"Master, in the past few days, a lot of big things have happened in the triangle.

First of all, the Zhongtian Palace has already conquered more than half of the various forces and organizations in the triangle.

Secondly, Nanda 6, Yuanwu Jie, a large team formed by various big sects to conquer the Zhongtian Palace, has entered the Triangle Area, is looking for the headquarters of the Zhongtian Temple, and is preparing to question the Zhongtian Temple.

However, for a while, the location of the Zhongtian Palace's headquarters has not been determined. Instead, it has encountered the forces that have been subdued by the Zhongtian Palace, and war has begun.

The war in Sanjiao has already begun. "

The Supreme Master said to Lin Fei.


The big sects, the large teams crusade against the Zhongtian Palace, have come to the triangle?

The degree is very fast. "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Also, Lu Family in the Sixth Repair City also received a message from the Zhongtian Palace, requesting that the Sixth Repair City give a reply within two days and return to the Zhongtian Palace.

Otherwise, Zhongtian Palace will level the Sixth City.

Lu Xian planned to relocate the Lu Family from the Sixth Repair City to the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, and asked me to ask my master for instructions. "

The Supreme Master said, Lu Xian is the Lord of the Great City.

"Well, let him move the Lu family over and give up Sixth City."

Lin Fei nodded, just relying on the strength of the Lu Family, there is no way to defend Sixth Repair City.

"Also, Master, some forces and organizations near our Tiancang Pavilion, and several cities, have all been returned to Zhongtian Palace.

In the past two days, I have made a lot of whistles to monitor us back and forth near our Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

I estimate that the Zhongtian Temple should be soon, and it will launch an action against our Tiancang Pavilion again. "

Taishang teaches Taoism.

"Well, it should be coming soon. Let everyone prepare for the battle, huh, the people of Zhongtian Palace, no matter how many people come, we will kill as many!"

Lin Fei snorted coldly.

Then the Supreme Master continued to arrange sect affairs.


And Fei'er's grandfather also came to find Lin Fei, and continued to teach Lin Fei about the formation.

With Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness and excellent soul perception, it is naturally very easy to understand the basic knowledge of the formations that Grandpa Fei'er said.

Basically, after Grandpa May's explanation, Lin Fei was able to understand it.

Grandpa Fei'er was amazed in his heart while imparting knowledge of Lin Fei's formation.

With Grandpa Fei's in-depth explanation, Lin Fei's understanding of the formation method is getting more and more deep.

After half a day.

"Well, Lin Fei, set up a formation, you seem to be able to understand the most basic knowledge.

Then, it's time to practice.

Let me explain to you, one of the most basic first-level formations, the square formation.

Then, practice by yourself and see if you can successfully lay out the quadrangular array within this half a month. "

Grandpa May said.

Grandpa Mayfair told Lin Fei in detail about the layout of the square.

Then, he took out a large number of array flags and handed them to Lin Fei, asking Lin Fei to practice by himself and arrange the square array.

"Practice it yourself. I will study the eighteen soldiers formation. This ancient formation is really mysterious. I still need to study it in depth."

When Grandpa Fei'er talked about the eighteen soldiers, he couldn't help but excited.

It turns out that in the past few days, he has been running back and forth among the eighteen green hills, studying the eighteen soldiers formation in depth, and he is simply fascinated.

After Mayfair finished speaking, she unfolded her body and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, behind him, there was a slight energy fluctuation, as if a certain space had a change of energy.


Grandpa Fei Er was taken aback, stopped, turned around, and looked back at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei, you have arranged the square array! "

Grandpa Fei'er suddenly showed an unbelievable look, staring at Lin Fei blankly.

"Yes, Master, I seem to have arranged a square formation."

Lin Fei smiled and said, just now, after receiving the small array flag handed over by Grandpa Fei'er, Lin Fei followed the method of arranging the square array and threw out the four array flags. Unexpectedly, the square array The arrangement is successful.

"This..., this..., Lin Fei!

You are simply an array genius! "

Grandpa Fei'er flushed with excitement, as if looking at a monster, stared at Lin Fei for a long time before yelling out these words.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult..."

Lin Fei looked at Grandpa Fei'er's exaggerated expression, but also a little confused, am I really a genius of formation?

"In this case, I will give you a few more first-level formations. You can practice slowly."

Grandpa Fei'er went to Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, and repeatedly entered five first-level formations, let Lin Fei practice and arrange.

Then he left.

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