Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 880: First Trial of Burning God

"I think you should care about yourself... ん."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Then, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the magical martial arts that he had just successfully practiced, the burning magic.

Lin Fei certainly didn't want to miss such a good subject in front of him.

Immediately, a bunch of white flames appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of the man in Tsing Yi, swaying gently.

"what is this?!"

The man in Tsing Yi couldn't help but exclaimed softly, and at the same time, a bad feeling in his heart rose up.

However, he has not waited for any response.


Lin Fei spit out the word gently.

Suddenly, the man in Tsing Yi appeared in horror, that a bunch of white flames in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly burned wildly.

In an instant, it became a big fireball, blazing.

The source of burning energy turned out to be his divine consciousness.

The big white fireball produced a powerful attraction, which continuously absorbed the divine consciousness power in the sea of ​​consciousness and turned it into burning energy.

As the divine consciousness absorbed more and more, the volume of that fireball is getting bigger and bigger.

"Do not!"

The man in Tsing Yi, showing his power of divine consciousness, was frantically gathering towards the burning fireball, and then it was burned extremely quickly.

Frightened, this man in Tsing Yi hurriedly used all the spirit martial arts he had cultivated, trying to resist the fireball.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop his divine consciousness from being burned by that fireball.

In an instant, the man in Tsing Yi began to scream.

The two couldn't breathe, they started to hold their heads and wailed in pain on the ground.

After a while, the man in Tsing Yi, the divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, was all burned out.

Without the power of divine consciousness, his divine soul body was finally burned into nothingness by the big white fireball!

In this way, Lin Fei had always carried his hands on his back, and by simply using this burning magic technique, he completely killed a powerful person at the primary level of the catastrophe.


Master Taishang looked at him and couldn't help being shocked.

This entry level Ying robbery can be killed even if he asks himself.

But it must go through a fight to kill. How could it be possible to kill like Lin Fei with ease, only relying on the power of divine consciousness.

To be honest, at the beginning, this was too master and was forced to become Lin Fei's servant. For a while, he was dissatisfied in his heart.

However, as the longer he spent with Lin Fei, he was impressed by Lin Fei's strength and hole cards.

The rest of the Zhongtian Palace saw the man in Tsing Yi howling on the ground for a moment, and they lost their vitality.

One by one, they were so scared that their faces were already scared.

With a bang, all turned around and left.

"Haha, I want to go, there is nothing so cheap."

Master Supreme Master laughed strangely, and suddenly a puff of black smoke burst out of his body, covering the sky toward the people in the palace.

In a moment, everyone was caught in the black smoke, screaming and screaming one by one.

"Leave a few livelihoods and ask about the movements of Zhongtian Palace and the demons."

Lin Fei said to the Supreme Master.

After a while, all the black smoke released by Master Supreme Master was retracted into his body.

Among the hundreds of people in Zhongtian Palace, only two were alive, and the rest were all killed by the Supreme Master.

The two who are still alive are both the intermediate level of the Void Realm.

Next, Master Supreme Master interrogated these two lively.

The two remaining people in the Zhongtian Palace had long been scared, so naturally they would answer whatever they asked.

After asking, Lin Fei knew.

It turned out that Zhongtian Palace had assembled a group of people in nearby Gaoguang City, including many demons, and was about to deal with Tiancang Pavilion.

And the time is tomorrow!

As for the strength of the Zhongtian Palace and the demons in that high-light city, Lin Fei also asked the two Void Realm Intermediates.

It turned out that among the White Light City, the strongest were the ten demon kings and the ten strong men in the anti-robbing realm in the Zhongtian Palace.

In addition, the demons and the Zhongtian Palace's people, combined, are as many as seven or eight thousand.

"Hmph, with such strength, I want to deal with my Heavenly Cang Pavilion."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered after ascertaining the strength of Gaoguang City.

"In this case, let's go to Gaoguang City.

They want to attack our Tiancang Pavilion tomorrow, and we will teach them a lesson today! "

Lin Fei's eyes flashed fiercely.

Master Taishang was shocked.

"Master, there are many people in Gaoguang City. Will it be a bit dangerous for us to go there?"

The Supreme Master asked.

"It's okay, just this little strength can't keep me."

Lin Feidao.


"Well, these two people don't need to stay."

The Supreme Master was preparing to kill the two middle-level virtual realms.

"Don't kill us!"

Spare us our lives.

We are willing to take refuge in Tiancang Pavilion! "

The two intermediate-level virtual realms were so scared that they were so scared that they kept kowtow to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei paused slightly, looking at the two intermediate virtual realms.

"What we are saying is true. Now that Zhongtian Temple is in collusion with the Mozu, we wanted to leave Zhongtian Temple early in the morning.

It's just involuntary. "

Said one of the Void Realm Intermediate.

"If this is the case, then okay, hand over your brand of spirit and soul and become my servants, and you can live."

Lin Fei said lightly.

In the face of life and death, these two intermediate virtual realms, how dare you not agree.

Right now, according to the method Lin Fei said, he condensed his own imprint of the soul and gave it to Lin Fei, becoming Lin Fei's master.

Next, Lin Fei let the two intermediate virtual realms lead the way and head towards the direction of Gaoguang City.

Gaoguang City is not very far from Tiancang Pavilion.

After flying for about three hours, on the horizon, Gaoguang City was watching from a distance.

Lin Fei teleported the two intermediate virtual realms into the city on him.

Together with Master Taishang, continue flying towards the direction of the high light city.

In a moment, I came to a place about two kilometers away from Gaoguang City.

Suspended in mid-air, looking at the situation in Gaoguang City.

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness was released, and soon, in the Gaoguang City, the Zhongtian Palace and the Mozu appeared.

Moreover, Lin Fei also felt that many streets and buildings in that high-gloss city were in tatters, with broken walls everywhere, and every place was stained with dark red blood.

The entire White Light City was faintly shrouded in a strong smell of blood.

Obviously, many people died in this white city not long ago.

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