Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: Zidao clan who surrendered with a white flag

The Ryukyu Squadron's boarding operation on Tanegashima lasted about a day and a night. During the early boarding operation during the day, they repelled the defense of the Zishima clan, and successfully captured the pier in the follow-up.

After the hundreds of main troops of the Zidao clan chose to take the initiative to retreat, the dozens of natives left in the port could not resist the attack of the troops led by Zhang Linong. They ended the small port in only half an hour. During the battle, there was no large-scale damage to the facilities in the port, and the simple wharf was well preserved.

Although this wharf is small, it can also moor ships and unload various materials.

After the transport ship docked, the first thing to unload was the artillery, followed by various ammunition and other supplies, and finally, the 300 sailors and gunners who were freed up also boarded 6 and joined Zhang Linong's ground operations. in the army.

After dawn the next day, Zhang Linong's 6th Squadron had nearly 900 troops. These 900 people possessed artillery firepower that the 6th Army could hardly imagine. They had a dozen five-jin cannons. There were two nine-pound cannons and a twenty-four-pound howitzer. As for the shotgun, there were more than a dozen.

Because of the large number of artillery pieces, Zhang Linong's troops actually consisted of nearly 200 artillerymen and only 600 to 700 infantrymen.

But relying on these two hundred artillerymen, it is actually impossible to bring these artillery pieces to the battlefield and operate them. In fact, these two hundred artillerymen are the gunners who are directly used to control the artillery. They are not responsible for transporting the artillery and carrying the shells.

However, it is impossible for the Ryukyu Squadron to allocate any transport forces to them, and there are no draught horses, Thomas and other animals in the fleet.

Under normal circumstances, the transport of artillery and ammunition would have become a huge problem, but for the Datang Navy, is this a problem? 's plan.

What if there are no horses and other livestock, just call it on the spot, what if you can't recruit enough horses? Who stipulated that horses and other livestock must be the ones pulling the guns, and the people are also allowed!

So after taking control of the pier, Zhang Linong's troops quickly began to recruit the local young and strong aborigines!

In the process of recruiting young adults, there will inevitably be some problems such as language barriers and the unwillingness of the natives, but these problems are not problems in front of the bayonet!

So when they came out the next morning, Zhang Linong had almost recruited all the young people from this small port and several nearby villages. The old men were all recruited, and even some women who looked more robust were recruited.

When recruiting, there were some minor troubles at first, but the translator in the fleet said that when recruited, they could have two free meals a day, and the voices of opposition from the natives quickly diminished.

In this era, no matter where it is, eating a full stomach is the last word, and food is the most valuable hard currency.

Datang's 6th team gave them food, they wouldn't mind being coolies for these outsiders, and many people were even happy!

This led to the fact that when Zhang Linong's troops came out the next morning, in addition to the 900 navy officers and men, there were more than 500 indigenous people accompanying them. They mainly helped transport artillery, ammunition and other supplies.

After Zhang Linong led his army out, he did not engage in any complicated tactics. Instead, he went directly north along the western coastline of Tanegashima without dividing his troops. After all, they only had 900 soldiers in total, and Tanegashima was originally It's not big, the east-west width of the island is only five or six kilometers, and sending two reconnaissance teams at random is basically the situation in the eastern part of Tanegashima.

Their marching speed was not fast either, mainly due to the slow marching speed of the artillery units. They could not walk one or two kilometers in an hour. The road conditions in this broken place were too poor. There were no major roads at all, only some country lanes.

However, although the overall marching speed of the troops was not fast, the forward speed they sent out was not slow. It only took them half a day to reach the middle of Tanegashima Island, because there is also a small village here, and they are still in this village and the surrounding area. many natives.

The vanguard was only half a team of dozens of people. They did not attack rashly. Instead, they conducted several detailed armed investigations. It turned out that these natives were not armed, but ordinary natives. , but these indigenous people obviously received some news, hiding in simple villages and holding various simple weapons to guard against.

However, after a tentative attack by the vanguard, the natives collapsed without incident.

When Zhang Linong led the main force to the village in the middle of Tanegashima, the fleet sent a communication boat to report that they had successfully intercepted several indigenous boats in the northern part of Tanegashima this morning~www. and informed that the main force of the local indigenous people is now gathered in the northern part of Tanegashima, so that the 6th war troops will go quickly.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Linong decided not to wait for those artillery pieces, and to take the infantry troops north first.

At this time, his troops were only about ten kilometers away from the northern part of Tanegashima. If it was an ordinary speed, it would only take two hours. The march of the army was slower, but three hours was enough.

This means that he can reach the northern part of Tanegashima Island in the evening, and then confront the local indigenous main force. The attack will definitely not attack. Without artillery, he will not fight indiscriminately. Stress, avoid other accidents.

In the evening, he finally led about 500 infantry to the northern part of Tanegashima Island. There is also a small port here, and when he first arrived here, he found the hundreds of main troops of the natives. It is really here.

But after arriving, Zhang Linong did not choose to take the initiative to attack, and those indigenous people did not dare to fight back, so confrontation appeared.

It was not until the next morning that Zhang Linong waited for his artillery unit!

After the artillery arrives, you don't need to prepare much, just shoot it!

When the rumble of cannons sounded, Zhang Linong also led his troops to attack, but he had only attacked for half an hour, and the infantry hadn't rushed forward, and the opposite side was raising a white flag to surrender.

Is this surrender?

Zhang Linong was a little dumbfounded. Didn't he say that the Fusang people are all dead heads, and would rather fight to the death than surrender? Why did you surrender as soon as you started fighting!

And if they surrender, what should I do with these people in the future?

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