Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 923: Dark Lord

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked. Wen Δ learning fan. Ω.

You know, Lin Fei's current divine consciousness is stronger than a master of Yuanzheng cultivation.

Unable to perceive the ancestral shrine of the Xian family.

Based on this alone, Lin Fei knew that there must be something mysterious in this Xian Family Ancestral Hall.

"Lin Fei, let's go in.

I hope that, like what Grandpa said, our Xian Family Ancestral Temple can really resist the demons. "

Sister Ying sighed softly, but her tone was very reluctant.

Obviously, there is not much confidence in her heart.

Lin Fei followed Ying's back, and wanted to enter this mysterious Xian's Ancestral Temple, and take a look at what mystery is hidden inside.

However, Lin Fei had just taken two steps, suddenly, his figure paused, and his brows wrinkled lightly.

Because Lin Fei suddenly realized that a powerful and unmatched perception power, like a tide, felt towards his location.

In an instant, I felt Lin Fei's body.

This is a magical sense.

This powerful demon sense stopped after sensing Lin Fei.

"Hahaha, so you are here.

Boy, we meet again. "

That magical sense suddenly spread to Lin Fei.

"meet again?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback, and at the same time, Lin Fei also felt that this breath of demon sense was indeed familiar to him.


Could it be that I have ever seen the master of this magic sense?

"Why, don't recognize me anymore.

I am Venerable Black Demon, kid, you have killed a lot of my magicians.

Today, the deity, come to you to settle accounts. "

That magic sense sensed Lin Fei's doubts and smiled coldly.

Lord Black!

In Lin Fei's mind, it suddenly dawned on him, and he remembered.

Before, in that triangle, Lin Fei beheaded a lot of experts in the Zhongtian Palace Yingjie Realm.

Among them, there were a few strong experts in the Ying-Jie Realm in the Central Heaven Palace. Before they died, a devil's face had escaped from their bodies.

The face of that demon is naturally the Black Demon Venerable.

And those who were killed by Lin Fei in the Zhongtian Palace Yingjie Realm powerhouse were the enchantments of the Black Demon Venerable.

Unexpectedly, this Black Demon Venerable, now, turned out to be here.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but cried out badly.

Lin Fei had faintly guessed that the strength of the Black Demon Lord was the Demon Lord.

Demon Venerable, equivalent to the cultivation base of a human martial artist into the holy realm.

Entering the holy realm, in the Yuan Wu realm, it is said that that is the strength that belongs to the human power with the highest cultivation base.

Faced with such strength, Lin Fei knew that he could not be an opponent at all and had no chance of winning, because the gap was too big.

Unexpectedly, now, there is such a terrifying demons who have found himself.

"Haha, kid, why, be afraid.

Well, you wait, the deity came to look for you. "

The Venerable Black Demon seemed to sense the fear in Lin Fei's heart, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

Suddenly, it turned into a magic light and shot towards Xian's home where Lin Fei was.

The speed made Lin Fei's scalp numb.

In Lin Fei's heart, he couldn't help but groan secretly, and was stared at by this demon. This time, the trouble was big!


"Lin Fei, go in."

Seeing Lin Fei's figure suddenly stopped, Sister Ying touched Lin Fei lightly, her face uncertain.

"Sister Ying, I'm not going in.

I am leaving Qingshui City right now, there will be a period later. "

Lin Fei immediately changed his mind, because that Demon Venerable had already locked himself in with Demon Sense.

Now, if he enters the Xian family's ancestral shrine, that Demon Venerable will definitely come here.

In this way, wouldn't everyone in the Xian family be harmed?

Lin Fei knew that with the strength of these people in the Xian family, I'm afraid that Demon Venerable would kill them all with a single breath.

"No, some demons are coming in the direction of our Xian family."

Lin Fei's figure hasn't moved yet.

Suddenly, in the Xian's ancestral shrine, the voice of Grandpa Ying, the head of the Xian family, came out.

Then, before the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, everyone, including Lin Fei, only felt that a powerful suction suddenly appeared in the Xian Family Ancestral Temple.

In an instant, all people, all, were directly teleported into the Xian Family Ancestral Temple.

All people don't even know what happened.

The next moment, he was now standing in an ancestral hall.

On a wall near the inside of the ancestral hall, there are densely packed spiritual tablets. On the spiritual tablets, the names of the deceased are written, all of the Xian family's ancestors.

In the entire ancestral hall, on the walls on all sides, there are shining candles.

However, even though the candle water is bright, it still can't cover up, and there is a mysterious atmosphere in the ancestral hall.

This is a mysterious atmosphere that makes the scalp numb.

In the center of the ancestral hall, an old man with half black and half white head sitting cross-legged, this old man looked very old.



Sister Ying, and Yan'er immediately surrounded the old man when they saw the old man.

"Well, just come."

The old man, looking at his two granddaughters, showed kindness in his eyes.

"Grandpa, the demons are here, why don't you allow everyone to leave Qingshui City."

Yan'er has always been an outspoken character, and when she saw the old man, she asked directly.

"Yan'er, as a member of our Xian family, we will never give up the ancestral hall, you know.

Didn't I teach you since I was young?

Our Xian family in Qingshui City exists to protect this ancestral hall.

Guarding this ancestral hall is the most important duty of our Xian family for generations.

Did you forget! "

The old man's eyes suddenly became majestic, and he glared at Yan'er and said harshly.

Yan'er looked at her grandfather's majestic gaze and was startled.

"What's more, as long as we hide in this ancestral hall, the demons can't help us.

So, you can rest assured. "

The old man's gaze suddenly turned soft and said.

Could it be that this ancestral hall is really special?

Lin Fei listened very strangely and became very curious about this ancestral hall.

Just now, that suction force forced Lin Fei in. Until now, Lin Fei has been extremely surprised [].

Then, the elder's gaze fell on Lin Fei.

"You are the Lin Fei who rescued my three sons.

Well, our Xian family owes you a favor. "

The old man said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"The patriarch is polite."

Lin Fei quickly replied.

at this time.

Outside the ancestral hall, a black light flashed, and a tall demons appeared and stood outside the ancestral hall.

As soon as this demonic clan appeared, immediately outside the Xian Family Ancestral Temple was completely enveloped by the overwhelming demonic energy.

As if the end of darkness descended on the earth.

"Hahaha, human boy, are you hiding here?

It's useless, in front of the demon lord, it won't help if you hide there. "

The demons laughed and said.

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