Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 924: Shocking Xian Family Ancestral Temple

The demon clan who came to the outside of Xian's Ancestral Temple was the Black Demon Lord. Wen Δ learning fan. Ω.

This Black Demon Lord is full of magical power. Since he appeared outside the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, all the surrounding space has been shrouded in his magical power. Even the air seems to have stopped flowing, and the atmosphere is extremely suppressed.

In the space within a few hundred feet of the Xian's Ancestral Temple, this Black Demon Venerable seemed to have become the only master.

"Get out."

Venerable Black Demon said coldly.

Suddenly, the devilish energy surged crazily, and a demon hand was condescending, bursting with dazzling black light, and grabbed the Xian's Ancestral Temple, trying to destroy the Xian's Ancestral Temple, and forced Lin Fei out.


The huge Sky Demon's hands directly steamed the air and shattered the space. Many space cracks appeared, and loud rumbling noises fell directly to the Xian Family Ancestral Hall.

Inside the Xian's Ancestral Temple, everyone in the Xian family's ancestral shrine, listening to the loud roaring noise outside, couldn't help but be frightened.

"No, Lord Black Demon has done it."

Feeling the monstrous magical pressure outside, Lin Fei released his strength and barely stood still, his face was very ugly.

Facing such a powerful Demon Venerable, people can't think of resistance.

Lin Fei communicated with the city in his mind, and prepared to send all the people in the ancestral hall into the city at the moment when the Xian's Ancestral Temple was destroyed.

Including yourself!

Now, Lin Fei's only hope is that his city is strong enough to be able to withstand the palm of the Demon Venerable without being immediately destroyed.


However, at this moment.

When that magic hand was about to hit the Xian Family Ancestral Temple.

The entire Xian's Ancestral Temple, but suddenly, countless gray rays of light burst out, forming a gray halo of mystical halo, covering the entire Ancestral Temple.

The magic hand shot by the Black Demon Venerable slammed into the mysterious gray halo and was immediately ejected back.

"Hey, this ancestral hall seems weird!"

Venerable Black Demon's gaze suddenly stared at the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, muttering to himself, a dignified look appeared in his gaze.

The magic hand just now, although he condensed it with magic power at will, probably only used 20 to 30% of the magic power.

But his strength as a demon venerable, even if it is 20% or 30% of the magic power, is enough to shake the world. An ancestral hall in a small area can actually withstand it. This shows that the former ancestral hall must be strange.


Venerable Black Demon, once again condensed a magic hand with an area of ​​tens of acres of land. The magic power of this magic hand was at least ten times stronger than the one just now, and he patted the Xian Family Ancestral Temple directly.

Where the magic hand passed, the space was also shattered, and there were many space cracks, which made a creak.


The magic hand with dozens of acres of land seemed to fall from the sky, and its magic power was overwhelming, directly on the Xian Family Ancestral Temple.


The sky was full of gray lustre, rising into the sky, and a vague gray shadow suddenly appeared above the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, about ten meters high.

This gray shadow is extremely unstable, like a wave, constantly rippling and twisting, and a palpitating pressure comes out of it.

As soon as the gray shadow appeared, it greeted the magic hand with a palm.


The magic hand broke to pieces.

"It turned out to be that mysterious race!"

As soon as he saw the gray shadow appearing above the Xian's Ancestral Hall, the Black Demon exclaimed immediately.

"How could this race appear in the Yuan Wu Realm!

Could it be that the human kid has something to do with this race? "

The face of Venerable Black Demon showed an unbelievable look.

"Hmph, it's just the guardian secret of that race. Even if the master of that race comes, I am not afraid, let alone the guardian secret of that race.

Today, I must catch that human kid! "

After the Black Demon hesitated for a moment, his face was grim and his eyes were fierce.

As soon as the voice fell, the boundless black magic energy continuously surging from his body, turning into nine long black rivers, from nine different directions, such as nine black horses, traversing the void, and blasted towards the Xian Family Ancestral Temple.

Among the nine long black rivers, there seemed to be countless bones floating up and down, exuding a terrible aura of destruction and death, like a river of Styx from hell.

This is a kind of magic power, very terrifying.

Boom boom boom boom...

The gray shadow above the Xian's Ancestral Temple also showed terrible combat power. With every move, a mysterious and powerful force burst out, fighting with the nine long rivers of Heihe.


Inside the Xian Family Ancestral Hall.

Outside the battle, inside the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, everyone felt that they were in the center of the earthquake.

Most of the people's bodies were thrown into the air in an instant and knocked to the ground.

The ground was shaking violently, and the space was shaking violently. The deafening sound was transmitted from the outside, causing everyone to lose their minds.

Inside the ancestral hall, there were shouts of horror.

There were only three people in the entire Xian Family Ancestral Hall, and none of them fell to the ground.

Lin Fei, the leader of the fire worship sect, and the patriarch of the Xian family.

Lin Fei released his strength and stood still.

Worshiping the leader of the fire religion is full of vitality, resisting the vibration of space.

And sister Ying's grandfather, the head of the family Xian, sat cross-legged in the middle of the ancestral hall.

Lin Fei noticed that on the ground under which the Xian family leader sat cross-legged, a very peculiar pattern was painted.

That peculiar pattern is composed of many primitive and mysterious totems.

At this moment, that mysterious pattern is actually emitting a gray and mysterious luster.

This Xian family ancestral shrine is indeed very mysterious!

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

What shocked Lin Fei most was that this Xian Family Ancestral Temple actually actually blocked the Black Demon Venerable.

The shocking movement outside has been continuing, which shows that the Black Demon Venerable, for a while, has no choice but to take this Xian Family Ancestral Hall.

This is really incredible.

Demon Lord is equal to the power of human beings to enter the holy realm.

The great power of entering the holy realm, in the Yuan Wu realm, is said to be a top-notch existence, belonging to a figure overlooking this land.

It's not a problem to split the mountains and steam the rivers between gestures, but now, there is no such thing as an ancestral hall!


The war outside is still going on.

In the ancestral hall, everyone felt as if they were sitting on a small boat in the stormy waves.

Is experiencing severe bumps.

The panicked cries continued to sound, and the members of the Xian family were frightened.

Because the movement coming in from outside is really too big.

"Patriarch, the demons outside are too powerful, what if they are attacked by the demons!"

"Yes, patriarch, the situation does not seem to be optimistic."

A member of the Xian family said to the patriarch.

"Don't be afraid, the Xian family ancestors will bless us."

The head of the Xian family suddenly climbed up to the spiritual tablets of the Xian family's ancestors, lay down all over, and began to pray in a strange tone.

As the clan chief Xian's prayer sounded, Lin Fei noticed that the peculiar pattern on the ground in the center of the ancestral hall suddenly burst out with extremely bright gray light.

Then, Lin Fei felt that a force suddenly appeared in the ancestral hall.

It turned out to be the power of space transmission!

Then, within the ancestral hall, this sudden spatial transmission force included all the people in the ancestral hall.

call out!

next moment.

All the people in the ancestral hall have disappeared!

Lin Fei felt dizzy and dizzy.

After a while.

Finally, Lin Fei felt that his feet were already on the ground.

What is this place?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Fei couldn't help being stunned.

In front of us, there is a valley with green grass and beautiful scenery.

In the valley, there is a huge altar.

Lin Fei is now standing on this altar.

Not only Lin Fei, but in the Xian Family Ancestral Temple just now, all the people, at this moment, are on this altar, looking at the valley in front of them one by one.

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