Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 925: Strange valley

In the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, all the people were being transported away at the same time. "Ω text Δ" "Δ school fan. ㄟ.

The outside of the ancestral hall.

"Damn it, after fighting for a long time, it turns out that this ancestral hall is a secret treasure of that race!"

In the surging demonic energy, the black demon screamed with extreme anger.

A great battle completely destroyed the entire area within hundreds of miles of Xian's Ancestral Temple, and it was completely devastated.

The ground where the ancestral hall was located was completely shattered. The mud and dust covered the sky and covered the sun, and a huge circular pit with a depth of one thousand meters and a width of one thousand meters appeared.

At this moment, the Xian Family Ancestral Temple is already off the ground, completely isolated, and quietly suspended directly above the giant pit.

The Xian family's ancestral hall at this moment was in tatters and was severely damaged. The roof collapsed, the walls cracked, and there were spider silk cracks.

It can be seen that the Xian family's ancestral hall was severely destroyed in the previous battle.

Moreover, over the ancestral hall, the gray shadow over ten meters high was already dim and lacking in energy, and would disappear at any time.

"Unexpectedly, the skill of the evil shadow clan's refining tools is quite good, capable of refining such a strong secret treasure.

Almost even the deity was stumped.


Break me! "

Venerable Black Demon's eyes were gloomy, and he had spent a lot of effort just now to destroy this ancestral hall like this, and his heart had already burst into flames.

After a cold snort, the mighty dark magic light, like a river of Styx, swept out of him like a waterfall, and violently crashed into the Xian Family Ancestral Hall.


The space trembled violently, and the Xian Family Ancestral Temple finally burst open suddenly, and the violent energy shock wave spread out from the center of the explosion like waves, layer upon layer.

Wherever he went, everything, houses, streets, trees, including dust, all turned into dust.

Within a few hundred feet, it has completely become a vacuum zone.

"Huh, there are fluctuations in space transmission.

Unexpectedly, there was a teleportation circle in this ancestral hall. "

Even let this hateful human kid escape from under the eyes of the deity.

However, as long as he is still in this Yuanwu world, sooner or later he will not escape the deity's perception. "

The Venerable Black Demon looked at the original location of the Xian Family Ancestral Temple, very angry.

But there is no alternative.

Because the power of space transmission is very mysterious and unpredictable, and unless someone has studied this way, it is possible to find out where the people in the ancestral hall have been transmitted.

Even if he is the Demon Lord, with great strength, at this moment, there is no way to know the whereabouts of Lin Fei.


Besides, Lin Fei, and everyone from the Xian family looked at the beautiful valley in front of them, in surprise.

"Grandpa, what is this place?"

"Yes, patriarch, where is this?

Were we all in the ancestral hall just now? "

Everyone in the Xian family was puzzled, and they all asked the head of the Xian family.

Because it was the head of the Xian family, kneeling before the spiritual tablets of the Xian family's ancestors, and chanting those strange prayer spells, and everyone would be sent to this place.

Therefore, everyone thinks that the head of the Xian family should know what's going on.

Lin Fei thinks so too, so he stares at the head of the family Xian, waiting for him to answer.

However, Clan Chief Xian's answer was disappointing, because he didn't seem to know what was going on.

"Our ancestors of the Xian family have had a last word passed down from generation to generation, if there is something wrong with our Xian family.

Just hide in the ancestral hall to avoid the catastrophe.

Therefore, when the demons invaded Qingshui City, I followed the last words of my ancestors and summoned everyone to the ancestral hall.

Unexpectedly, we will appear in this place! "

Looking at this unfamiliar valley in front of him, Clan Chief Xian was obviously also very surprised.

"No matter where it is, we have now successfully escaped and left Qingshui City anyway.

There is nothing wrong with the last words of your Xian family ancestors. "

Finally, as Lin Fei said, he took the lead to leave the huge altar, ready to find out what exactly is this place.

"Not bad."

When the rest of the people heard this, they all agreed. Many of the Xian family members also began to pray in the air to thank the ancestors of the Xian family for coming.

The demons are extremely cruel, and they will slaughter every human city, causing countless deaths and injuries.

It is conceivable that in the current Qingshui City, the demons must have been killing them, and the humans in Qingshui City are being brutally slaughtered.

The Xian family members, if they were to stay in Qingshui City at this time, the end would definitely be very tragic.


After Lin Fei left the altar, he released his divine consciousness and sensed it.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved.

what are these?

In the valley, I don't know what, dozens of gray shadows a little fuzzy suddenly appeared.

These gray shadows seem to be translucent and extremely unstable in shape. They seem to be composed of flowing water, constantly rippling.

Every gray shadow radiated a strange atmosphere, which looked very strange.

These dozens of gray shadows appeared like ghosts, seeming to be ghosts, and they surrounded Lin Fei and the family chief Xian.

"A lot of shadows!"

"These shadows seem to have life!"

Not only Lin Fei, but the rest of the people also showed these gray shadows surrounding them.

Then, the original illusory turbulence, like a transparent gray shadow, was in everyone's surprised eyes.

It gradually became solidified, and slowly, it became a human figure, with eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and limbs all revealed.

In the end, dozens of gray shadows turned into dozens of people, men and women.

Lin Fei looked at the dozens of people in front of him, feeling strange.

Although these people look similar in shape to humans, their skin is actually gray. Everyone's forehead, neck, and other exposed skin parts, more or less, have some strange lines. .

Moreover, these people all gave out a very strange aura.

Moreover, their eyes are not black and white, and they are gray and black, giving off a gray luster, obviously full of evil!

Could it be that they are not human?

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, feeling very surprised.

However, Lin Fei could feel from the gazes of these dozens of people that these people didn't seem to be malicious, but just stepped up and looked curiously.

"You are all from the Xian family.

What, did the Xian family have suffered something bad?

Why did you all come in? "

Just as Lin Fei was secretly strange, a tall man, who seemed to be the leader of these people, stepped forward and asked.

When the tall man spoke, Lin Fei and the Xian family were both stunned.

It seems that this tall man knows that these are all from the Xian family!

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