Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 933: Finally robbed

"Oh, two more. ΩΔ.*.

It seems that they must have space magic weapons on them, and the extra people should have been hidden in space magic weapons before. "

In the middle of the hall, the dignified and graceful queen groaned.

"Queen, don't embarrass Lin Fei.

He has saved me and Yan'er many times, and he has also saved my father, second uncle and third uncle. "

Next to the queen, sat two identical and beautiful girls, it was Sister Ying and Yan'er.

"Queen, then Lin Fei is indeed kind to our Xian family. At that time, I allowed Lin Fei to enter our Xian family ancestral shrine.

Therefore, he entered here with us. "

Under the hall, among the people lined up on both sides, a half-white old man stood up and said to the queen that it was Clan Xian, the grandfather of Sister Ying.

"Well, since Lin Fei saved the two princesses, he was kind to our evil shadow clan, well, I won't embarrass him."

The queen nodded.

"Thank you Queen!"

Sister Ying and Yan'er were both overjoyed when they heard this, and quickly thanked the queen.


"By the way, Ying'er, Yan'er, I'll pass on your Shadow Moon Art, how are you doing in your cultivation these days?

Is there any evil in the body? "

The queen asked suddenly.

"I seem to have reached the first level."

Yan'er immediately replied excitedly.

"So fast?

Hehe, I think Yan'er must feel wrong.

The birth of evil in the body means that cultivation has just begun.

If you want to become the first level, you need to continue to work hard. "

The queen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled and explained that she seemed to be very fond of Yan'er.

"Queen, I mean it.

Don't believe me! "

Yan'er stretched out her sleek and delicate hand, she was lucky, and suddenly, a faint gray energy escaped from the palm of her hand, slowly spreading, and enveloping her delicate and attractive body in an instant Inside.

Then, Yan'er's body, amidst these gray energies, turned out to be a bit illusory and unreal.

"The first layer of Shadow Moon Art!

This……! "

When the queen saw this, her expression was instantly astonished, her small ruddy mouth opened wide enough to lay two big duck eggs.


In just three or four days, Princess Yan actually became the first layer of Shadow Moon Art. "


Such a degree of cultivation is simply a miracle.

At the beginning, I practiced this Shadow Moon Art, but after half a year of training, I could barely cultivate to this first level. "

"That's right, it took me two or three months of cultivation before I felt aura!"

"Queen, it seems that these two princesses are indeed rare talents of our clan!"

Except for the queen, the others in the hall were also in shock instantly. All their eyes were staring at Yan'er, envy and excitement.

"Yan'er, it seems that I still underestimated the concentration of ethnic blood in your body.

Yan'er, as long as you keep practicing, you will surely become the strongest of our clan in the future. It's easy to want to be stronger! "

Finally, the queen woke up from the shocked state, and said to Yan'er in an extremely excited tone.

Yan'er saw that she had demonstrated the results of her cultivation, and the rest of the people were so shocked that they couldn't help being quite speechless.

"Queen, I just got to the first level, it doesn't seem to be fast anymore.

In fact, Sister Ying, she seems to have already cultivated to the second level. "

Seeing the people in the entire hall, Yan'er was immersed in excitement, constantly praising herself, couldn't help but feel a little empty, and whispered.

"Hehe, Yan'er, you don't have to be overly modest...


Yan'er, you mean, Ying'er, she has become the second level..."

The queen's words, just halfway through, suddenly stopped, a pair of slender phoenix eyes stared at Sister Ying, and the towering **** suddenly began to fluctuate a bit violently.

"Second floor!"

Inside the hall, all eyes were staring at Sister Ying in disbelief, as if looking at a monster.


In the valley.

Deep in the valley, Lin Fei remained motionless, sitting cross-legged.

Hundreds of thousands of holy crystals were piled around the body, and Lin Fei's body was surrounded by the center.

The golden ball of light representing the second sun of the golden sutra of the sun was suspended above Lin Fei's head, and countless dazzling golden lights were splashed around, shining the surrounding area of ​​several tens of meters into golden light, and the heat wave rolled.

During these four days, the volume of this golden ball of light has been increasing. At this time, its volume has reached a diameter of about one meter.

The powerful Yuanli force and the blazing high temperature continued to burn the surrounding air.

This is already the fourth day Lin Fei has hit the realm.

In four days, the total amount of holy crystals replaced by Lin Fei has exceeded 150,000 yuan.

It has to be said that the difficulty of breaking from the virtual realm to the catastrophic realm is so difficult, as Lin Fei imagined.

Four or five hundred meters away from Lin Fei, Azi, the goblin and the leader, the Supreme Master teaches four people, and protects Lin Fei from a distance.

Fortunately for the four of them, since the gray shadows left outside the valley, no one has come to ask for trouble.

The fifth day, the sixth day............

The time in the valley passed slowly day by day.

From the Void Realm Breakthrough to the Ying Jie Realm, the breakthrough in this great realm was so difficult that Lin Fei had imagined it.

"I don't believe it, I can't break through!"

On the eighth day, at a certain moment, Lin Fei Meng opened his eyes and stretched out his space ring. There were countless spars, including genuine yuan spar, holy crystal, and dozens of spiritual pills specially cultivated with vitality. Stacked around the body.

Then, once again took out a jade bottle filled with Jingyuan real water, and poured all the milky white liquid inside into his mouth.

Then, he fell into meditation again, and ran the solar golden sutra tactics in his body, conflicting the meridians in the body.

The ninth day, the tenth day.

On the tenth day of Lin Fei's meditation, at a certain moment.


Suddenly, in this valley, including the surrounding valley, within a few kilometers, all the auras between heaven and earth seemed to be induced by some kind of induction, and instantly formed a fierce aura tornado, like a tsunami burst, towards the valley Everywhere, where Lin Fei was, talked endlessly.

Throughout the valley, the wind is surging and the sky is eclipsed. All the plants, trees, flowers, grass, stones, and dust on the ground are all set aside and hovering in the air.

"Look, the master seems to be breaking through!"

Zi immediately cried out excitedly.

"The vitality technique that the master cultivates is really terrifying.

This kind of breakthrough vision is far beyond the ordinary breakthrough of the catastrophe. "

The leader could not help showing a look of astonishment.

In the very center of the spiritual storm, Lin Fei was sitting still like an ancient god.

As time passed, the spiritual storm in the valley became more and more violent.


Suddenly, Lin Fei was sitting still, and within his body, a wave of strong vitality that was far greater than before, suddenly spread out like a monstrous wave.

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly opened at this moment, and the sharp glow in his eyes flashed compellingly.


It finally broke through to the Yingjie Realm.

Lin Fei's face showed a look of surprise.

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