Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Crazy, **** crazy!

When the scale of foreign trade reaches a certain level, various trade protection policies will inevitably appear!

Today's various trade policies of the Tang Dynasty are not too complicated. Simply put, they are to support domestic industrial and agricultural exhibitions. For imported goods that will affect domestic industrial exhibitions, tariffs or even bans will be imposed.

As for the domestic demand and the promotion of domestic exhibitions, the policy of reducing tariffs or even exempting them from tariffs is adopted, such as various industrial raw materials such as cotton, saltpeter, and sulfur.

In addition, for export, the export of advanced technology military footwear products is generally prohibited or restricted export, and this prohibition cannot be decided by the customs alone, and even the cabinet or the military have no independent decision-making power.

This authority is in charge of the 'Import and Export Security Bureau', which is composed of personnel jointly dispatched by the military and the cabinet. Strictly speaking, all imported or exported products, including physical technology and other things, need to be reviewed by the bureau. Import and export licenses are issued, which can only be imported and exported.

Basically, products and technologies that affect national defense and security are strictly prohibited from being exported.

In addition, there are some things that are strictly exported, such as grain. It is expressly stipulated that the export of grain is prohibited, because the Tang Dynasty itself has insufficient grain. In order to fill the stomach of the people, a large number of officials are worried. This kind of Under this circumstance, if a businessman can earn more money by exporting grain abroad, he will export the ration belonging to the Chinese, which is absolutely not allowed.

While the export of grain is prohibited, imports are also encouraged. Unfortunately, grain is not such an expensive material. After being transported by sea, the freight may even be more expensive than the grain itself, so although there are Policies to encourage food imports, but in reality the amount of food imports is not large.

While there were restrictions on some export products, the Tang Dynasty also encouraged the export of many products, such as traditional export products such as silk, tea and porcelain, and new industrial products such as cloth, soap, matches and other products in recent years.

These import and export commodities constitute the main body of the foreign trade of the Tang Dynasty, but this is not all!

In recent years, maritime trade in the East Asian waters has become more and more prosperous day by day. Even if there is a threat of pirates, it still cannot prevent the determination of businessmen to go out to sea to find financial opportunities. In addition, domestic offshore and inland water transportation is in increasing demand every day.

This has also led to the unprecedented prosperity of the domestic shipbuilding industry in recent years. Almost every large and small shipyard has received orders. The core products produced by some large shipyards, such as the 680 series merchant ships, are now basically In the situation of short supply, even if these domestic shipyards are actively expanding their scale, it is still difficult to meet domestic demand.

Some shipyards have even placed orders five years later!

Under this circumstance, it is natural for some businessmen to turn their attention to the neighboring countries. The shipbuilding technology in North Korea and Fusang is too backward, and they can't make orders if they are given orders. Boards are barely.

But Melaka is an exception!

There are Portuguese people there. The Portuguese also have various factories such as shipyards and artillery factories in Malacca. In recent years, many domestic businessmen have asked the Portuguese to order merchant ships and artillery, regardless of whether it is a Galen ship or their imitation. 680 series ships, all bought.

However, this situation is unwilling to see in the country!

Although the domestic shipyards are temporarily insufficient in production capacity, they are working hard to expand. In addition, the domestic military and political leaders would rather rot their meat in the pot than let the Portuguese take the opportunity to make money, and then arm more fleet.

The ban on the import of ships is based on many considerations, but in the end of many considerations, it has become this trade protection policy.

But it is a pity that this kind of trade protection policy has not attracted anyone's attention, but many domestic businessmen are quite dissatisfied with it, but dissatisfaction turns into dissatisfaction, and banning imports is banning imports.

On the contrary, the domestic shipbuilding industry is applauding the ban, and one by one is trying to raise more funds to expand the scale.

What, in the past, in order to expand, all profits have been put into it?

I'm afraid, the shareholders will invest more money, what, no money? How dare you, poor man, to play shipbuilding, go home and farm!

What should I do if the shareholder's money has been invested, and there is really no way to squeeze it out? Loans, the Royal Bank has money, ask them for loans, and directly use the shipyard as collateral, you can't borrow it.

What, already borrowed? Not only the Royal Bank, but all other banks that can lend have already lent, and all the assets that can be used for mortgage have been mortgaged, and it is really impossible to lend.

But we have no money, all our assets have been mortgaged, and there is no way to borrow from the bank, why don't we expand?

Didn't you see that there is a large gold mine under our feet. Everyone is wielding a **** to mine. Now you tell me that you can't afford a **** and you won't mine?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, you have to dig to death!

Finally, we have a big killer, introducing strategic investment!

Our shipyard is doing so well, although the debt ratio has reached 80% or even insolvent, but our prospects are good, we can make a lot of money every day, do you want to invest money in, we Divide you a little share, and then we all make a lot of money together.

The domestic industry is prosperous, and the shipbuilding industry is more prosperous. Many people can see this situation, but the shipbuilding industry is not for anyone who wants to enter. Building a shipyard from scratch is difficult and takes a long time. As for direct investment in existing shipyards, you can make a profit without losing money.

Therefore, many old and wealthy landlords dug up the silver in their cellars, deposited them in the Royal Bank, exchanged them for bank notes or cashier's checks, and then invested in the shipyard.

In addition to investing, many people realized that Nima, the stock of the shipyard in his hand, is more valuable than the shipyard itself.

The shipyard's assets are only 100,000 taels of silver, but those who don't know how to do it are willing to invest 100,000 taels of silver and only occupy half of the shares, which means that the value of the shipyard will double in an instant!

Come on, in this case, why are we still working so hard to expand our production capacity, just speculate in stocks!

Since then, since the summer of the seventh year of Xuanping, the shares of the shipyard industry have become very sought-after in the market. Many old and wealthy landlords who have never seen a ship in their lives have been looking for relationships everywhere, trusting people, for the sake of is to invest in the shipbuilding industry.

Many people don't even put money into the shipyard to expand production, but use it to buy shares directly from shareholders1

And here, I have to explain that capital injection and shareholders selling shares are two different things!

Some landowners and old wealthy have obtained a part of the shares by means of capital injection. The money from these investments has entered the company account and is used to expand production capacity and other business needs. The original shareholders cannot get the money, and the shares will be diluted. However, the shares in the hands of the original shareholders are even more valuable.

There are also some old and wealthy landlords who buy shares directly from the original shareholders. In this case, the money for the purchase of shares is directly pocketed by the original shareholders, and the value of the shipyard is still the original value. Capital investment is used to expand scale.

This situation became even more obvious after the empire issued a ban on ship importation, that is, in the autumn of the seventh year of Xuanping. When Li Xuan noticed it, the value of many shipyards on the market was already seriously high. estimate.

Why, because the Royal Assets Corey sent a report saying that it was Zhili Textile Bank, which was jointly established by dozens of old landlords, gentry and wealthy businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River. Currently, it ranks among the top five big banks in the domestic banking industry. Attempting to invest in Dingsheng Shipyard, a subsidiary of the Royal Assets Section, to obtain a share of the shares.

In this transaction, Zhili Textile Bank will invest 500,000 taels of silver in Dingsheng Shipyard and obtain 10% of the shares!

500,000 taels of silver to buy only 10% of the shares?

After seeing this number, Li Xuan was stunned!

Dingsheng Shipyard is good or not, this is naturally good, the shipyard is currently the fourth largest shipyard in China, its scale is second only to Guangzhou Shipyard Zhaoqing Shipyard (including Pearl River Branch), Jiangnan Shipyard ( Including Shanghai Shipyard) these three shipyards.

The business involves the construction of medium and large warships. The construction of the 680 series merchant and the 680 series merchant ships are used as the core products. The total value of various fixed assets and patents is estimated to be about 450,000 silver. asset!

Profits are also quite good. There are almost tens of thousands of taels of profit every year, but these profits are basically used to expand the scale. Anyway, in recent years, the Royal Assets Section has never been from this shipyard. Withdraw a penny in dividends!

Recently, Dingsheng Shipyard is raising funds because it wants to invest in the research and development of larger and more advanced thousand-ton merchant ships.

On the side of the Royal Assets Section, it is naturally impossible to spend so much money on Dingsheng Shipyard, so they tried to introduce strategic investors.

And now, after the competition of many institutions, Zhili Textile Bank has obtained this qualification with amazing generosity!

Five hundred thousand taels of silver, ten percent of the shares? Doesn't this mean that the market value of their heyday shipyard is believed to be five million taels?

Nima, this is crazy!

Even if Dingsheng Shipyard makes money, the profit for a year is not even 700,000 or 80,000 taels. How long will it take for them to earn back the 500,000 taels?

It is conservatively estimated that even if the profit of this 10% share increases in the future, the amount of increase is limited. After all, this is a capital-heavy industry, and the production capacity is there. The profit can be expected, and the change will not be too big.

If you die, the dividends will be at most 10,000 taels of silver in the next year, and it is even estimated that it will be less than that.

This means that it may take 50 years for Zhili Textile Bank to recover the investment cost, or even 50 years to recover the investment cost!

In this case, Zhili Textile Bank still invested 500,000 taels of real money!

Crazy, **** crazy!

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