Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 926: queen

"Yes, we are from the Xian family in Shimizu City. ΩΔ .".

I don't know what this brother is called?

What is this place? "

Clan Chief Xian hurriedly clasped his fists. These people seemed to be evil, and he did not dare to slow down.

"Well, after all, we are all of the same race.

Well, since you're here, let's go and see the queen.

When you see the queen, you will naturally understand everything.

Let's go. "

The tall man didn't say much, turned around and left, obviously leading the way.

"Same race?

queen? "

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. Could it be that the man in front of him also had the surname Xian, so he was of the same race?

And, is there a queen here?

"Let's go, the queen knows you are here.

Don't let the queen wait for long, otherwise, you can't afford it. "

The tall man urged, seeming to be very impatient, as if in a routine.

"Patriarch, what should I do?"

The members of the Xian family gathered around the patriarch and asked quietly.

"Follow to see what is going on.

After coming to this place, I felt a strange feeling, as if there was a mysterious call in the faint, which made something in my body wake up.

Just now, after these people appeared, this strangeness became more real. "

Family Chief Xian said.

"Patriarch, I have this feeling too."

"I have it too, it's a strange feeling."

"Grandpa, me too."

Many people in the Xian family, including Sister Ying and Yan'er, immediately screamed when they heard what the patriarch said.

So, under the leadership of the patriarch, the Xian family followed the tall man out of the valley.

Lin Fei became curious, and followed the leader with the leader, wanting to see what was going on.


After walking out of the valley, Lin Fei suddenly realized that there were many men and women in the nearby area, looking curiously at the Xian family, pointing and whispering.

These men and women, no matter who they are, on the exposed skin, more or less, there are some gray monster lines covering it.

Everyone gave out a strange breath.

Who are these people?

Lin Fei was puzzled.

After a while, he came to a spacious hall. Outside the hall, Lin Fei keenly realized that the architectural style of this hall seemed arrogant and evil.

A lot of hideous patterns are carved on the huge columns.

In the main hall, in the center of the hall, there was a beautiful woman in a palace costume sitting there, with a remarkable demeanor and a dignified manner.

This beautiful woman has a long breath, and her delicate body contains a power that makes her heart palpitating.

Below her, there are more people, divided into two rows, standing there, their eyes are all staring at the people of the Xian family.

"Queen, everyone from the Xian family has brought it here."

The tall man, leading the Xian family to the back of the hall, stepped forward to salute the beauty.

It turns out that this dignified and beautiful woman is the queen in his mouth.

"I have seen the queen."

Family Chief Xian saluted the queen, and the rest, including Lin Fei, also saluted the patriarch.

Everyone can see that the identity of this beautiful woman is not simple.

"Well, sure enough, they are all from my clan."

The queen's eyes swept over everyone in the Xian family one by one, muttering to herself.


The queen's gaze suddenly stared at Lin Fei and the leader of Zoroastrianism.

"what happened.

How could there be two humans! "

The beautiful queen's voice suddenly fell cold, and her eyes fell like a knife on Lin Fei and the leader.


Lin Fei couldn't help crying out in pain in response to the queen's cold gaze.

At the same time, Lin Fei was very surprised after hearing what the queen said.

When I came with everyone from the Xian family, why only I and the leader were humans.

Could it be that the people of the Xian family are not humans?

It seems that I shouldn't have followed at all.

It can be seen that this queen does not welcome herself.

"Master, what should I do."

The leader of the fire worship, naturally, can see that the queen, who is extremely unfriendly to the two of them, hurriedly communicated to Lin Fei's spiritual knowledge.

"Acting by chance, ready to break out at any time."

Lin Fei replied with Spiritual Sense.

"Huh, we don't allow humans to enter casually in our territory. Take it down first."

The queen snorted.

As soon as the queen's voice fell, a gray shadow flashed in the hall, and a middle-aged man, like a ghost, instantly deceived Lin Fei and the leader.

"Break out."

Lin Fei immediately taught the divine consciousness to the Supreme Master.

At the same time, Lin Fei shook his strength and smashed the gray shadow with a punch.


The gray shadow also blasted out with a direct punch, colliding with Lin Fei's fist.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's figure was directly backward, withdrawing dozens of steps.

That gray shadow also took a few steps back quickly, with a faint squeak, obviously I couldn't think of Lin Fei's power, so powerful that it could resist his fist.

As Lin Fei retreated, he was already embarking on a thunderous step, and together with the leader, turned into two streams of light, and shot away from the hall.


"Huh, it's not that easy to want to go."

Immediately, in the hall, four gray shadows flashed at the same time, and in an instant, they caught up with Lin Fei and the leader.

The speed made Lin Fei secretly startled.

Lin Fei stretched out his space ring and took the Slaughter Sword in his hand, instantly beheading four or five blood red sword auras behind him.

The leader also slapped back with a palm, and the earth-yellow flames in the sky suddenly burned, and the tongues of flames rushed to the four or five gray shadows.

Boom boom boom...

Those four or five gray shadows obviously did not expect Lin Fei and the leader of the battle to be so strong.

In shock, their stature retreated quickly, and a gloomy and mysterious energy sprayed out from their bodies, blocking the attacks of Lin Fei and the leader.

In such a tossing, the figures of Lin Fei and the leader had already reached the entrance of the hall.

"Hmph, leave it to me!"

The queen sat on the high chair in the middle of the hall and snorted coldly.

Then, a powerful force was released from her head like a tide, like a torrential wave, and slapped Lin Fei and the leader of the back.

In an instant, it broke through space and time and arrived behind Lin Fei and the leader.

What a powerful God power!

Feeling the power of the queen, Lin Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Lin Feixian, this queen's divine consciousness is stronger than herself!

Lin Fei didn't dare to slow down. With a thought, the power of the consciousness within the sea of ​​knowledge also rushed out violently to the rear.


Lin Fei only felt that his knowledge of the sea was shaking slightly.

Fortunately, with the soul tree, Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness did not suffer any harm, and the Queen's divine power was completely blocked from the sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, the leader snorted, his body shook, and traces of blood leaked from the corners of his mouth. Obviously, Shihai had already been hurt.

However, fortunately, after all, the leader of the Yuanzhen realm is strong, and the cultivation of divine consciousness is not after all, it seems that the injury is not very serious.

In an instant, the figures of Lin Fei and the leader were already outside the gate.

"Chasing, don't let them run away."

Inside the main hall, gray shadows shot out, chasing Lin Fei and the leader.

The degrees are terribly fast.

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