Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 881: Pervert is you

Those demons, nothing more, as a foreign race, slaughtering human warriors, it makes sense. " 文"Learning "Mystery. Δ.

However, that Zhongtian Palace, also a human warrior, actually colluded with the demons to carry out such tragedies as massacre.

Lin Fei really didn't understand this point.

Lin Fei himself, although not a compassionate person.

When facing the enemy, Lin Fei would never be soft-hearted, and when it was time to kill, Lin Fei would not be soft-handed and kill everything.

However, in the face of strangers, who have no grudges against him, or ordinary people who are defenseless, Lin Fei is absolutely unable to kill.

Therefore, in Lin Fei's mind, he hated this Zhongtian Palace already.

"Goblin, take me to this Gaoguang City, Zhongtian Palace and the headquarters of the demons.

Today, I want to teach the Zhongtian Palace and the demons a little bit. "

Lin Fei communicated with the goblins with divine consciousness.

The next moment, the goblin appeared beside Lin Fei.

The goblin knew that Lin Fei had already made a decision, so, there was no need to use space power directly, leading Lin Fei and Supreme Master Teacher, and stepped into the void.

It was the first time that Supreme Master Zhang passed through the void, he couldn't help being extremely curious, and in the whole process, he was amazed.

After a few breaths.

In Baiguang City, a certain piece of space suddenly fluctuated slightly over the center of the city.

Then, three figures suddenly stepped out of the turbulent space.

It is Lin Fei three people.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness glanced down.

The entire center of the city is enveloped by a strong devilish energy. There are indeed many demons in this high-light city.

Soon, Lin Fei perceives the figures of ten experts in the catastrophe realm and the positions of ten demon kings.

Lin Fei, a Demon King-level demon clan, had already been in contact with that mass grave mountain.

Therefore, it is easy to tell the difference.


There will be a big disturbance tonight, this Gaoguang City. "

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth provoked a cruel killing intent.

In Lin Fei's mind, the Zhongtian Palace and the Demon Race were already regarded as the targets of death.


However, just when Lin Fei was about to do it.


"Xiaoyu and Xiaofei?!"

Lin Fei cried in a low voice.

"How come these two little girls are here?

Wouldn't it be hiding from her father again? "

Under Lin Fei's mental consciousness, two familiar figures appeared, it was Xiaoyu and Xiaofei.

At this moment, the situation of Xiaoyu and Xiaofei seems very bad.


Save these two little girls first. "

Lin Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Goblin, you should take us over.

Avoid getting rid of the grass. "

Lin Fei said.

As a result, the goblin took Lin Fei and the Supreme Headmaster, and disappeared directly in place.

In a hall.

A short man sat on the armchair.

In front of him, there are two young girls, **** by five flowers.

"Return to Hall Master, these two **** were discovered when we were patrolling near Gaoguang City.

I see these two **** are pretty handsome, so they escorted them back to the hall master. "

Said a man dressed like a guard.

"Oh, I see.

Or you know me.

These things will be rewarded to you.

In the future, I will bring back such girls again.

Let me enjoy it. "

The dwarf sitting in the chair of the grand division took out a space ring and threw it to the guard.

The guard took it over, felt it for a moment, couldn't help being overjoyed, and thanked again and again.

"Okay, you go down first."

The dwarf said impatiently.

The guard ran out quickly.

Then, the dwarf stood up with a pair of eyes and looked up and down on the two girls with a pair of eyes.

"Tsk tusk tusk, yes, the two tender chicks are still in trouble at first glance. You, my fifth master, like to deal with these things the most. Hahahaha..."

The dwarf smiled obscenely.

"Dwarf, what do you want, let us go!"

One of the young girls shouted at the dwarf.

"Haha, don't worry, you will be released soon, and when you eat these two rejuvenating pills, the fifth master will release you immediately.

Tonight, Wu Ye must serve you two well. It's a toss. "

The dwarf laughed lewdly, and with a touch of space ring on his right hand, he took out two pink spirit pills.

When the two young girls heard the name of the spirit pill, they knew it was definitely not a good thing.

At this moment, they were all pale with fright.

"You dare to be rude to us, my father won't let you go!"

"Pervert! Pooh!"

The two girls were both anxious and angry. One of the girls suddenly spit out and vomited at the dwarf.

The dwarf flashed past slightly and couldn't help being furious.

He slapped it on the girl's face.

Suddenly, a shocking palm mark appeared on the delicate and delicate face.

The dwarf, who seemed to be puzzled, brushed, and suddenly stretched out his hand, tore off the girl's coat.

Exposed the bright belly inside, and the white and tender skin.


The girl screamed in fright.

"Hey, little bitch, now you are so hard-headed, you will become submissive in a while."

The dwarf looked at the two protruding areas on the girl's chest, and suddenly showed anxious look.

With a movement, he was about to forcefully feed the two girls with the two pink spirit pills in his hand.



The dwarf's face was shocked, standing still, daring not to move, as if he had encountered something terrible.

It turned out that in his sea of ​​knowledge, a bunch of white flames suddenly appeared.

This bunch of white flames swayed gently, extremely strange.

This dwarf himself is a cultivation base of the intermediate level of Yingjie Realm, and he has certain attainments with his divine consciousness.

However, at this moment, no matter what divine consciousness martial arts he used, he seemed unable to expel the strange white flame in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"who is it!"

Naturally, he immediately thought that there must be someone lurking nearby, having moved his hands and feet with his own knowledge of the sea.

"it's me!"

Three figures walked in from outside the hall.

It was Lin Fei and the goblin, the master teacher.

It turned out that the goblin just now took Lin Fei and Supreme Master Teacher, through the space, directly outside the door of this hall.

Outside the gate, Lin Fei directly used the Burning God Technique on the dwarf.

"Princess, it's Lin Fei!"

"Pervert! It's you!"

The two young girls were overjoyed when Lin Fei came in, and they both yelled at Lin Fei.

These two girls are Xiaoyu and Xiaofei.

Lin Fei winked at Supreme Master Master. His body was like a ghost, and he came to the two girls and untied the ropes on them.


Na Xiaoyu, looking very aggrieved, immediately rushed towards Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's horrified gaze, he even hugged Lin Fei and sobbed sadly.

Her coat has been torn off, and her upper body has only a belly as thin as a cicada's wings.

Holding Lin Fei with his arms in this way, Lin Fei could clearly feel that the two sturdy and soft objects were rubbing against his chest.

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