
Biqigu rarely went to the cafeteria to eat.

Last week’s salary.

Mr. Nakano had already called Hikidani’s account in the morning.


Fujimi is a reward for the big prize over there.

It is also imported together.


Biqigu is naturally also successfully lifted out of poverty.

Since there is money.

Then there is no need to wronged yourself again!


If it’s just a slice of fried bread.

It’s not enough for a teenager of this age!

Stop worrying about money.

Naturally, there is no reason to continue to be patient.


No matter how delicious the fried bread at school is.

Eating every day will change your mind, right?

Hikigu, who has eaten fried bread for nearly 10 days.

Naturally, there is no reason to continue.

Although there are many people in the cafeteria.

But it’s also because there are so many people.

The other guys were too late to eat.

But I don’t have the energy to focus on outsiders.

Thank you.

Biqigu did not receive much attention.

It’s just that…

“I really can’t expect anything from the cafeteria.”

Coming out of the cafeteria.

Biqigu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

The taste can only be said to be average.

However, it is better to be clean and hygienic and to fill the stomach.


Biqigu really can’t find any advantages.

However, the purpose of eating is to avoid starvation.

Moreover, the main focus of the canteen is only high quality and low price.

Spend this little money to eat delicacies.

Isn’t that a dream?

So there is no dissatisfaction.

It’s just that…

“It seems that I can only go on my own.”

Hikiya didn’t have any friends at school.

Only friend, Kato.

It is not of much use in this matter.


Even if you don’t want to.

Hiqigu had no choice but to come to the conclusion that ‘this matter can only be done by himself’.

“Just imagining it will tell how painful it will be.”

If you can.

Biqigu is unwilling to do such a thing in his heart.

And then.

It was as if heaven had heard his prayer.

Coming out of the cafeteria.

After walking a short way.

The location of the corner of the teaching building.

A young girl approached him.

The girl with a lost face after seeing Hikigu.

Instantly his eyes lit up.

Cheerfully ran to him.

“Hikigu-san didn’t go to the commissary to buy bread today.”

“Did something happen!?”

Hearing Futaba Rio’s words.

Looking at the lunch box that the girl held in her hand.

Hiqigu couldn’t help but sigh.

Seriously said: “Futaba-san.” ”

“No matter how delicious the bread is, you can’t eat it all the time.”

“Besides, didn’t you say that before?”

“You can’t eat enough bread alone.”

“So from tomorrow, I will go to the cafeteria to eat.”

“You don’t have to bring me food.”

Although I didn’t understand that Futaba Rio would do such a thing.

But Biqigu has a hunch.

Keep going like this.

It will only make things more and more troublesome.


Instead of waiting until the back is uncomfortable.

It is better to quickly and neatly clear the relationship with the other party at the moment.

Futaba Rio lowered his head.

Long hair covered the girl’s cheeks.

So much so that no one could see her expression.

A little silence.

The girl said softly, “Did my approach bother Hikigu-san?” ”

Hikiya was silent for a moment and looked away from the girl: “Putting aside the relationship between Toyonozaki alumni, the connection between you and me is just bread at noon that day, right?” ”

“Regarding the kindness of bread, you have also repaid it last week.”

“So, I don’t think you have a reason to keep doing this.”

“But I don’t think it’s enough!”

Futaba Rio raised his head.

There were tears in his eyes.

The expression was extremely firm.

Biqigu sighed: “Whether it is from the value or the heart. ”

“It’s all your bread that’s more precious, isn’t it?”


Futaba Rieo bit his lip.

Looking directly at Biqigu, he shook his head stubbornly.

It’s just that such a glance did not exceed 10 seconds.

The girl retreated.

“Sure enough”

“Guys like me are annoying, aren’t they?”

“Obviously ugly, and the figure is also very strange…”

Think back to what happened to middle school.

The teenage girl fell into self-denial.

Tears fell from her eyes.


“Can you ask Hikigu-san to leave me alone?”

Futaba Rio trembled his figure.

It was as if he had used all his strength to look up at Hikigu.

With distressing grievances on his face, and sadness that could not be expressed in words, “This kind of thing…”

“It’s good to let me be sad alone for a while.”

“This way…”

Hikiya nodded.

Turn around.

After all, the other party himself said such a thing.

It’s hard to think about it anyway if you continue to entangle, right?


Wasn’t that what you expected from the start? Biqigu.

So… There is no need to care.

Just leave here.


Hikida, who turned around, suddenly spoke: “Although there is no position to say such a thing.”

“No matter how much Futaba-san hates himself, there is no need to deny himself like this, right?”

“Besides… If other women heard Futaba-san’s words, they would probably go crazy with jealousy, right? ”

“Futaba-san has nothing to do with the word ‘ugly’ from any point of view.”

“Not to mention the figure… Even those professional cover models can’t help but envy, right? ”

Although regardless of it will develop as expected.

But in the state of this guy, it is possible to do anything!

For your own sake, let others do things that cannot be undone in the future.

If you know in hindsight, you will regret it, right?


There is no other reason.

It’s just about making yourself feel at ease!

Biqigu affirmed his actions in his heart.

And on the other side.

Hearing these words of Hiqigu.

Futaba Rio raised his head slightly.

Teary eyes looked at Hiqigu.

Like an abandoned puppy, his forehead trembled and said, “Really. of!? ”

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