Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: The Tang Navy never explained to the barbarians!

Zidao Manjiu stood in the crowd with a look of depression, and there was a deep sense of fear in his depression! &1t;/

As a direct descendant of the Zidao family, although he is not the eldest son, he can inherit the family business in the future, but he is also considered the number one person in the family. He has been living smoothly for the past 20 years. Although he was not as handsome as those daimyo children on big islands such as Kyushu Island, he was a serious ruling class in this small place like Tanegashima. &1t;/

It is impossible to expect a day of big fish and meat every day, but it is still possible to eat a full meal. Based on this, he does not know how many times stronger than those ordinary people. &1t;/

But these two days, he has experienced the most tragic day in his life for more than 20 years! &1t;/

Yesterday, he was still enjoying the performance of a geisha in a tavern, but his entourage suddenly broke in and told him that the head of the family had summoned his children and said that some enemy was attacking. &1t;/

An enemy is coming? &1t;/

Hearing this, he was a little confused at first. Could it be that the Ganfu clan or Shimadzu clan on the peninsula called? Or is it coming? &1t;/

Although the Zidao clan is also said to be a ruling class, the place they rule is only a small Tanegashima Island, and the total area is no more than a hundred square kilometers. Although the area is not small, if it is placed on Kyushu Island, then it can be The Zishima clan is also good enough to be among the big names, but where is Tanegashima? &1t;/

This is an island that is isolated overseas. Although this island is not mountainous like Yakushima, it is mostly plains. If it is carried out, it can support many people, but the agricultural development of this year is different from that of later generations. They The Zidao Clan has been operating seeds for so many years, but now it has only a few thousand people, and there are only dozens of samurai in the family. &1t;/

In the past few decades, I have gradually built my family through maritime trade and accumulated some wealth. In recent years, I have relied on the convenience of overseas trade to come into contact with firearms, and then I started to build my own guns. I didn’t think much about it at first, just I just want to equip the samurai. &1t;/

But in recent years, they have gradually learned from the mouths of pirates and sea merchants in Fusang that even those farmers can master guns and guns proficiently after simple training, and then go to the battlefield. &1t;/

It is precisely because of the guns and guns, and the advanced experience of the Tang Dynasty, that the military power of the Zidao clan has gradually developed. &1t;/

Speaking of which, I am afraid that the Zidao clan is also the first family in the entire Fusang to carry out modern military reforms, and this kind of reform has never happened in the original historical time and space. Because of the rise of the Tang Dynasty in this time and space, After the rise of the Tang Dynasty, the impact on the whole of East Asia, even the whole of Asia and even the whole world was huge. &1t;/

With the rise of the Tang Dynasty, some of their advanced experience will inevitably be learned by the surrounding indigenous people. This is not a special case. The surrounding indigenous people have been learning from China for thousands of years, but it is Chinese culture. coverage area. &1t;/

Although there is no complete textbook-style guidance, but with some rumors, the Zidao clan still began their military reform, they began to recruit farmers for training, and then equipped with guns. &1t;/

In the process of equipping the guns, it turned out that the muskets they made were far inferior to the arquebuses made by the Tang Dynasty that were brought by the merchants. Later, they simply did not need to build them themselves, but switched to purchasing the muskets of the Tang Dynasty. &1t;/

Of course, they didn't stop making guns themselves. They didn't use the guns they made, but they were all sold on Kyushu Island. The Ganfu family and Shimadzu family were all their customers. Woolen cloth. &1t;/

It is precisely because of the army composed of hundreds of farmers that the Zidao clan has been able to survive the more and more serious pirate attacks in the Fusang waters in recent years! &1t;/

Those pirates are not good people. In addition to looting merchant ships, they will also go ashore and loot some port cities when they have the opportunity. &1t;/

However, the pirates are not stupid. They know that although the population of the Zijima clan in Tanegashima is not large, they have an army of several hundred armed with guns, and they also have a small fleet of more than ten ships. &1t;/

Of course, the more important reason is that the Zidao clan does not exclude doing business with these pirates, and can provide them with supplies and channels to sell stolen goods, and even the pirate den on Yakushima Island more than 20 kilometers away. Also open one eye and close one eye. &1t;/

Under this circumstance, Tanegashima was not attacked on a large scale in the intensifying pirate attack in recent years, but instead took advantage of the opportunity to grow. The advantage is that he gained a high-level position in the family's army by virtue of his identity as a direct descendant of the family, and he was also called a general before and after. &1t;/

When I heard that someone was attacking yesterday, our General Kojima Miku's first reaction was that either pirates came, or Ganfu or Shimadzu were jealous of their home trade and gun manufacturing business. . &1t;/

But when he hurriedly summoned the Shigaru formed by his hundreds of farmers, he knew that the caller was not a pirate at all, nor was it any other famous name on Kyushu Island, but The famous Master of the Tang Dynasty, just hearing the name is enough to make them despair! &1t;/

No matter what era the Central Huaxia Dynasty was, as long as it was completely unified and kept normal, it would be a behemoth for the surrounding indigenous countries. &1t;/

In addition, in recent years, the Datang Dynasty has vigorously developed maritime trade, and many merchant ships from Datang have frequently traveled to and from Fusang. Even the battleships of the Datang Navy occasionally appeared in the western waters of Fusang, which made Zidao Manjiu realize it even more. The Tang Dynasty is huge! &1t;/

Not to mention the entire empire, even the Ryukyu Squadron on the Ryukyu Islands and the garrison on the islands, I heard that there are thousands of people, such a military force can sweep almost any big name on Kyushu Island. &1t;/

Why did the Tang Navy come to beat them? Zidao Manjiu didn't know. Anyway, Feng Qirong didn't explain to them that he was here to suppress the bandits. For the indigenous people, Feng Qirong felt that there was no need to explain. &1t;/

The dignified Tang navy is doing business, need to explain to the natives such as Er? &1t;/

So the Datang Navy Ryukyu Squadron called and boarded the 6th. To be honest, the Zidao clan still didn't know why they called. &1t;/

As a result, Zidao Manjiu saw at the port with his own eyes that the fleet that the family was proud of quickly collapsed, and then returned to the port. Then, he led his army and several other armies to intercept the Datang 6 team. As a result, he was attacked by other people's artillery and could not fight back. Even the head of the family and the eldest son of the family who led the army were killed by the artillery of the Tang Dynasty's 6th Army. In the end, in desperation, his island was full He took up the command task for a long time, and then led the army to retreat. &1t;/

After retreating to the northern part of the island, he felt that resistance was unfeasible, so he prepared to cross the sea and escape to the Osumi Peninsula. Although it was said that after escaping to the Osumi Peninsula, his family would lose their territory, and he and his subordinates would become wandering samurai, but he There is still a glimmer of hope in the bottom of my heart. With these hundreds of guns and guns, he is completely based on the Osumi Peninsula or somewhere else. He has no territory. &1t;/

At that time, Zidao Manjiu, as the last direct descendant of the Zidao clan, will inherit the family business logically, become the family governor, and finally lead the family to fight in Kyushu. &1t;/

In this way, it is even better than before. &1t;/

But there is no room for this perfect plan to be implemented, because they had just found enough ships and were about to cross the sea to escape, but they were intercepted by the battleships of the Datang Navy. In the end, they had no choice but to give up crossing the sea. The idea of ​​escape. &1t;/

Later, they ushered in a more desperate moment. Zhang Linong's 6th troop arrived and carried out a violent artillery bombardment! &1t;/

Zidao Manjiu was a knowledgeable person. Just by looking at the bombardment, he knew that his 500-odd troops were definitely not able to resist it. That was a dozen artillery pieces. The power of the shelling was beyond their ability to withstand. &1t;/

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he could not die under the cannonball of the Great Tang Wang Shi like his father and eldest brother. He wanted to live, and he wanted to leave a bloodline for the Zidao family. &1t;/

Therefore, he resolutely chose to surrender! &1t;/

He thought about it. After surrendering, he planned to have a good talk with the people of the Tang Dynasty. For their important territory, the big deal is to give them half of Tanegashima Island, or even give them all. It is okay to discuss indemnity or ransom, as long as they can keep it. He couldn't care less about his life. &1t;/

However, after surrendering, he found something even more tragic. He wanted to talk about it, but no one talked to him at all. Those Datang people didn't even care who he was, even if he clearly shouted, "I He is the only heir of the Zidao clan. I want to negotiate a truce with you, but still no one has beaten him. &1t;/

Well, actually there was an interpreter in Deng 6 Unit. The interpreter heard Zidao Manjiu’s words clearly and reported it, but after reaching Zhang Linong’s side, Zhang Linong reprimanded him with a stern face: I, the Second Lieutenant of the Tang Dynasty, must always maintain my dignity as an official of the Tang Dynasty, but the barbarians only scream twice, are you serious? Don't take these natives seriously."&1t;/

" These barbarians are all pirates. When have you seen me, the Tang Navy negotiating with pirates?"&1t;/

After listening to the young lieutenant's translator, his face turned pale, and then he hurriedly pleaded guilty! &1t;/

A young lieutenant who was an interpreter was also very depressed after being reprimanded like this. He turned around and slapped Zidao Manjiu twice. &1t;/

Zhang Linong's thoughts are not just personal thoughts, but actually the thoughts of the entire Datang Navy, and even the officials of the empire. &1t;/

If you want to negotiate with the empire, you don’t need to look at your strength. Today, there are very few countries and forces that can let the empire treat and negotiate seriously. If you have a full plan, you have negotiated with the empire and signed various agreements. There are actually very few countries or powers that have a similar agreement: one Tatar, one Portuguese, one Spaniard, Oara and Tubo, a total of five, no more, no less, just one slap! &1t;/

And these countries or forces all have one thing in common, that is, they are all in contact with the Master of the Tang Dynasty, but the Master of the Tang Dynasty will not be able to get them down for a while! &1t;/

As for the other natives of Goryeo, Fusang, Annan, Luzon, Burma and other places, the Empire has never even looked at them in the eye! &1t;/

The whole Fusang is like this, let alone a mere Zidao clan, want to negotiate? disappear as far as you can! &1t;/

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