Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 910: Actually hurt me

"Go to hell!"

In the fierce fight, the demon emperor roared and displayed the blood-cutting demon fist again, hitting Ji Zhen. Literature "" fans. .

A huge black magic fist blasted out suddenly, wrapped in a strong breath of death.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei was taken aback, and quickly reminded him in a loud voice, knowing that this kind of magic fist was so strange that it would make blood boil.

The Slaughter Sword in his hand slashed out four or five blood red sword auras at once, and blasted towards the demon fist.


Ji Zhen also burst out with a loud shout, violently smashing the demon fist with a fist of tens of thousands of pounds.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi...

However, Ji Zhen's fist hadn't touched that demon fist, and blood vessels in many parts of his body had burst, and small blood arrows were sprayed out.

"Hahaha..., you idiot, my blood cut demon fist, the restraint is the strongest for human warriors of your type.

Because, you body refiners, you specialize in cultivating the blood in your body, but my blood-cutting magic fist is specifically designed to restrain the blood! "

The Demon Emperor burst into a burst of triumphant laughter.


Ji Zhen was thrown away on the spot by the sturdy body of four or five meters tall in that demon boxing, and the blood in his body was continuously spraying out.

Lin Fei was taken aback, his figure teleported out, already catching Ji Zhen's four or five meters tall body.

With a touch of space ring, he had already taken out an eighth-rank healing pill and stuffed it into Ji Zhen's mouth.

"Hahaha, you go to die too."

The Demon Emperor laughed wildly again.

"No, head teacher, be careful!"

Lin Fei just remembered that Ji Zhen was wounded, and he came to rescue Ji Zhen himself. In the field, there was only one person who taught the Supreme Master to deal with the Demon King.

With the strength of that Demon Emperor, I am afraid that with one move, he could kill the Supreme Master.


In Lin Fei's anxiety, the Slaughter Sword in his hand instantly slashed out five or six **** sword auras and blasted towards the Demon Emperor.

At the same time, with a movement of his mind, the Demon Tribulation Needles that had sneaked into that Demon Emperor's body immediately started to work.

"Damn it, you were in my body and you moved your hands and feet!"

The Demon Emperor was planning to kill the Supreme Master, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body.

The Devil Tribulation Needle that Lin Fei used just now has already taken effect in his body.

Under the severe pain of the Demon Emperor, he couldn't care about killing the Supreme Headmaster, and the magic in his body was shaken.

Puff puff puff...

From his body, there was a burst of extremely small explosions.

Lin Fei suddenly realized that the Devil Tribulation Needle that had just penetrated into the Devil Emperor's body was shattered by him.

The Supreme Master took the opportunity to escape from the Demon Emperor's side.

"You take Senior Ji to heal.

Let me hold him! "

Lin Fei handed Ji Zhen to the Supreme Headmaster. At this time, Ji Zhen's aura was already extremely sluggish, falling into a half-conscious state.

The Supreme Master knew that with his own strength, staying could not help Lin Fei.

So, immediately took over Ji Zhen, showed her body skills, and left this mountain.

"Very well, you actually hurt me. I have to say that although your strength is low, it is really difficult to get around.

Moreover, you are actually able to use the magical powers of our Demon Race, I think it is because of the skeleton of the Silver Sky Demon Venerable in your body that allows you to use the magical powers of our Demon Race. "

After the Demon Emperor shattered all the Demon Tribulation Needles in his body, he stared at Lin Fei coldly with tyrannical eyes.

With his strength, the Demon Tribulation Needle could not cause much damage to him, but it also caused him to lose a bit of Demon Yuan.

At this moment, his hatred for Lin Fei rose to an extreme.


Boom boom boom...

Those eighteen soldiers were still attacking constantly under the control of Grandpa Fei'er.

At this moment, five of the ten magic arrays have been destroyed.

The total number of deaths of Mozu and Zhongtiangong warriors has passed more than two thousand people!

In this situation, the Demon Emperor's face kept twitching.

Before he came, he had done a lot of work and prepared a total of ten magic arrays, intending to break the array.

I thought that a small Heavenly Cang Pavilion was definitely caught by hand.

Unexpectedly, now, the development of the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to him.

"Hmph, when I break the formation, I will kill you again!"

Finally, the demon emperor hesitated for a moment, his figure shook, turned into a magic light, and swiftly flashed away toward the top of this mountain, where the eye was.

It turned out that the Demon Emperor had long released his demon sense, and he sensed the position of the eye on the mountain.

Because the place where the formation eye is, there are more than a dozen disciples from the Celestial Pavilion guarding it.



Where is Lin Fei willing to let him destroy the array eye, and suddenly cast a magic light glimpse, blocking in front of the demon emperor at a thought.

He cut out five or six **** sword auras in his hand, and at the same time stretched out his hand to show the time finger.

A huge finger phantom suddenly appeared above the demon emperor's head, and slammed it against the demon emperor's head.

"court death!"

The Demon Emperor's eyes were about to split, and the hatred in his heart towards Lin Fei rose to the extreme.

I saw the devilish energy on his body, frantically surging, blasted out with a punch, and smashed the time finger above his head.

Dozens of black spears appeared in front of him, slaying Lin Fei's blood-red sword energy, all resisted.

Then, with a move, he got rid of Lin Fei again, and rushed towards the position where the eyes were.

call out!

A black light flashed, and the Demon Emperor once again opened a distance of thousands of meters from Lin Fei.

No way, this Demon Emperor is too strong, Lin Fei can only stop him for a moment, and can't hurt him.

"Leave me!"

Lin Fei once again displayed a glimpse of the magic light, blocking in front of the demon emperor.

However, after one or two moves, the Demon Sovereign got rid of Lin Fei's entanglement again, and approached the position of the front eye again!

Lin Fei cast the magic light glimpse several times in a row, and kept blocking the Demon Emperor, but each time, he could only stop it for a moment.

Finally, the Demon Emperor was already the last two to three kilometers away from the position of the eye.

"Die to me!"

The Demon Emperor pointed his hand far away.

An extremely sticky black light burst out from his fingers.

Hit the disciples of the Tiancang Pavilion who were guarding the formation.


The dozen or so disciples of the Tiancang Pavilion were all at the cultivation base of the realm, and they could withstand the attack of the Demon Emperor.

After a loud noise, a dozen disciples of the Tiancang Pavilion who were guarding the eyes exploded.

And the figure of the Demon Sovereign rushed towards that array.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth, and the magic element in his body burst out again, showing the magic light glimpse again.

Just now, Lin Fei had used the magic light glancing shadow five or six times in a row, and the supply of the magic element between the bones in his body had been insufficient!

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