Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 909: War emperor

When Lin Fei stood in front of the Demon Emperor. "Δ  Literature" "Mystery. .

The demon sense of the Demon Emperor was immediately released, scanning Lin Fei's body.

"Are you a human or a demon, how can there be a skeleton of a demon in your body?!"

After scanning Lin Fei's body quickly and repeatedly with magic sense, the Demon King finally showed an expression of extreme shock.

Because, within Lin Fei's body, there was a skeleton of Demon Venerable!

"It's weird, how do I feel so familiar with the skeleton of this Demon Venerable?

I remembered it was the skeleton of Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord!

What the **** is going on, how can there be the skeleton of Lord Silver Sky Demon in your body!

Say it! "

Finally, the demon emperor yelled at Lin Fei with a terrifying expression.


It seems that the Demon King in front of me also has the bones of the Demon King in my body.

In this case, it's better, I just make the mistake and just pretend to be the Silver Sky Demon Venerable, and it's okay to delay for a while.

"Ahem..., since I know that I am the Silver Sky Demon Venerable, I dare to be so bold."

Lin Fei simply carried his hands on his back, with a straight face, with an indifferent look.

"You..., are you Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord?"

The Demon Sovereign couldn't help but stared at Lin Fei in astonishment, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes, I took away this human body.

Why, can't you feel my breath? "

Lin Fei continued to pretend.


Suddenly something seemed to be thinking of the Demon Emperor's eyes.

Lin Fei's heart also moved. Could it be that the Demon King saw any flaws?

"Your body does have the aura of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable.

However, your temperament is definitely not the temperament of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable.

I was the confidant of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable back then, and I knew Master Silver Sky Demon Venerable best.

Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord, is very disgusted with human warriors, and must kill all human warriors wherever he goes, which is happy.

In front of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable, there is absolutely no living human martial artist.

You are by no means Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord!

Say quickly, what the **** is going on, how can you have the bones of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable in your body! "

The more the Demon Emperor said, the more ferocious his expression became.

"Haha, yes, I am indeed not the Silver Sky Demon Venerable, to be honest, your Silver Sky Demon Venerable, I have already killed him!"

Lin Fei knew that he had been recognized by the other party, so he stopped pretending.


"Impossible, how can you kill Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable with your ant-like strength, die for me!"

The Demon Emperor finally became completely angry.

Reaching out and grabbing, dozens of black spears suddenly formed in front of him as the demonic energy surged, and at the same time they blasted towards Lin Fei.

Feeling the power of those dozens of black spears, Lin Fei couldn't help becoming solemn.

Reaching out for the space ring, he took the Slaughter Sword in his hand, and the huge **** sword aura continued to slash out, resisting the black spears.

Boom boom boom...

After a loud noise, those **** sword auras and black spears collided.

At the center of the impact, a powerful shock wave of energy burst out.

Lin Fei stepped back a dozen steps before reluctantly standing still.


Lin Fei's gaze became more solemn.

I have to say that the magic power of the Demon Emperor in front of him is really too powerful.

Lin Fei's strongest attack method now is Slaughter Sword, and he is still not the opponent of this Demon Emperor.

"Hmph, this magic weapon in your hand is not bad, but it is a pity that you are not strong enough to stimulate its power at all.

I'm going to kill you, easy to turn around. "

The Demon Emperor looked at the Slaughter Sword in Lin Fei's hand in surprise, and snorted coldly.

"Try my blood cutting demon fist!"

The Demon Sovereign roared violently, and the whole body gushed with magic power, blasting out a punch.

A huge pitch black magic fist, anxiously condensed on his fist.

In that magic fist, countless souls seemed to be imprisoned, struggling constantly, each of them howling in pain, wrapped in torn white cloth, and very dead.


The magic fist blasted towards Lin Fei, wherever it went, the vitality was extinct, and the life was full of life. It was a breath of despair.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt that the blood in his body suddenly started to boil and burst, as if to burst the blood vessels and leave the body impulse.

Lin Fei did not dare to slow down, the magic element between the bones in his body spewed out in an instant, displaying ten phantom bodies.

Suddenly, ten identical Lin Fei appeared at the same time.


In the blink of an eye, the magic fist blasted five or six Lin Fei into pieces.

call out!

Lin Fei's real body appeared a few feet away, looking a little embarrassed.


"Lin Fei, I'll help you!"

"Master, I'll help you!"

At this moment, Na Ji Zhen and Taishang Master Teacher finally rushed to the top of this mountain.

Because the glimpse of the magic light that Lin Fei used before, the speed was too fast, and it was in front of the demon emperor before a thought.

However, Ji Zhen and Taishang Zhangjiao, they are using their physical skills, and they are really on the way, and they are far behind.

"Be careful, he is very strong!"

Lin Fei reminded.

Ji Zhen had already leaped forward, and his huge fist suddenly blasted out, twisting and turbulent a space in front of him, and blasted towards the Demon King.

Lin Feixian, Ji Zhen's strength is almost 10 million catties, which is more than twice as powerful as his own!

The Supreme Headmaster was a movement of vitality in his body, and the black mist spread out from his body and enveloped the Demon Emperor.

Lin Fei also moved his body, and the Slaughter Sword in his hand slashed out the blood red sword aura and blasted towards the Demon Emperor.

At the same time, Lin Fei also secretly displayed a kind of magical powers of the Demon Race, Demon Tribulation Needle.

Three or four hundred magic needles that were invisible to the naked eye were quietly released from Lin Fei, wandering in the air extremely concealedly, and sneaking into the body of the demon emperor.

"Hahahaha, three overpowered guys, don't think that you can stop me with these three roles."

The Demon Emperor laughed loudly under the siege of Lin Fei, Ji Zhen, and Master Taishang.

All of his magic power suddenly exploded, and effortlessly blocked Lin Fei's three people's attacks one by one, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

Then, all kinds of weird demon supernatural powers were displayed, and the three of Lin Fei were forced into a rush.

After a while, Lin Fei and the three were already crushed and beaten by the Demon Emperor, who completely took the upper hand.


"Master, hurry up and destroy those demons!"

Lin Fei spoke to Grandpa Fei'er with his spiritual knowledge.

Lin Fei

Boom boom boom boom...

Under the control of Grandpa Fei'er, the eighteen soldiers array quickly made waves of attacks.

Under the concentrated attack, after a while, there were already two groups of magic arrays, which were completely destroyed.

The demons in the two groups of demons, and the warriors of the Zhongtian Palace hiding in them, were all blown into a cloud of blood.

The number of deaths reached 780.

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