Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 945: Magic weapon

"It's you!

You dare to intervene in the matter of this demon! "

The Venerable Black Demon felt a little frustrated when the Evil Shadow Clan Queen arrived. . .

"I said, you are not allowed to touch his hair!"

The Queen's tone had no room for negotiation.

"Hmph, it's just a **** of the evil shadow clan, I really think the deity fears you!"

The Venerable Black Demon was furious and let out a tyrannical roar.

As soon as the voice fell, the boundless black magic energy continuously surging from his body, turning into nine long black rivers, from nine different directions, such as nine black horses. queen.

Among these nine long black rivers, there seemed to be countless rotting bones, floating up and down in them, exuding a terrible aura of destruction and death, like a river of stygo from hell.

"If it's your true body coming, this king will still be a little bit jealous. It's just a clone. What kind of prestige can appear."

The queen stepped out in mid-air, and the endless gray evil spirits surging out from within her curvy and exquisite body, instantly condensed into a gray-light shimmering armor, wrapped in her body Above, a sense of heroism and heroism was immediately brought out.


The Queen’s fighting method is very direct and domineering. With a scream, it is a punch. The small fist wrapped in the gray armor exploded with terrifying energy, instantly smashing one of the black rivers that hit Shattered.

Lin Fei's heart jumped when she saw it, and she couldn't think that this queen usually has many manners, dignified and elegant, but the way she fights is so violent.

Boom boom boom boom...

At this moment, the queen has transformed into a faint transparent gray shadow, fighting with the black demon veteran with extreme speed.

The speed of the queen and the black demon were so fast that they could not be caught by the naked eye.

Only when Lin Fei released his divine consciousness could he perceive the two figures.

At the center of the battle between the two, a wave of terrifying energy swept out.

Below are rolling mountains, wide rivers, and dense forests.

However, at this moment, under the shock wave of the terrifying energy dissipated by the battle, the peaks of the mountains exploded, the rivers were cut off, and the dense forests instantly turned into fly ash, and the earth was destroyed into a wolf.

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh secretly as he watched such a grand battle scene.


"Bitch of the evil shadow clan, you successfully angered the deity!"

During the war, the Black Demon seemed to be unable to take advantage for the time being, and roared in anger.

"You can be proud of being able to force the deity to use the magic weapon of the demon clan!"

As soon as Venerable Black Demon's voice fell, from the center of his eyebrows, a nine-story magic tower surrounded by demon energy was suddenly squeezed out.

The magic tower swelled in the wind, and within a moment, it reached a height of one hundred meters. The tower was strong and heavy, like a 10,000 tons of cold iron. It was immediately suppressed by the queen. In the magic tower, it resounded. Strings of creepy ghost crying and howling sounds.

"Hmph, do you think that only you have the magic weapon!"

The queen was covered in battle armor, but it was still difficult to conceal her exquisite and attractive figure, graceful and swaying, like a fairy from Guanghan Palace coming to the world, beautiful and holy.

"Shadow Moon Wheel!"

The queen screamed, and a gray roulette engraved with various runes, shaped like a full moon, flew out of her beautiful body, shooting out dazzling rays, spinning high, and hitting the magic tablet.


There were waves of huge metal crashing, resounding across the sky and spreading far away.

The ground below, in an instant, did not know how much it cracked.


Um, the magic weapon is starting to compete?

Lin Fei's heart moved.

Reaching out for a space ring, a purple longbow appeared in his hand, constantly flowing with colorful rays of light, it was the sky boom bow.

At this time, Lin Fei had already activated the second level of ban on Hengtian Gong, but he had not formally tested the power of this second level of ban.

"Well, let's use this demon to test it."

Lin Fei did not hesitate.

Hold the bow with your left hand and draw the bowstring with your right hand.


A steady stream of vitality, including the vitality in Lin Fei's body, and the vitality energy in the surrounding heavens and earth, converged towards the booming bow in a violent posture like a tsunami.

A purple long arrow, about the size of an arm, took shape in an instant, resting on the bowstring. All kinds of mysterious and mysterious symbols and patterns are on the body of the arrow.

call out!

The purple long arrow moved away from the string, tightly locking the Black Demon Lord.

This blasting bow, as long as it is shot, lock the opponent with divine sense, and then the purple long arrow shot will automatically lock the opponent, no matter how the opponent avoids, the purple long arrow will automatically adjust its direction until it hits the opponent. .

This is very strange.

The purple long arrow is extremely fast. As soon as it leaves the string, it disappears. Then, like a scared rainbow, it directly appears near the body of the black demon, taking his throat directly, and making a whining sound, like a reminder The impermanence is huge.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The Venerable Black Demon, who was in the midst of a battle with the Queen, couldn't help but feel frightened and angry at this time, only feeling a murderous intent, locked him in, and his skin hurt.


Venerable Black Demon was anxious, his figure flickered, and the devil monument swept across, twisting the entire space into a twist.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei burst into air, pulled the bowstring, and filled the purple longbow with endless vitality, shining in the sky, and mysterious runes swimming, the purple long arrow that appeared on the bowstring seemed to be alive.

call out!

The second purple long arrow appeared in front of Venerable Black Demon again.



The Venerable Black Demon was so angry that he wanted to cramp Lin Fei.

Although the Boom Sky Bow couldn't hurt him, it caused a great disturbance to him.

The queen seized this opportunity to control the grey roulette, step by step, her lotus posture, full and curvy figure, graceful and charming, and immediately, she attacked the black demon back again and again and fell to the bottom.

"Boy, I killed you!"

The Venerable Black Demon roared, and the magic sense was released, and immediately, the overwhelming power of the magic sense bombarded Lin Fei.


Playing with the consciousness attack.

Lin Fei smiled coldly, his soul body, fused with the soul tree, can at least withstand the attack of the soul that is ten times stronger than his own.

Although the black demon's demon sense is powerful, it is only a clone of him, and the demon sense possessed should not be ten times stronger than his own divine sense.

With a movement of his mind, Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge contained a mighty power of divine consciousness that was released and resisted all the demon consciousness that the Black Demon Venerable had attacked.

"Aren't you arrogant just now? Why, now I can't do anything with Laozi."

Lin Fei sneered coldly, raising the booming bow in his hand again, pulling the bowstring away, the brilliance shot into the sky, the purple long arrow penetrated the void and shot out.

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