Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 932: Break through

Deep in the valley. . .

In a dense thorn bush, there is a small dry clearing.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in it.

Luck adjusts the breath and guides the vitality in the body. After running along the eight channels of the odd meridian for a few weeks, he stretched out his hand to touch the space ring, took out hundreds of thousands of holy crystals, and built a holy crystal wall around.

Then take out a jade bottle containing Jingyuan real water, remove the stopper, and pour all the Jingyuan real water in the jade bottle into your mouth.

Suddenly, Lin Fei only felt a shock in his body, an immense medicinal power spreading across every corner of his body, skin, muscles, bones, veins, and even every cell in an instant.

This medicinal power is unstoppable, very domineering, and very penetrating.

Lin Fei only felt that the meridians in his body were being quickly cleaned and penetrated. In the previous process of cultivating vitality, some impure impurities and filth accumulated in the process of cultivating vitality continued to pass through the gaps between the skins and continuously expelled from the body.

Lin Fei was overjoyed with this true essence crystal water.

As a result, he hurriedly circulated the solar golden sutra method in his body to match the impact of Jingyuan True Water on the meridians.

At the same time, the fist-sized golden ball of light in the dantian representing the second sun also came out, suspended above Lin Fei's head, with brilliant golden light, falling on the surrounding walls of the holy crystal, and began to absorb the essence of the holy crystal. , Constantly replenish the vitality in the body.


Among the meridians in Lin Fei's body, the vitality gradually began to surging, like the rolling Yangtze River, rumbling, with great momentum.

At this moment, if someone was standing next to Lin Fei, he would hear that within Lin Fei's body, bursts of roaring sound continued to be heard, shaking the depths of the valley, and the whole ground was trembling slightly.

Some beasts and poultry living nearby felt the pressure of Yuan Li from Lin Fei and ran away desperately.

One day, two days, three days...

Two or three days have passed, and Lin Fei is still sitting still.

The Saint Crystal Wall beside him has also been replaced four or five times.

At this moment, around Lin Fei's body, within a range of several tens of feet, all were covered by thick waste holy crystal powder.

In these two or three days, the number of holy crystals that Lin Fei took out to replace them had exceeded one million.

Lin Fei's current vitality realm is high-level virtual realm.

To go one step further is to rob the realm.

From Void Realm, Breakthrough to Yingjie Realm, this is a breakthrough in the great realm of vitality, and the difficulty is a bit like Lin Fei's imagination.


Three days later.

Somewhere in the valley.

The nearby heaven and earth energy slammed toward a figure and quickly gathered, forming a cloud of energy visible to the naked eye, whizzing and surging.


A powerful wave of vitality suddenly spread out, and all the surrounding things within several tens of meters, including grass, thorn bushes, trees, and stones, all exploded.

Master Taishang stood up abruptly, his eyes shone brightly, full of surprises.

It turned out that after three days of practicing and meditation, he had already reached the advanced level of the Yingjie Realm.

"Congratulations, Ying Jie has become advanced."

Not far away, the goblin and Azi looked at Taishang Master, slightly surprised.

"This is all because of the effect of Jingyuan True Water, which is too powerful.

By the way, how about the master, have you broken through? "

The Supreme Master said.

"I don't know, there doesn't seem to be any movement on the master's side.

Not long ago, the master broke through to the high level of the virtual realm.

This time, I don't know if I can break through again. "

Azi looked at the depths of the valley, where Lin Fei practiced, and said with a little doubt.

Is talking.


In the middle of the valley, under a cliff.

In this space, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the spiritual energy between the world and the earth gathered into a cloud of spiritual clouds, hovering like violent tornadoes, and madly converging under the cliff.


A shock wave of Yuan force that was so strong that it made one's heart palpitating suddenly burst out.

The powerful impact energy also shook the cliff by more than half. The lumps of rocks collapsed into the air, and then rolled and fell. The entire valley was shaken and the mountains shook.

Then, a figure with all white beards slowly stood up among the falling rocks in the sky, and walked out, it was the leader of the fire worship.

Azi and the goblin, as well as the Supreme Master Sect, looked at the Patriarch of the Zoroastrian Sect leader who was full of palpitating vitality fluctuations, secretly frightened.

Xian [Xinbi Quge] Of course, this fire worship leader, after taking the crystal water, successfully broke through a realm.

He used to be the elementary level of the Yuanzheng realm, now he is the intermediate level of the Yuanzheng realm.

"Master, it seems that there is no breakthrough."

The leader's gaze fell to the depths of the valley where Lin Fei was, and said with a frown.


at this time.

The outside of this valley.

Several gray shadows that were almost transparent and illusory were quietly looking towards the valley.

"It turns out that those two humans are hiding here.

It made us look for two or three days. "

"No, there are at least four or five people in this valley.

Strangely, it seems that besides those two humans, there are other people who have also entered our world. "

"Go, go back and report the situation to the queen!"

A few gray shadows, after communicating with each other for a while, quietly retreated.

"No, someone is watching us outside the valley."

After all, the leader is a master of the Yuanzheng realm, and his divine consciousness is very powerful. He perceives the gray shadows outside the valley, and immediately transmits to Azi and his divine consciousness.

"It must be the queen's men. It seems that they have been following us."

The Supreme Master said.

"The strength of that queen is unfathomable. Even if I break through to the intermediate level of the Primordial Realm, I am not necessarily her opponent.

I guess that her strength is at least the advanced level of the Primal Realm.

Moreover, in addition to the queen, many of her subordinates are also very powerful.

Knowing that we are in this valley, he will definitely come and kill us. "

The leader is a little worried.

"But, Master, we are in the assault state now, we can't bother him."

Azi frowned and said.

Cultivation of vitality, especially the martial artist in the realm of shocking vitality, is most afraid of others to disturb, at the slightest distraction, leading to failure of the shock breakthrough realm, and in the worst case, backlash will occur, leaving sequelae, affecting future shock breakthroughs.

"You can only see walking."

The leader sighed.

When several people think of the queen, their hearts are a little heavy.


"Report to the queen and find the whereabouts of the two humans.

In a valley to the east.

Moreover, there seem to be more than two humans entering our world, and there seem to be four humans in that valley. "

In the palace, a young man reported back to the queen.

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