Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: How dare you destroy the foundation of my empire


At first, Li Xuan could not understand why Zhili Textile Bank invested 500,000 taels of silver to invest in Dingsheng Shipyard. Favorite this site&1t;/

In the current situation of Dingsheng Shipyard, even if the operation is smooth, but the fixed assets and future profits are there, it will take a long time to recover the cost of 500,000 taels of silver. &1t;/

What's more, the shipbuilding industry seems to be prosperous now, but the competition is also huge. So many shipyards have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, competing with each other for orders, which inevitably leads to price competition in the market. &1t;/

Today's shipbuilding industry in the Tang Dynasty, the average price per ton is at least 10% lower than that of Xuanping five years ago. Of course, there are technological advancements, production efficiency improvements, and cost reductions, but more because of their competition. &1t;/

This also means that in the future, the Dingsheng Shipyard is very likely to be difficult to maintain the existing profit scale, so for Zhili Textile Bank, it may not be able to recover the cost for 50 years. &1t;/

So Li Xuan asked: "How are they going to recover the cost?"&1t;/

But what they didn't expect was that people from the Royal Assets Section said that Zhili Textile Bank had no plans to recover the cost through dividends at all. They were going to split the 10% of the shares and then sell them to other small investment institutions and even personal. &1t;/

However, officials of the Royal Assets Division believe that this will make the shareholding structure of Dingsheng Textile Co., Ltd. very troublesome. Although some of the assets managed by the Royal Assets Division are also joint ventures with others, such as cooperation with enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises , and some are cooperating with private companies and even individuals, but this kind of cooperation is basically limited to a certain scope. &1t;/

But now the Zhili Textile Company intends to split and sell 10% of the shares obtained by the investment. In this case, the number of shareholders of Dingsheng Shipyard may even reach dozens or even hundreds of people. &1t;/

The Royal Assets Division has great doubts about this kind of thing, for fear of causing any trouble, but Zhili Textile Bank, but it is real money to spend 500,000 taels of silver. If you don't take it, it feels too much. It's a loss, so that's why I reported this to Li Xuan, I respectfully invite the Holy Inquisition! &1t;/

When Li Xuan heard the people in the Royal Assets Section say this, he vaguely guessed something, and then asked them to show him the detailed plan of Zhili Textile Company and the cooperation plan of the two parties. &1t;/

In the end, Li Xuan confirmed that the Zhili Textile Bank was not investing in any shipbuilding industry at all, nor was it even just playing this vote, because it was already mentioned in the business investigation report of the Royal Assets Core that the bank had previously I have done similar things more than a dozen times, all of which are to first invest in the purchase of some companies' stocks, and then increase the price to sell them to those small investors and individuals who only have money in their hands, but have no channels to directly invest in various companies, so as to make a profit. . &1t;/

At the same time, in order to make it easier for small and medium investors to trade on their own, they also set up a service-type company that provides special stock trading for small and medium-sized investors, and charges handling fees during the transaction process. &1t;/

It's just that they operated some private enterprises in the past, and they were not too big. At the same time, they were basically limited to the small circle of institutional investors, and the outside world did not know much, but now this time, they decided to play A big vote. &1t;/

This one vote was so big that it directly alarmed Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven! &1t;/

After seeing these reports, Li Xuan still didn't know that this Zhili Textile Bank was not investing in any company at all. They were trying to build a stock exchange! &1t;/

The drunkard's intention is not to drink alcohol. By investing in stocks and then splitting and selling them, this is only on the surface. I am afraid their core purpose is to build a stock exchange. &1t;/

Damn, who is the person in charge of this bank, this ambition is big enough, he is actually in the forefront of many people, and he even created a stock exchange in front of Li Xuan. &1t;/

You know, Li Xuan has plans to establish a stock trading system, but he thought it was not the right time before, and he planned to wait until the right time before withdrawing from stock trading. &1t;/

But I didn't expect that if he didn't do it himself, others would do it! &1t;/

Regarding this matter, Li Xuan did not make a decision immediately, but asked the Royal Assets Section to conduct an in-depth investigation to see if there are similar banks or other institutions in China that do stock trading. &1t;/

At the same time, it also allows them to conduct an in-depth investigation of the prosperity of the domestic shipbuilding industry. &1t;/

As an organization that manages huge royal assets, the Royal Assets Section seems to be only a department under the Imperial Academy, but it is actually the same as the Investigation and Statistics Department of the Imperial Academy. Although the name is not conspicuous, the internal organization is actually quite large. Has a sound business investigation department. &1t;/

However, Li Xuan was still worried. In addition to asking the Royal Assets Section to conduct an investigation, Li Xuan also began to summon the person in charge of the Royal Bank to hear about the recent capital flows of the Royal Bank, especially the situation of commercial loans. &1t;/

In addition, Li Xuan also personally instructed the Financial Department of the Ministry of Taxation to submit recent reports on the domestic financial industry, focusing on commercial loans. &1t;/

Li Xuan keenly felt that some industry exhibitions in China seem to be prosperous, but there is already a hidden crisis! &1t;/

What a crisis, of course, an economic crisis! &1t;/

Almost seeing the market value of various shipyards being continuously increased, and after seeing that 10% of the shares of Dingsheng Shipyard could be sold for 500,000 taels of silver, Li Xuan's first reaction was to think of the economic crisis and the bubble. . &1t;/

As a later generation, I naturally have a clear understanding of various economic crises. When the market price of a product far exceeds its actual value, there is no doubt that there will be bubbles here. The bubble burst, and the economic crisis appeared. &1t;/

The industry and commerce of the Tang Dynasty have only been developing for a few years, and this kind of thing happened, which made Li Xuan quite a headache! &1t;/

But he also knows that after the development of industry and commerce, this kind of thing will inevitably occur. The reason why it occurs so quickly now is because the various policies in the Tang Dynasty are still not perfect. &1t;/

For example, there is no legal and formal stock exchange for stock trading. These stock transactions are the actions of businessmen. &1t;/

At the same time, the lack of information will make many people unable to know the truth of the matter at all. &1t;/

For example, the shipbuilding industry makes money, there is no doubt that it is profitable, and it has great prospects. &1t;/

However, the shipbuilding industry is an industry with very high requirements on technology and capital. Without sufficient funds, technical talents and shipbuilding workers, it is impossible to build a qualified shipyard and survive in the market competition. . &1t;/

But these, most of the people who are excited to pour money into this industry don't know at all, they only know, how to make money from shipbuilding? they do not know. &1t;/

Li Xuan noticed that there was a problem in the domestic economy, the shipbuilding industry, but the problem was exposed more seriously. &1t;/

But this kind of problem does not mean that the market is not enough, raw materials are not enough, but a financial problem. To put it bluntly, it is a hype! &1t;/

Letting go and letting those ignorant people put their money into it and then go bankrupt is no good, it will cause an economic crisis. &1t;/

However, it is impossible to prohibit stock trading, because stock trading is just an ordinary business activity. You must not let people sell their shares. &1t;/

Li Xuan noticed the problem. In order to be cautious, he did not deal with it immediately. Instead, he asked his subordinate agencies to conduct in-depth investigations, and then sent various investigation reports to Li Xuan. &1t;/

In order to deal with this matter, Li Xuan even postponed many military and political meetings and devoted himself to studying the economic crisis. &1t;/

This situation also made many ministers at the bottom confused. They were a little confused. The Son of Heaven left so many important military and political affairs and did not deal with them, but instead paid attention to some trivial things. &1t;/

Yes, in the eyes of many military and political dignitaries, these financial problems are just trivial matters. The prosperity of the shipyard is also a good thing. The taxes are even more, and even if there is a problem, it is only the insatiable businessmen who lose money and go bankrupt. , it's not about the empire! &1t;/

However, this is only their idea, Li Xuan's idea is not the case, this kind of thing is very dangerous, even dangerous enough to affect the Empire Industrial and Commercial Exhibition. &1t;/

Day by day, the domestic shipyards are still prosperous, and the shareholders of many shipyards are all laughing, because more and more people who take advantage of the Royal Bank are waving cashier's checks or cheques from the Royal Bank, crying and shouting. Buy shipyard stock from them. &1t;/

Some smart people saw the found a few people at random, and then after registering a shipyard, they went straight to pull investment and buy shares, and many people want to invest in those large shipyards. I was also very excited. Even when these shipyards didn't even have a dock, and when the construction of the factories just started, they took out real money to buy shares! &1t;/

The stock trading company of Zhili Textile Company has also expanded its business rapidly. Almost every day, shares of new companies are sold here, not only shipyards, but also other industries. &1t;/

At the same time, not only the stock exchange under the Zhili Textile Bank, but several other banks, even the Royal Bank, saw big money-making institutions and established their own stock trading companies to carry out stock trading business. &1t;/

And as long as the stocks that enter these stock trading companies for trading, the prices are rising day by day. &1t;/

When Li Xuan read the detailed investigation report, although he had already expected it, he was still shocked by the current domestic stock trading situation. &1t;/

After reading the report, he had a cold face, and then instructed the secretary: "Call Li Daobing here!"&1t;/

What kind of person is Li Daobing? The head of the investigation and statistics department of the Hanlin Academy, the head of Hantong who is both afraid and hated by all the officials of the Tang Dynasty! &1t;/

After the secretary went out, he read the report in his hand again and muttered: "They are so brave, they dare to destroy the foundation of our empire!"&1t;/

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