Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 840: Breaking news

Lin Fei took the people from Tiancang Pavilion and quickly returned to the headquarters. "Literature Δ  fan. .

However, the power of divine consciousness is still perceiving the every move of the people in the palace outside the mountain gate.

"It turns out that this time, Zhongtian Palace actually sent an array mage."

Lin Fei sensed this situation.

I don't know whether this formation mage can crack the Eighteenth Luo Bing formation.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that the Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters now had the biggest reliance on the Eighteen Luo soldiers formation.

If the Eighteen Luo Soldiers were cracked down, then the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters would definitely be unstoppable.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately used his divine sense to transmit the sound to tell Grandpa Fei'er about the situation.

"Hahaha, Lin Fei, don't worry, do you think that the eighteenth army is so easy to crack?

This is the ancient formation technique handed down in the ancient times, can it be easily cracked by a random array mage?

You wait for a good show. "

Grandpa Mayfair seemed confident.

Lin Fei was relieved after hearing this.


After a while, a large group of people in the Zhongtian Palace, under the leadership of the ten strong men of the catastrophe realm, slowly crossed the mountain gate and entered the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

However, the degree is not very fast, and it seems very cautious.

A middle-aged man with a fat body walked at the forefront of the team under the protection of ten strong men in the disaster situation.

This obese middle-aged man, after entering the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, looked around, and from time to time he threw a banner in suspicious directions, as if he was testing something.

"Master Lu, how are you, are there any traces of the formation technique."

A very short stature, like a six or seven-year-old child, who is strong in the catastrophe state, seemed a little impatient.

Ten dignified experts in the catastrophe realm, with a large number of people, entered the territory of a weak sect. It was a joke that they needed to be so cautious.

"Maybe not."

Master Lu kept throwing out a series of flags, but there was no response.

A moment later.

"Deacon, I am here, and there is no trace of the formation. There seems to be no formation in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters."

Master Lu said suspiciously.


"Hahaha, Lin Fei, see it.

This so-called Master Lu is just a fourth-level array mage.

With his level, he couldn't even show the traces of the Eighteen Luo soldiers formation, let alone crack the formation. "

Grandpa Fei'er smiled triumphantly at Lin Fei.

At this moment, one of the eighteen green hills, on top of the peak, Lin Fei and the others are watching the activities of the people and horses in the Zhongtian Temple.

"Indeed, Master, the wonder of the eighteenth army formation is beyond my imagination."

Lin Fei was also very happy.

"Remember, don't underestimate any formation passed down from ancient times."

Grandpa May said.

"Then, now, start the formation, none of these people need to stay!"

The harsh look in Lin Fei's eyes flashed past.

At this moment, all the people in the Zhongtian Palace have all entered the scope of the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

These people from Zhongtian Palace came here for the purpose of destroying the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion.

Lin Fei would naturally not be polite to them.

"it is good!"

Grandpa Fei'er waited for Lin Fei's words, and immediately showed his figure and rushed to a small platform built with genuine metasir.

Recently, he has been fascinated by studying this eighteenth army formation.

Now that I have the opportunity to practice again, I am naturally extremely excited.

next moment.


The entire space in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters trembled slightly.


Within a radius of several thousand feet, the overwhelming white mist suddenly poured out frantically, and the thick mist quickly filled every inch of the space.

Everything in the entire Tiancang Pavilion headquarters was shrouded in a blank white mist.

The people in the Zhongtian Palace hadn't figured out what was going on, and all of a sudden, they were all submerged in the white mist.

I can see nothing at first glance.


"The formation is the formation!

And it's a big formation! "

That Master Lu, at this moment, exclaimed.

In fact, without his calling, everyone in Zhongtian Palace already understood that they were trapped in the formation.

The strong men in the Yingjie Realm around him couldn't help cursing this Master Lu secretly in their hearts.

What a **** master, no level at all.

"No, this formation can limit divine consciousness, and my divine consciousness seems to be unable to perceive anything."

A strong man in the Yingjie Realm suddenly screamed.

I can see with my eyes that there is a vast expanse of whiteness around me, and now my divine consciousness cannot perceive it, which is equivalent to becoming a blind person!

Then, the rest of the Zhongtian Palace also screamed, and riots began to appear.

"Everyone calm down, all get close together, don't mess around."

The strong man in the light yellow shirt was a deacon from Zhongtian Palace and the leader of this action.

"Master Lu, quickly find a way to break the formation. Or take everyone with you, first quit, and then make plans."

The deacon from Zhongtian Palace said to Master Nalu.

"Okay, I'm trying to find an eye."

The Master Lu bit the bullet and said.

In fact, he has no clue.


"Okay, Master, let's do it."

Lin Fei said to Grandpa Fei'er.

Grandpa Fei'er immediately threw out a banner to start the formation.

In an instant, on each of the eighteen green hills, there was an overwhelming milky white mist that quickly condensed, and in an instant, it condensed into a white soldier as high as thousands of feet.

A total of eighteen white soldiers with a height of thousands of feet appeared on the 18 green hills, majestic and majestic, overlooking the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion.

Then, eighteen tall white soldiers raised their white spears hundreds of meters in length at the same time, and at the same time, the people in the Zhongtian Palace also threw them down.

Boom boom boom...

A violent impact sounded, and the entire Tiancang Pavilion headquarters shook violently, as if there was a huge earthquake.


Countless screams sounded, and all bodies were blasted to pieces and turned into blood mist.

"Thief, dare you!"

The deacon in Zhongtiangong is almost splitting his eyes.

Boom boom boom...

However, the only answer to him was white spears hundreds of meters long, constantly pouring down to the people and horses of the Zhongtian Palace like rain.

No one can resist, those white spears.

Even those who are strong in the robbery realm were severely injured when they were hit by these white spears.

The white spear rain lasted for about half a stick of incense.

All the people in the Zhongtian Palace, including the ten experts in the Ying-Ji Realm and the Master Lu, were all dead.

The ten strong people in the Ying-Ji Realm, although they supported them to the end.

However, faced with one after another, hundreds of meters of white spears that rained down, in the end, they were bombed into blood fog.


On the eighteen green hills of the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, there were a pile here and a group there, full of people.

All the people, looking at the people and horses in the Zhongtian Palace, were blasted into blood mist, they were all shocked, and at the same time, they were extremely excited.

"To spread news to the outside world, all people are not allowed to enter the Heavenly Cang Pavilion without permission.

Otherwise, kill it! "

On the mountain peak, Lin Fei gave this order with a high spirit.

With this 18 Luo soldiers formation, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the confidence of Tiancang Pavilion was a lot.

In this troubled world, there is capital to protect itself.


One day later.

An explosive news spread throughout the triangle.

That is, the Zhongtian Palace sent two groups of people in a row to attack the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion, but they were all killed!

In the Zhongtian Palace, thirteen experts in the Ying-Ji realm were killed, more than two hundred martial artists in the virtual realm, and more than two thousand martial artists in the noble realm and imperial realm.

All people, the first time they heard this news, just didn't believe it.

However, it was members of Zhongtian Temple who came out of this news.

Moreover, as this news spreads more widely, more and more people believe it.

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