Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 911: Good luck

call out!

Lin Fei once again displayed the magic light glimpse of the figure, teleporting to the front of the demon emperor. Literature "" fans. .

"Haha, the magic element in your body is almost exhausted.

Do you think that if you have learned a few tricks of the magical powers of our demons, you are the emperor's opponent.

What a wishful thinking! "

The Demon Sovereign could obviously also see that the magic essence in Lin Fei's body was almost exhausted.

"Break it for me!"

Amidst the laughter, the Demon Sovereign slammed out a thick demon energy towards the position of the front eye, and rushed away violently.

Lin Fei poked out a finger, and a huge finger phantom suddenly appeared in front of the devilish energy, blocking the way.

At the same time, the Slaughter Sword in his hand continued to slash out four or five **** sword auras, blasting towards that devilish energy.


At the same time, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the huge golden ball of light inside the dantian also came out through his body, rumbling towards the devilish energy and crushing it.


The unicorn thunder beast also rushed out from the pubic area, opened its mouth and sprayed, a stout arc of lightning blasted towards that devilish energy.


You despicable fellow, how can you have so many methods! "

The Demon Emperor couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

It can be said that at this moment, Lin Fei has displayed a dazzling array of combat methods, and the lineup is quite luxurious and huge.

Time refers to the **** sword aura, the golden light ball of the sun's golden classics, the unicorn thunder beast, four methods, each of which is quite eye-stimulating.

Finally, Lin Fei tried his best.


The devilish energy that hit the eyes was finally resisted.

After a loud noise, it became nothing.

"I see how many times you can block it!"

That Demon Emperor was also cruel.

The whole body's devil energies burst out frantically, and a wave of powerful devil energy bombarded the position of the front eye regardless of the consequences.

However, Lin Fei could only bite the bullet and use various methods to continuously block the Demon Emperor from destroying the eyes.


Boom boom boom...

When Lin Fei was entangled with the demon emperor, Grandpa Fei'er controlled the Eighteen Luo soldiers formation and had successfully destroyed the three demon formations.

At this time, there are only the last two of the ten magical formations!

"Lin Fei, there are the last two groups of demons!"

Grandpa Fei'er spoke to Lin Fei's spiritual knowledge.

However, at this moment, Lin Fei was doing everything he could to prevent the Demon King from destroying the battle eye.

Where can I answer Grandpa Fei'er?

Moreover, even though Lin Fei resisted with all his might, due to the strength of that Demon Emperor, he was already much stronger than Lin Fei.

Lin Fei used all his strength, but in the end it only resisted more than a dozen breaths.

at last.

Boom boom boom boom...!

The devilish energy from that Demon Emperor blasted four or five energies in succession, hitting the position where the eye was.

Suddenly, the position of the front eye was blasted out of a huge pit that was thousands of meters wide and thousands of meters deep.

Halfway through the mountain peak, a huge pothole appeared.

This array of eyes was actually destroyed by him!

Suddenly, on the top of this mountain peak, the huge white soldier who was thousands of meters high, exploded into dust with a bang.

Moreover, under implicated.

On the remaining seventeen peaks, the white soldiers have also shrunk a lot, and the power of their attacks has been reduced by at least half.

"Okay, now it's your turn!"

After the demon emperor destroyed the front eye, he turned around abruptly, staring at Lin Fei with a pair of magic eyes, his eyes jumped with murderous intent.


At this moment, Lin Fei was also a bit exhausted.

He stretched out his hand and took out a large amount of healing elixirs and slammed it into his mouth. Suddenly, the huge medicinal power spread in the body.

"Everyone, as I said before, be prepared to evacuate at any time."

Lin Fei sent out a divine sense sound transmission.

Lin Fei knew that the eighteen soldiers formed a whole with eighteen peaks, interlocking and echoing each other.

Now, the front of a mountain is destroyed, which is equivalent to the eighteenth ring, and one ring is destroyed.

The formation of eighteen Luo soldiers intertwined, and the formation that echoed each other had been destroyed, and the power of the formation was not much left.

The 18 Luo soldiers formation is equivalent to being broken.

This means that this Tiancang Pavilion headquarters can no longer be defended.

Therefore, Lin Fei made the decision to evacuate immediately in his heart.


After passing through the psychic consciousness, Lin Fei started to retreat when he moved.

However, the Demon Sovereign was staring at Lin Fei, and Lin Fei's figure moved, he immediately felt it.

"Huh, I want to go, it's not that easy.

You are dead today. "

The Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

"Well, since you have the bones of Silver Sky Demon Venerable in your body, just wait for me to enter your body and find out what is going on!"

The Demon Emperor moved towards Lin Fei.

"Devil's blood melt!"

In the mouth of the demon emperor, there was a whisper.

Suddenly, his tall demon body broke down in an instant and turned into a large mass of purple demon blood that was squirming, and this mass of purple demon blood was several feet wide.

All of a sudden, Lin Fei's body was completely enveloped.


Lin Fei's body was trapped in this cloud of purple demon blood, and he only felt that he was in an extremely viscous space, and when he looked up, there was a strange purple.

The whole body, as if **** by a strong rubber band, was very difficult to act.

"Hahaha, got caught in my **** solution, do you still want to run away!"

The demon emperor's frantic laughter sounded in this group of purple blood.

Lin Fei's 40 million jins of power was released suddenly, struggling constantly.

"Well, you have a bit of brute force.

However, it is far from enough. "

The Demon Emperor said.

Then, Lin Fei felt that the purple blood had penetrated along the pores on his skin.

"not good!"

Lin Fei knew that this must be very bad.


"Sure enough, the bones of the Silver Sky Demon Venerable are actually fused in your body.

And your soul body, although it has the aura of Silver Sky Demon Venerable, but it is the human soul body that dominates.

It seems that Lord Silver Sky Demon Sovereign, really encountered an accident!

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable, the first-time hero, fell into the hands of a lowly human being like you.

Hmph, it must be you, a lowly and cunning human, who used some despicable means to murder Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord. "

It turned out that the Demon Emperor had entered Lin Fei's body and checked it.

In a moment, he guessed that the Silver Sky Demon Venerable had been damaged.

"Hahahahaha, although I am very unfortunate for the fall of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable.

However, this is my luck!

Hahaha, good luck, real good luck!

Lord Silver Sky Demon Lord, his magical power was overwhelming during his lifetime, and his bones were carefully tempered for thousands of years to achieve this pair of devil bones.

Unexpectedly, now, I met.

As long as I merged this pair of devil bones of Lord Silver Sky Demon Venerable.

I believe that soon, I can also break through to the realm of Demon Venerable!

Hahaha, I've been stuck in the realm of this **** Demon Emperor for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, today, I finally found a breakthrough opportunity! "

Suddenly, within Lin Fei, the Demon Emperor began to burst out, laughing crazily.

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