Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 841: Demons reappear

The news that two groups of people in the Zhongtian Palace attacked the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion, and the entire army was annihilated, soon passed back to the headquarters of Zhongtian Palace. Wen   Δ learning Ω fan. .

Zhongtian Temple headquarters.

In the meeting hall.

A man in a purple robe sat in it, he was the palace lord of Zhongtian Palace.


There is such a clever formation in a small Tiancang Pavilion.

Killed so many people in my Zhongtian Palace? "

The palace master said slowly, his fingers lightly tapping the armrest of the Grand Master's chair.

"Palace Master, do you want to send an army to eradicate the Heavenly Cang Pavilion?"

Asked a thin old man standing next to him.

"How strong is Tiancang Pavilion?"

The palace lord asked.

"In the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, the one with the highest cultivation base is a Supreme Headmaster, the primary cultivation base of the Yingjie Realm.

Secondly, there are more than 30 warriors of the virtual realm. "

The skinny old man replied.

"Haha, this kind of strength is simply inferior to ants.

Well, I guess, the only thing this Sky Cang Pavilion relies on should be a clever formation.

Well, this Tiancang Pavilion, just ignore it for now. "

The palace lord pondered slightly and said.


What does the palace lord mean? "

The thin old man was taken aback and asked.

"Now, the six major sects of Nantah University have arrived there."

The palace lord asked.

"The six major sects of Nantah University are now temporarily stationed in Qianqiu City.

They are looking around for the location of our Zhongtiangong headquarters, presumably they want to attack our headquarters. "

The thin old man replied.

"Well, mobilize the army of our Zhongtian Palace to besiege Qianqiu City, and within these two days, all the men and horses who dare to enter the triangle will be wiped out!

In this operation, the demons also participated!

In 10 days, the demon army will truly come to the Yuanwu Realm, and then officially declare war on the entire Yuanwu Realm! "

The palace master's eyes flashed sharply.

"it is good!"

The thin old man was also very excited.


One day later, another explosive news broke out in the triangle.

The demons appear!

The army of the Zhongtian Palace, and a large number of demons and horses, simultaneously besieged Qianqiu City.

The troops stationed in Qianqiu City from various gates have suffered heavy losses and are struggling to survive.

"What, there is a demon?!"

"Oh my God! How can there be a demon in the Yuan Wu Realm."

"It is rumored that in a battle between humans and demons eight hundred years ago, the demons had all been extinct in the Yuanwu Realm. Why did demons appear again?!"

"Behind the Zhongtian Palace, it turned out to be the Demon Race!"

"No wonder, this Zhongtian Palace, dare to be the enemy of the entire Nanda 6, all the sects, it turns out that there are demons behind it!"

Suddenly, the entire Nanda 6, any place was completely shocked by the news of the Demon Race.

In the concept of human warriors in the Yuanwu world, humans and demons are always incompatible.

Suddenly now, there is a demons appearing, and the shock caused is unimaginable.

"The Demon Race reappears in the Yuan Wu Realm. It seems that a catastrophe is about to come, and in the Yuan Wu Realm, life will be destroyed!"

"The Great Tribulation of Yuanwu Realm is coming soon!"

There are many human warriors with a long-term vision, who foreseen a catastrophe in the Yuanwu world, and they talk about it.

"It is the duty of those who practice martial arts in my generation to eliminate demons and defend the Tao.

Everyone is responsible for eradicating the demons!

Protect my Yuanwu world! "

The 6 major sects of Nantah University have all put forward proposals, calling on Nanda-6, all human warriors, to prepare to form an army to eradicate the demons!

The high-level leaders of the various sects have met each other to discuss major issues against the demons.

Suddenly, the whole Nanda 6, the wind was surging, everyone felt the atmosphere before the storm!


In the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

In the meeting hall.

Master Supreme Master reported all kinds of news to Lin Fei one by one.

"It seems that the Demon Race of the Demon Abyss has finally officially appeared in the Yuanwu Realm."

Lin Fei murmured to himself after listening.

"Master, the people of Zhongtian Palace, are now besieging Qianqiu City. It is estimated that they will not attack our Tiancang Pavilion for the time being."

The Supreme Master said.

"Well, yes, we are a small Tiancang Pavilion, and it is estimated that Zhongtian Palace will not take it seriously.

Our Tiancang Pavilion, it is estimated that we can take a sigh of relief temporarily.

However, after they finish besieging Qianqiu City, they will definitely find our Heavenly Cang Pavilion. "

Lin Fei said slowly.

"Master, outside the gate, many people came and said they wanted to take refuge in our Heavenly Cang Pavilion."

Suddenly, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the voice of the spirit of the Green Wolf gang leader appeared.


Someone wants to take refuge in our Heavenly Cang Pavilion?

Lin Fei was taken aback, feeling a little strange.

"Go out and take a look."

Lin Fei immediately took the Supreme Master Teacher, and in a moment, he came outside the mountain gate.


"Li Cang, I am the leader of the Huangsha Gang, and I have brought people and horses to take refuge in your Heavenly Cang Pavilion, why don't you let us in.

Do you look down on us! "

"Li Cang, our Flying Tiger Gang is ready to fight against Zhongtian Palace together with you, why, don't you think my Flying Tiger Gang is not worthy of your Heavenly Cang Pavilion!"

Outside the gate of Tiancang Pavilion, a large group of people surrounded them, shouting constantly, making it very noisy.

Li Cang, and the leader of the Qinglang gang, led a team of disciples from the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, guarding the entrance of the mountain gate.

"what happened?"

Lin Fei landed in front of the green wolf gang leader.

"Master, I don't know what's going on either.

Early this morning, outside the mountain gate, these people gathered, all shouting, wanting to take refuge in our Tiancang Pavilion.

I can't drive away. "

Li Cang said helplessly.

"Let me handle it."

Lin Fei nodded.


"Everyone, this is my master, and now, Tiancang Pavilion, my master has the final say.

I, Li Cang, said nothing. "

Li Cang stepped forward, pointed at Lin Fei, and said loudly to the clamoring crowd.

Li Cang's voice fell off.

All the people calmed down and looked at Lin Fei in surprise.

"the host?

Li Cang, what the **** are you doing?

A junior in the Void Realm, you call him Master?

Are you perfuncting us? "

Some people were puzzled and asked Li Cang.


The Supreme Headmaster next to Lin Fei burst out with a burst of vitality, and hit the person who was talking, a short and fat man.


The short fat man suddenly slammed backwards, throwing a few hundred meters away, and then hit the ground fiercely, his face flushed.

"If you dare to be rude to the master, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The Supreme Master said coldly.


When the others saw this, they all sucked in cold air.

No one dared to talk nonsense anymore.

There was silence.

Because all people can see that the cultivation base of the Supreme Headmaster is a strong person in the Yingjie Realm.

At the same time, no one doubted Lin Fei's identity anymore.

If a strong man in the Ying-Ji realm called his master, there was nothing to doubt.


"You all want to take refuge in our Heavenly Cang Pavilion."

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, glanced at the people in front of him, and said slowly.

"Yes, we are all small and medium-sized forces in this triangle. The Zhongtian Temple requires us to submit.

Otherwise, we must be eradicated.

However, the Zhongtian Palace is embarrassing with the Demon Race, how can we join the Zhongtian Palace and become the running dogs of the Demon Race.

I heard that your Heavenly Cang Pavilion defeated the Zhongtian Palace twice, so we specially came to take refuge in your Heavenly Cang Pavilion and prepared to fight against the Zhongtian Pavilion together with the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. "

An old man in grey clothes, who was so mature and respectful, came out from the crowd and said to Lin Fei with a fist.

In the words, very polite.

Because he knew that even though Lin Fei seemed to be the primary cultivation base of the Void Realm on the surface, he must be able to become the leader of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

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