Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 944: Queen is here

"Who doesn't know how to grind, if you have the ability to chase after me, let's talk about it. Ω .ん."

Lin Fei didn't show any weakness. He wanted to entice the Black Demon Venerable. Lin Fei simply performed a full set of acts and continued to provoke him.

"Hmph, you think I really can't catch you.

After learning a little bit of the magical powers, I dared to be arrogant in front of the deity. Just now I saw that you would use our magical powers. I was curious for a while and played a cat and mouse game with you for a while.

Well, let you see what the real magic powers are. "

The Venerable Black Demon was already angered by Lin Fei’s attitude. A terrifying demon element suddenly burst out of him. The violent and surging demon energy squeezed the unprecedented in front of him. Constantly twisting and cracking.

Then, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Lin Fei was shocked, and a bad feeling rose in his heart.

Then, there was almost no time for Lin Fei to think.

call out!

The figure of Venerable Black Demon turned out to be less than a kilometer behind Lin Fei.

"Boy, let you see what is the real degree."

The tyrannical voice of Venerable Black Demon sounded.

Then, his figure disappeared again.

Lin Fei couldn't help but numb his scalp, and quickly cast a magic light glimpse.

The afterimages were heavy, and then, within a thought, Lin Fei's figure appeared three kilometers away.

Unexpectedly, a laugh suddenly sounded in front of him.

"Boy, how about it, let me see how you escape."

The figure of the Black Demon Venerable had already appeared in front!

Lin Fei couldn't help being astonished. It seemed that the Black Demon Venerable was right. Before, he was only showing that Lin Fei would use the magical powers of the Demon Race. He was very curious for a while and wanted to observe Lin Fei's body.

Once he showed his true degree, it was actually easy to catch Lin Fei.

Demon Venerable's strength was really terrifying, and Lin Fei knew that he was in great trouble.

Fighting, it must have been unable to beat the opponent, and now the opponent has completely exploded.

"Boy, in front of the deity, don't wish to escape for your life anymore.

Just bind your hands obediently. "

Venerable Black Demon completely controlled the situation, said lightly.



A demon hand with a size of more than ten acres condensed in front of Venerable Black Demon. The next moment, it disappeared directly, and when it appeared again, it was already above Lin Fei's head.

This Black Demon Venerable, between his gestures, seems to have an effect of passing through space and time, which is very terrifying.

To deal with Lin Fei, the Black Demon Venerable did not use any magic element martial arts, but simply condensed a magic hand with the magic element, and directly grabbed Lin Fei.

The huge gap in realm does not require any skills.

Feeling the powerful demon element coercion from that demon hand, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the space he was in was completely imprisoned by a huge magical power.

The space became extremely sticky, and it was extremely difficult to raise hands and feet.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to use one's own power to escape.

Lin Fei shouted, the power was released, and the body could barely move.


Lin Fei pulled out the Slaughter Sword with his right hand, and the **** killing intent swept through the sky, several **** sword auras, slashed upwards, and violently slammed on the towering demon hand that was a dozen acres of land.


After a few **** sword auras and magic hands held each other for a while, they all exploded with a bang.

"Yes, the weapon is very good, but unfortunately your strength is not good. If your strength is on the next level and holding this sword, you may be able to fight me.

However, with your current strength, you can't escape being held by me, the result of the final soul search. "

The Black Demon looked a little surprised at the Slaughter Sword in Lin Fei's hand.

However, he didn't care much. No matter how powerful the weapon was, it wouldn't be able to make a big splash in the hands of an ant.

In his eyes, Lin Fei was destined to not escape his palm.

Billowing devilish energy, surging surging, squeezing the sky, the huge mountain-like magic hand, without hurries, took pictures of Lin Fei again.

The coercion of monstrous magic power continued to oppress Lin Fei.

Lin Fei naturally refused to obediently bind his hands and release his strength to resist the magical pressure exerted on his body.

Swish Swish!

Several **** sword auras slashed up again.

At the same time, for a period of time, a bone demon claw is also blocking the majestic demon hand.

With Lin Fei's many methods, the towering magic hand was finally reluctantly resisted in mid-air, and the magic contained in it seemed to have been weakened a lot and became a little illusory.

call out!

Lin Fei only felt that the magic pressure exerted on his body was reduced by more than half, and he quickly displayed the magic light glimpse, instantly appearing three kilometers away.


The huge black magic hand landed on the spot where Lin Fei had just taken a foothold. On the ground, a hole with a depth of more than ten acres of land was blasted out.

Around the pothole, there are wide cracks on the ground, like spider silk, densely extending out.

The strength of the demon is really terrifying, even if you don't use any magic supernatural powers, just use the demon element to condense a magic hand, which can break the earth and break the mountain.

"Huh? Unexpectedly, you are still a bit difficult.

But that's it. "

The Dark Lord was a little surprised.

If it was another catastrophe state, it would have fallen into his hands long ago.

However, Lin Fei had many means, and he could escape under the pressure of magic power.

However, the Black Demon Venerable was also slightly surprised. A human being in the catastrophic realm, in front of him, was no different from an ant, even a stronger ant.



A magic hand, condensed again, appeared behind Lin Fei and grabbed it.

"His sister, I can't think of a clone of Demon Venerable, I can't resist it at all.

If the real body came, how terrifying it would be! "

Lin Fei only felt that bursts of powerful magical coercion rushed over the sky, mighty, and crowded the entire space, where would he dare to stay for a while, before the magical coercion was applied to his body for a moment.

The magic light glimpsed, once again, the body appeared three kilometers away.

"Boy, I see how many more times you can use it!"

The Black Demon Venerable also began to get angry, and the tyrannical roar sounded like a thunder, shaking the whole world.

He didn't think that Lin Fei was so difficult.

Boom boom boom!

The majestic magic hand whizzed and grabbed Lin Fei again and again.

Lin Fei could only hold back his energy, and did not dare to stay for a while, the magic light and glimpse kept showing.

Escaped dangerously again and again.

This land trembled violently, and the rumbling flapping sound shook the world and reached the sky.

On the ground, smoke and dust billowed, mud and rocks collapsed into the air, one after another huge palm-shaped pits with invisible depth, constantly appeared under the slap of the huge demon hand of Venerable Black Demon.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei had already cast dozens of magic light glimpses.

This is also because before Lin Fei had absorbed the magic elements of many demon kings and Luo Yin Demon Emperor, the number of magic elements between the bones in his body was much more than that of ordinary demon kings.

Therefore, in order to continuously display the magic light glimpse, this kind of magic power.

If it was another Demon King, or even the Demon King, it would never be possible to continuously cast the magic light glimpse like this.

This point also surprised the Black Demon Venerable. He did not expect that the number of magic elements stored in Lin Fei's body was so large.


Lin Fei deliberately wanted to take out the dragon and phoenix to escape.

However, the Venerable Black Demon is pressing harder and harder.

After the dragon and phoenix are taken out, it takes time to excite.

Under the horror of the Black Demon Lord, it was impossible to do it.

Therefore, the only thing Lin Fei could do was to desperately cast the magic light to escape.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that when the demons in his body were exhausted, it might be when he fell into the hands of the black demon.

"Hmph, a demon dignified, actually persecutes a catastrophe realm so much, bullying the small with the big, are you demons all such characters?"


Not far away, a woman's sweet chirping sounded coldly.

Then, a gray shadow appeared in front of Lin Fei in a flash, and a slender jade hand suddenly pressed out.


A huge gray palm violently condensed with the huge pitch black demon hand formed by the black demon, bombarded together.

The gray giant hand, and the black giant hand, exploded to pieces at the same time.

The violent impact energy instantly exploded a small mountain below and turned it into flat ground.

It turns out that the Queen of the Evil Shadow Race has arrived!

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