Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 839: People from Zhongtian Temple are here again

Next, Lin Fei put Grandpa Fei'er into the sea of ​​knowledge, five first-level formations, one by one to practice. 』』ΔLiterature fan. .

On the second day, Lin Fei was able to successfully lay out five first-level formations with great skill.

Then, Lin Fei practiced the Xuan Huang Jue again.

Standing on the hillside, Lin Fei's power of divine consciousness was released. According to the cultivation method in the Xuanhuang Jue, he felt the geography of the mountains and rivers above the ground, as well as the various situations under the ground.

Gradually, Lin Fei realized that he seemed to have a feeling of blending into the land of his body.

The whole land seems to be breathing, and there is a wonderful sense of rhythm, which is very regular.

But Lin Fei's own breathing started slowly, keeping in line with the rhythm of the earth beneath him.

This is a very strange feeling.

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed. Obviously, his Xuanhuang Jue cultivation had improved!

Although I haven't felt the power of the earth yet, it seems that I have vaguely captured something.


"Master, there is a large team of people, and they are coming toward our Heavenly Cang Pavilion aggressively!"

Just as Lin Fei was completely immersed in the wonderful state of cultivating Xuan Huang Jue, he suddenly received the voice of the divine consciousness from the Supreme Headmaster.

"Oh, people from Zhongtian Temple, are you here again?"

Lin Fei immediately exited the state of cultivation.

The figure flew up and flew away from the gate.

"You can bring dozens of stronger people, just follow me out, and other people, find a place to hide, you don't need to mobilize the teachers."

Lin Fei taught the divine consciousness to the Supreme Master.

After a while, Lin Fei took more than forty virtual realms and stood in front of the mountain gate, waiting for the arrival of the Zhongtian Palace.

In the sky, a large swath of horses and men flew in the sky.

Arranged in a row, there are a total of ten strong men in the catastrophic realm who are flying at the forefront!

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness felt a little bit.

There are two high-level Ying-robbing states, three medium-level Ying-robbing states, and five low-level ones.

Behind the ten strong men of the robbery realm, there are more than one hundred and fifty virtual realm warriors, six to seven hundred noble realm warriors, and more than 1,000 imperial realm warriors.

Such strength is already quite powerful.

It is more than enough to step down on the Tiancang Pavilion.


"Hehe, it seems that Zhongtiangong is really spending enough money."

Looking at such a powerful formation, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

After a while.

The people of Zhongtian Palace have already come before the mountain gate.


A senior Ying Jiejing in a light yellow shirt waved back.

All the men and horses in the Zhongtian Temple stopped temporarily.

The senior in the light yellow shirt, staring at Lin Fei, released his divine consciousness, and glanced at Lin Fei.

"Interesting, a virtual realm is just a beginner."

The strong man in the catastrophe realm in a pale yellow shirt showed a pensive expression.

From where Lin Fei was standing, he naturally saw that Lin Fei was the leader of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion team.

However, this person is very cautious. He knows that a Void Realm elementary can become the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, and it must have its advantages.

"Last time, why did the more than 1,000 people sent by our Zhongtiangong to recruit you from the Heavenly Cang Pavilion all disappeared?"

The senior Ying Jiejing in a pale yellow shirt stared at Lin Fei and asked sharply.

"Those people were daring and trespassing into the Sky Cang Pavilion, and they were all killed."

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and said coldly, looking dismissive.


Killed all?

Too presumptuous! "

When the ten experts in the Ying-Ji Realm in the Zhongtian Palace heard this, they all blasted at the same time.

In fact, before they came, they had faintly guessed that this was the result.

However, they really couldn't understand how, with the strength of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, how could it be possible to kill the more than one thousand people sent by Zhongtian Palace last time.

As for the strength of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, Zhongtian Palace had long been well aware of it, and there was only one Supreme Master of the Corruption Realm and more than 30 Void Realm Martial Artists.

With the weak strength of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, as long as you randomly send two or three strong people from the Catastrophe Realm, you can destroy the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

But the fact is that last time, a total of three experts in the catastrophe realm brought more than a thousand people from the Zhongtian Palace with rich practical experience to deal with the Tiancang Pavilion.

But it was like a mud cow entering the sea, all disappeared, none of them returned.

Therefore, this time, Zhongtian Palace actually sent ten experts from the catastrophe realm.

"Very well, a small Tiancang Pavilion dared to slaughter our people in the Heavenly Palace like this.

You Tiancang Pavilion, you are destined to not keep the chickens and dogs! "

In the eyes of the senior Ying Jiejing in the pale yellow shirt, murderous intent burst out, staring at Lin Fei.

"Hehe, last time, the person who led your team in the Temple of Heaven also said something like this. As a result, he died here."

In Lin Fei's eyes, he also made no secret of his murderous intent, staring at the opponent coldly.


"Hmph, a little Beginner of Void Realm, I will kill you now!"

Lin Fei's attitude, the senior in the pale yellow shirt, was furious with anger.

Usually those virtual realm warriors, in front of him, dare not show the atmosphere, one by one, like a dog, wagging their tails to please him.

He had never encountered such an arrogant Void Martial Artist.

Therefore, this pale yellow shirt should be high-level, and his mind moved.

Immediately, an extremely fierce spirit energy attacked Lin Fei.

call out!

Lin Fei found that there was a big sword in his own sea of ​​knowledge. This big knife was formed by the condensed power of divine consciousness and should be a martial skill of divine consciousness.

However, Lin Feixian, the power of divine consciousness contained in this broad sword was weaker than his own.

Lin Fei immediately displayed twenty flying spears of Divine Sense in his sea of ​​knowledge, ready to bombard the sword.

But at this moment.

The soul tree in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly shook, and dozens of leaves fell off, instantly surrounding the big sword.

Circling and cutting back and forth, all of a sudden, the big knife was completely broken down and turned into shattered divine energy.

Then, the roots at the bottom of the soul tree were rolled up to absorb all the broken spirit energy!

Lin Fei was surprised and delighted, unexpectedly, the soul tree had such a magical effect.

It seems that in the future, I really don't need to be afraid of other people's martial arts attacks.


The strong man in the light yellow shirt was shocked, and his figure faded.

He realized that the big sword of divine consciousness that he released had suddenly been absorbed by the opponent, and he had lost part of his divine consciousness!


"I don't want to say anything extra.

From now on, no matter who it is, with the final approval, anyone who steps into the headquarters of the Celestial Pavilion will be killed without mercy! "

Lin Fei said coldly.

Then he waved his hand, took his servants, and retreated into the mountain gate.

"Too arrogant!"

Those people in the Zhongtian Temple were all furious with anger.

"Deacon, what are we waiting for? Immediately go in and flatten the Heavenly Cang Pavilion!"

The people in the Zhongtian Palace roared one by one.

"Everyone, be careful. I suspect that there are formations in the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion, and we have to step by step.

Wait for a while, when rushing in, everyone can't mess around and follow Master Lu closely.

Hey, this time, I brought Master Lu, this Heavenly Cang Pavilion must become ruins! "

The senior Yingjie Realm in the pale yellow shirt said loudly to the people in the Zhongtian Palace.

It turned out that the last time, more than a thousand people sent by Zhongtian Palace, all disappeared for no reason, and none of them returned.

He had long suspected that the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion might have more powerful formations, so he specially brought a formation mage.

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